Ep #68 Building a Successful Business as a Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur with Heather Dominick

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Do you consider yourself highly sensitive?

Had you asked me that question a few weeks ago, I would have said, “No, I’m definitely not.”

But I’ve realized that my brain was making “highly sensitive” mean “OVERLY sensitive.”

Today’s guest on She Grows, Heather Dominick,  is here to explain that being “highly sensitive” has nothing to do with being “overly sensitive.”

If you are very intuitive or empathetic or a deep thinker, listener, or feeler…

Then…chances are you’re highly sensitive too.

In this week’s episode, Heather tells us what it means to be highly sensitive (it’s likely not what you think), and how it can affect your nervous system.

Heather explains why normal sales conversations don’t work for highly sensitive entrepreneurs and offers a approach that can feel much more natural and create a real deep, intimate one-on-one connection.

Finally, Heather shares how you can turn your sensitivity into business success as a highly sensitive entrepreneur.


Heather Dominick is a woman who is impressively successful, and highly sensitive. A former high school drama teacher who collaborated with none other than Bette Midler. A graduate of NYU where she received her first coach training. Heather is the winner of the 2015 Best of Manhattan Coaching Award and creator of the 2014 Stevie Award winning virtual event A Course In Business Miracles : 21-Day Discovery Series that attracted close to 6,000 official registrants from all around the world including: Iceland, Nigeria, Russia, Asia, South America, Australia, Europe and the U.S.

She has appeared on Lifetime Television and has been published in numerous books including Stepping Stones to Success alongside Deepak Chopra.

An exceptional facilitator and teacher Heather is known for creating a safe, sacred environment for true transformation whether delivering training online or in-person. Since 2010, Heather has taught thousands of Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs and Leaders from around the globe how to release life-long limiting beliefs , overcome fears and develop new leadership skills in order to excel in business and life by doing things differently.


In today’s episode we explore:

  • What it means to be a highly sensitive entrepreneur,
  • Why normal sales conversations don’t work for highly sensitive entrepreneurs and what to do instead, and lastly,
  • How to break through in your business success when you are highly sensitive.



  • Visit Heather’s website HERE.
  • Get LIVE weekly activations HERE.
  • Take the FREE highly sensitive quiz HERE.
  • Download your FREE Checklist to Being Seen HERE – And remove the 5 visibility blocks preventing your ideal clients from finding you.
  • Join our community at the Soul Guide Circle HERE of over 1,100 soul-guided leaders, lightworkers, and entrepreneurs.

This Week’s Challenge: Consider the possibility that there’s a different way.

Allyson: Hello, my dear ones. This is Allyson Scammell and today’s episode will surprise you in a really, really fantastic way. We’re talking about how to build a successful business as a highly sensitive entrepreneur. Now stay with me here because you may be thinking, I’m not sure if this is for me. I’m not really sure I’m highly sensitive, but before you go anywhere, I want to tell you that after my chat with today’s guest Heather Dominick, I now realize that I am highly sensitive, which was an awareness I didn’t have before, because here’s the deal.

[00:00:42] We’re not talking about overly sensitive. That is not what we’re exploring today. And I think when we hear highly sensitive, that’s where our mind naturally goes, Oh, we’re touchy. We’re overly sensitive. But Heather is going to introduce to us something completely different. And I have a feeling if you’re called to be tuning in that you may be with me.

[00:01:07] In today’s episode, Heather and I explore what it means to be a highly sensitive entrepreneur, why normal sales conversations don’t work for highly sensitive entrepreneurs and what to do instead. And lastly, how to break through in your business success when you are highly sensitive. We’ll end up a challenge that will help you to, to decipher whether or not you’re highly sensitive and how to use that to your advantage in your business to bring in massive success.

[00:01:45] So please, dear friend, stay with us until the end. Welcome to She Grows, a podcast for soul guided women entrepreneurs, ready to be seen and get fully booked using their unique genius, intuitive voice, and spirit guides. Each week we’ll explore how to create offerings based on what you do best so you can have a wait list of ideal clients and bring in continuous income.

[00:02:13] I’m your host. Allyson Scammell. Let’s get growing.

[00:02:27] Well, hey there, she grows nation. That is the name of this sisterhood of soul guided entrepreneurs. If you’re not already a citizen, if she grows nation, then I invite you to join our Facebook group of over 1000 women running heart-based businesses that are in service to each other. And the planet today, I speak to Heather Dominick about how to build a successful business.

[00:02:52] As a highly sensitive entrepreneur, Heather Dominick is a woman who is impressively successful and highly sensitive. As an exceptional facilitator and teacher, Heather is known for creating a safe, sacred environment for true transformation, whether delivering trainings online or in-person. Since 2010, Heather has taught thousands of highly sensitive entrepreneurs and leaders from around the globe

[00:03:17] How to release lifelong limiting beliefs, overcome fears, and develop new leadership skills in order to excel in business and life, by doing things differently. I had quite a shift listening to Heather and a self-awareness. That was pretty profound actually. So may you receive as much from Heather’s wisdom as I did.

[00:03:45] Welcome Heather. I absolutely love this topic. I don’t know anybody else who’s talking about it and I’m so glad you are talking about what it means to be a high, highly sensitive entrepreneur. I have a lot of highly sensitive folks in my audience, so I’m so glad you’re here. Thank you for making

[00:04:00] Guest: the time.

[00:04:01] Thank you so much, Allyson. I am really looking forward to this conversation.

[00:04:06] Allyson: So can you start with telling us what you mean when you talk about being a highly sensitive entrepreneur?

[00:04:13] Guest:  Absolutely. So the very, very simple definition is being a highly sensitive entrepreneur is a person who is highly sensitive, who has chosen to be self-employed. However, the longer and usually much needed definition

[00:04:33] Is first of all, what does it actually mean to be highly sensitive? So highly sensitive is a term not coined by me. It is actually based in psychological and biological research brought to the mainstream, particularly by researcher, Dr. Elaine Erin, and the work that she was doing in the 1990s. And basically what’s been determined through her and additional research is that there are 20% of us who are born into the world, highly sensitive.

[00:05:10] And what that means is that your nervous system is wired differently than someone who’s not highly sensitive and wired in such a way that you take in stimulation at a much higher degree than someone who’s not highly sensitive. And that stimulation could be any of the senses, sight, smell, sound, touch, and also information.

[00:05:36] And also energy. So when you do not know how to work with your nervous system, as a person who’s highly sensitive, that can really work against you. When you do know how to work with your nervous system, it really positions you to really Excel. Well, especially in service based businesses and careers. And so that’s where my work comes in to support those of us who are highly sensitive, who feel called to be able to use the gift of our high sensitivity in service as a person who’s self-employed, that’s a highly sensitive entrepreneur.

[00:06:19] Allyson: Nice. I love this, and this is really fascinating stuff. I have a lot of clients in the service based industry and they talk about sometimes meeting with their own clients and really taking on their pains. And so I have to work with them to make sure that they protect themselves so that they don’t go beyond just being an empathetic or an understanding guide or coach or healer to them, but to actually protect themselves to not necessarily take on their pains.

[00:06:48] Is this, would you consider this part of this high sensitivity?

[00:06:55] Guest: I would say yes, and. So absolutely. In regards to what you’re describing. That when again, a highly sensitive person is untrained with how to work with their nervous system, they will default to taking on the energy, taking on the pain of those that they work with.

[00:07:18] The, and part of my answer is that with the work that I do in the highly sensitive leadership training programs is we actually go one step beyond protecting yourself and we learn instead how to be able to, as I mentioned earlier, use the nervous system so that it’s in service to the client while also being in service to yourself.

[00:07:48] Allyson: Nice. Nice. I love that. That is really important work you’re doing. So tell us Heather, then why don’t normal sales conversations, for example, work for highly sensitive

[00:08:00] Guest: entrepreneurs? Absolutely. So just as we’re talking about in regards to. When the nervous system’s untrained to take on the pain or to take on the energy, a person that you’re speaking with for a person who’s highly sensitive taking that traditional sales approach of, you know, really driving home like a deadline or working from a space of scarcity or fear tends to be overstimulating in regards to that kind of fear based approach.

[00:08:39] Just being way too much for the nervous system to handle. So one of the many, you know, systems, trainings, teachings, tools that I’ve developed is how to have a selling conversation as a person who’s highly sensitive. And first of all, this came from my own experience. And then I’ve just mentored thousands of highly sensitive entrepreneurs around the globe to be able to take this same approach.

[00:09:07] And the feedback that I get all the time is that when a highly sensitive entrepreneur takes this different approach to sales, it actually feels like a spiritual experience. And that’s not only the feedback that I get from those that I’m mentoring, but it’s the feedback. That the highly sensitive entrepreneurs get from their prospects as well.

[00:09:33] So it’s a real kind of one 80 shift on on the traditional approach to sales.

[00:09:41] Allyson: That is so cool. So can you tell us what this approach looks like? Can you walk us through it at large? Give us a flavor of it.

[00:09:47] Guest:  Absolutely. So one of the ways that we really Excel as highly sensitive entrepreneurs is we have what I refer to as like our top 12 strengths.

[00:10:02] And out of those top 12 strengths is definitely strength, such as intuition strengths such as empathy, strengths, such as being spiritual by nature and also strengths of being deep listeners, deep feelers, and deep thinkers. So with this one 80 approach to sales, we call upon. All of those strengths and rather than really taking the, I have to convince you sales approach.

[00:10:35] We take more of a curiosity sales approach, including slowing the process way down that shifts it from just a one-time conversation to a two-part conversation and really allows for the highly sensitive to be in again, that strength space, where they are just natural and it’s very easy for them to create a real deep, intimate one-on-one connection.

[00:11:07] And I mean, you know, the results are just like, Beyond D I just kind of like stopped counting. Like it’s just for so many, you know, highly sensitive entrepreneurs where sales just felt like, you know, like just this torture chamber and, you know, I’ve just always seeing, you know, on the forum and our training programs, new, new client, new client, new client, new client, and what’s so rewarding about this.

[00:11:34] Definitely for myself as a mentor, but also for the highly sensitive entrepreneurs, of course, being able to have income as a result of these sales, but really more than anything is that the highly sensitive entrepreneur that actually has the opportunity to like use their gifts, right. To really receive that experience of why they felt called to be in business in the first place, which is to be of service to the clients, the sacred contracts that they’re meant to serve.

[00:12:07] And that’s just, you know, just too cool for words. Yeah, it

[00:12:12] Allyson: is. And so when you say two part conversation, do you mean. There, the conversation has two parts. Are they actually talked to there’s two different phone calls?

[00:12:20] Guest:  Two different phone calls or in-person meetings, depending on how the person, you know, the, how that HSE, the highly sensitive entrepreneur works.

[00:12:29] Got

[00:12:29] Allyson: it. That’s so interesting. Cause I just heard a business coach person say. You know, you, you always want to call, you know, you want to have your discovery calls and you want to have as few as possible and you want to get to yes. As fast as possible. I just heard that and I do think that’s the conventional wisdom hop on the phone, get that prospect to yes, as quick as possible with as few conversations.

[00:12:52] So this is turning that paradigm on its head a little bit.

[00:12:55] Guest:  Completely. Yeah. And again, this is a process that I personally have been using for close to 20 years now, which is the amount of time that I’ve been self-employed and too many to count. But the, the evidence is in, it works for those of us who are highly sensitive.

[00:13:14] Allyson: Nice. And so I have a feeling that there’s some people listening now. My intuition is telling me that there’s some people listening who are saying, well, I don’t think I’m sensitive, or I’m not sure I can sometimes bring a sledgehammer to certain approaches. So maybe that makes it nice. You know, like I like meaning like you know, I, I don’t know if I’m sensitive or not.

[00:13:37] And you had mentioned before we started recording, recording that you have a quiz to let folks know, can you, we’re going to leave the link to that quiz if that’s all right. And maybe you can give us a little, a taster of how we can identify a

[00:13:51] Guest: know whether we yeah. Yeah, for sure. Well, first of all, I think what I hear you speaking to is kind of the misnomer or myth around what it means to be highly sensitive.

[00:14:04] Allyson: So. I was speaking to that with intention and I’m glad I didn’t do a good job with it. So I’m glad you picked up on it.

[00:14:11] Guest: For sure. So I always like to differentiate that, you know, being highly sensitive doesn’t mean being overly sensitive. Right. Right. So being highly sensitive, as I mentioned earlier, you know, based in scientific research is literally how your nervous system is coded.

[00:14:31] So, and again, 20% of us are born into the world, highly sensitive. So one of the things that I always like to say is it’s not something your parents did to you, and it’s not something you picked up on the playground. Not because of that weird drink that you had in college. It’s literally how you were brought into this world.

[00:14:50] And so that’s helpful to remember. So that doesn’t mean that, you know, you might not have the capability to using your words, like bring a sledgehammer to certain tasks or situations. The way our nervous system is coded as a person who’s highly sensitive shows up differently for each and every one of us.

[00:15:13] However, what it does come back to is trained versus untrained. And when we’re untrained, then we tend to be experiencing our nervous system from what I refer to as more of that. Top 12 shadows. So let’s speak to those for a little bit because you’ll definitely see those when you take the quiz. So the top top of the top 12 is overwhelmed.

[00:15:39] Now one, everyone in the world right now is overwhelmed. Whether they’re highly sensitive or not. So this isn’t overwhelm as an Oh my gosh. There’s just so much to do on my list for the day and not enough hours in the days. To do it. It’s literally a physiological and biological reaction to the stimulation.

[00:16:04] So they overwhelm will show depending on areas where you tend to. Experience overstimulation more than others. And again, that differentiates, differentiates for each person who’s highly sensitive, but your system will literally start to shut down. It’ll go into a sense of fogginess. You’ll go into a sense of disconnect or dissociation.

[00:16:31] And again, that overwhelm might come as a result of too much sight stimulation, too much smell stimulation, or it might come in in the face of too much information stimulation. We also have shadows such as overprotection. Out of the fear of our system, getting overwhelmed that we tend to overprotect ourselves.

[00:16:54] There’s also the shadow over responsibility, meaning just because we can feel and experience somebody else’s emotions or energies, we default to the belief that we’re responsible for that. So that’s, again, some of what you’ll find in the quiz. And so much of what I teach and the training programs is how to be able to begin to identify those shadows.

[00:17:19] And most importantly, to begin to learn and understand that you are not beholden to those shadows, but that you can actually train your nervous system to respond differently. So you have more agency to access your strengths as a highly sensitive versus feeling like you must succumb to those shadows. I hope that’s helpful.

[00:17:45] Yeah. That’s

[00:17:46] Allyson: super helpful. That’s super helpful. So, you have mentioned that highly sensitive entrepreneurs need to become friends with time. Can you tell us why that is?

[00:17:58] Guest: This is another great, like 180 example in the same way that we were talking about turning the head on the selling conversation.

[00:18:07] So typically a lot of the time management approaches that are standard and work for what I like to refer to as the other 80%, which is those who are not highly sensitive don’t necessarily work so well for those of us who  are highly sensitive, which if you take a step back and you look at the broader picture, it makes sense.

[00:18:30] Because again, we process information differently because our nervous system processes, information and stimulation differently. So we learn how to, again, work with the nervous system and then that equates to learning a different approach to productivity and as part of that, time. So it really becomes about learning your personal circadian rhythm.

[00:19:05] Busting through limiting beliefs that have been drilled into most of us about what’s needed in order to be productive, which equals what’s needed in order to be successful and being willing to develop new approaches to your schedule in a day, your schedule in a week, your schedule within a month. And.

[00:19:31] As a result of those new approaches, then you set yourself up so that you’re not going into those shadows. You’re not going into that overwhelm and what tends to happen for most of the members in the business miracles, community and the training programs that I run is. Oh, I see. I actually work better if I say work only morning or for some people, it looks, you know, different scattered time throughout the day, or understanding what your nervous system needs in terms of sleep or light or arrangement of your office or who knows.

[00:20:10]Again, it looks different for each and every person who’s had a sensitive, but the approach to learning what you need in order to be most productive, really works across the board. And so that, that truly then changes the way that you relate with time. I know again, definitely have experienced this for myself and, and have seen it for, for so many others as well.

[00:20:36] Allyson: Can you give us an example from your life where you made a shift, you took on this new approach and it. It totally changed our maybe not totally changed, but really shifted the way you experienced

[00:20:48] Guest: time. Yes, absolutely. So first of all, our conversation right now is a great example because I made an exception to talk to you where it typically, I don’t have any type of calls before 12 noon, my time.

[00:21:06] And. What that really allows me to do is I need, first of all, kind of some space to really like enter into the world from having like a night’s sleep. And when I’m able to give that to myself, as well as to be able to use my mornings for more of like creative focused. So whether that’s, you know, working on writing or designing the trainings and teachings that I’m delivering in the training program, then I am more available to be able to access the certain strengths and skills that I need to be able to.

[00:21:50] Engage one-on-one or teach a larger class or anything that has to do with, you know, human interaction. So that’s just one example. And again, I’ll make rare exceptions like you and I having this conversation right now, but it’s very, very yeah, very, very infrequent and. Then I’m just able to, again, like get so much done, I’m able to be so much happier and the positive impact on my income, you know, just, just continues to, to, to remain at that, you know, being able to be Seven figure steward of a very purposeful driven mission, you know, year after year after year, without feeling drained, without feeling burnt out, out, you know, feeling like I’m running against the clock or, or any of that.

[00:22:43]Now that is a very, very different approach than what I took to my business before understanding I was highly sensitive and definitely a different approach when I was in my previous career as a high school teacher. And yeah, hands down. I was exhausted pretty much 24 seven. Yeah. Yeah. That’s

[00:23:03] Allyson: such a good example. And may I say how much I appreciate you making this exception for she grows podcast. Heather and I are a six hours apart, so it’s a morning, your time afternoon, my time. And I really want to send gratitude your way because I have similar things. Like I am such a morning person like, Hey, you want to record a podcast at 5:00 AM.

[00:23:28] I’m your gal. You know, like if you’re in Australia and we have to, like, I have to get up at 5:00 AM, but if you want me to do something at eight or nine or 10:00 PM, I’m just like a vegetable. So it’s really hard for me to do evening stuff to accommodate folks in the States. So I’m always super grateful for people who are able to.

[00:23:47] Make adjustments. And I’m really, really, really happy to hear that you do this very infrequently and that I’m the person you did it for.

[00:23:53] Guest: So yeah, more special. Right. Yay. But it really becomes about discernment. Right. And so I think what’s really valuable to highlight here and especially with what you were just sharing about your schedule is.

[00:24:06] Again, this goes against standard, you know, business growth wisdom, right? Yeah. The standard business grows wisdom is you do whatever you need to do at any cost in order to be able to drive the business forward. And. You know, that really works for a lot of people. Again, the other 80% too, are not highly sensitive and it can really be like a, you know, an adrenaline charge.

[00:24:34] It can, you know, really be a motivator. It can feel very exciting and that’s fabulous. And for those of us who are highly sensitive, that rule doesn’t apply to do whatever it takes at whatever costs to be able to drive the business forward, actually ends up backfiring and working against us. And one again, I experienced it myself, put me in it.

[00:24:58] Very very dark night of the soul space. And I’ve just seen it with so many who again, you know, come to the highly sensitive leadership training programs, feeling so frustrated, so distraught that they’re doing everything they’re told and why isn’t this working, or, you know, they’re able to get it to work to a certain degree, but it’s sub coming at such a high personal cost and it just doesn’t need to be that way.

[00:25:24] So again, it’s great that those standard rules work. To some degree for a majority of the population. And if we’re willing to take a different approach, because we are different in the way that our nervous system is wired, you can still have what you want and do it in a way that really works for you. And that’s, what’s really important.

[00:25:47] Yeah,

[00:25:48] Allyson: and I have to share Heather I’m a little bit blown away because I don’t, I think I would have never called myself a highly sensitive person. Probably I would have used a wrong socially conditioned definition and I would have made that mean overly sensitive. Right. As you were like, really explained in a great way.

[00:26:07]But I think I’m highly sensitive too, it’s like, Oh my God. Part of the

[00:26:11] Guest: 20%. Yes. Well, you’ll have to take the quiz, the quiz

[00:26:19] Allyson: that a lot of people listening are going to have the same reaction, because it is looking at it through this correct definition. And you start to realize like, yeah, I am sensitive to these things.

[00:26:32] Guest: Yeah. And again, you know what I keep saying, you know, to emphasize that I’ve personally experienced this myself, because it’s just where, you know, everything that I train and teach on comes from, but what’s most important about this is because we are, the 20% is to recognize that the majority of the world is designed for the other 80%.

[00:26:56] So what that tends to create for those of us that are high sensitive, is this kind of secret, like almost like this secret shame that we carry around where it’s like, Oh, there’s something wrong with me because I can’t quite follow this standard approach to, you know, whether it’s sales or business building or gosh, you know, So many things, right?

[00:27:26] Just even in our personal lives are well as well. We immediately, again, when the systems aren’t trained, equate that to do, we equate different to being wrong. And then we also equate different to meaning less than and different too. Not enough. And it just perpetuates this cycle of trying to be someone that you’re not, and it will never, ever happen.

[00:27:55] You can’t train yourself out of being highly sensitive, but you can train yourself to work with you as a person who’s highly sensitive. Utilize different systems utilize different approaches, shift, literally socialized belief patterns, and then suddenly everything changes and it feels so much better.

[00:28:23] And you’re like, Oh my gosh, I could totally be successful. Self-employed but it’s just not going to look like Jane next door, you know, or jacket cross the street. So I think just that’s, you know, important to, to mention as well, because. Again, it tends to be like this secret shame that we carry around and it’s just, there’s really no truth to it.

[00:28:44]It’s just changing, changing the meaning that you’ve given to your experience.

[00:28:50] Allyson: Oh, I love that answer. This is such good stuff. So I’m really excited to ask you this next question. How can we turn our sensitivity into business success?

[00:29:01] Guest: Oh my gosh, where do we start? There is so much, so I think probably first what’s really valuable to speak to is, you know, when I discovered that I was highly sensitive, as I briefly mentioned, it came out of really being faced with a dark dark night of the soul.

[00:29:20] I had been self-employed for about seven or eight years at the time. And I had brought my business across the million dollar Mark for the first time. And, you know, I wanted it to be this experience where like the heavens opened up and balloons and confetti came down and you know, was just dancing in the streets and rejoicing.

[00:29:41] And it was none of that. It was literally the exact opposite. I was completely overwhelmed. I was absolutely over exhausted. I was overworked. I was tapped out, burnt out and really questioning, like, if I’m going to be. Successful as a person who is self-employed and this is what it takes. And I don’t know that this is for me and if I don’t do this and what do I do, because I didn’t want to go back to the traditional classroom as a teacher and through that dark night of the soul, I discovered that I was highly sensitive.

[00:30:12] And again, as I began to incorporate that. Understanding into how I approached everything in business, everything started to change. So when I first started making the transition in my work to coaching others who are highly sensitive, I was coaching other coaches. Other healing practitioners and other creatives, but what’s happened since and the decade long that I continue to dedicate myself to you know, practical, real time, real life research and application and the trainings and the teachings that I deliver is.

[00:30:53] The expansion of the types of service businesses that we serve in the leadership training programs is exponential. So as a person who’s highly sensitive. Yes. Service-based tends to be the tend to be the businesses that we’re attracted to because. That’s part of how our nervous system is coated in Dr.

[00:31:18] Lee Aaron’s work. She refers to us the highly sensitive as the Royal advisers of society, that we are the natural coaches. We are the natural teachers. We are the natural therapists. We are the natural even lawyers because one of our strengths is that we have a deep belief in justice. But what I’ve found is that we are also real estate brokers and insurance brokers and actors and singers.

[00:31:49] And we also work with in corporations and we bring our strengths. To all types of aspects of society in a way that is very, very much needed. But when it comes to that question of how do we create success? First of all, the reason why I share all of that is to say it doesn’t need to look one way and it’s not supposed to look one way, which is why the leadership training programs that I offer are not cookie cutter and.

[00:32:25] That, what it does require this theme or this read that you know, is across the board amongst all of the various, highly sensitive entrepreneurs and leaders that I mentor is this willingness to take a different approach, to see things differently. And that’s why I also. Refer to that. Our leadership training programs take place within the business miracles community.

[00:32:55] So just a real quick note on that, which is that I personally am a student of a course in miracles. Since the age of 14 when I lost my mother said in lane and according to a course, the course I definition of a miracle is a shift in perception. That’s what it takes for a highly sensitive. To create business success is a shift in perception.

[00:33:22] And if you’re listening and anything that I’m sharing is speaking to you and you haven’t written anything down yet, I would write that phrase down shift in perception because it requires you, the success requires you. First of all, to look at yourself differently. That there’s nothing wrong with you.

[00:33:41] Second, to look at business differently, you’re meant to take the non-traditional approach and third, to look at what it means to be in business differently, meaning that you can be of service and also be greatly compensated for the service that you provide. If you’re willing to embark on that journey of shifting perception.

[00:34:09] Business miracles doors will open up to you that you just never thought would be possible for you to experience. Mm.

[00:34:19] Allyson: That is amazing. Royal advisers. I love that.

[00:34:23] Guest: That’s

[00:34:24] Allyson: beautiful. Are you knowledgeable at all or Familiar

[00:34:28] Guest: with human design? Yes. Oh my gosh. Yes.

[00:34:31] Allyson: So I’m a projector, I’m a splenic projector and it’s part of my human design that I’m empathic, but also sensitive.

[00:34:39] Do you feel like have you seen any themes in your work with regards to highly sensitive people in human design or.

[00:34:47] Guest: You know, I’ve definitely I’ve, I’ve delved into human design for myself. It’s not something that I brought into the highly sensitive leadership training programs. I think it would probably be super interesting to do that.

[00:35:01]I will say that, you know, probably if you name like any type of, you know, energy work, personality assessment you know, spiritual training. I probably have done it

[00:35:19] cause like, especially, you know, in the years before understanding that I was highly sensitive, I was constantly seeking for the answer. Right. Like, please like help me to understand like why I tend to be who I am. Yeah. Again, I haven’t, I haven’t gone deep enough. In regards to human design and connection to other highly sensitive only myself.

[00:35:43] But I would not be surprised of course, if there is absolutely overlap for sure. Yeah.

[00:35:49] Allyson: And I just, I just keep thinking, as you’ve talked throughout this whole time, I’ve just kept thinking about human design. I’m not an expert

[00:35:55] Guest: myself, but I, I

[00:35:58] Allyson: value it in my life and with my clients. So I don’t know why I’m just Feeling this connection between the two how it’s, it’s everything you’re saying, you know, getting us in alignment to how we’re truly meant to show up like, and I think human design is doing that.

[00:36:12] A lot of things are doing that. And I think what you’re talking about is, is helping us to do that as well. So Heather, I would love for you to leave our listeners with a challenge.

[00:36:27] Guest: Ooh. Interesting. Okay. Any, any parameters in regards to the challenge?

[00:36:33] Allyson: Oh, whatever you feel like. And, and cha challenge can be sort of a masculine kind of word, but I, you know, are the challenges can be sorta divinely feminine. They can be a state of doing a state of being like, it’s

[00:36:45] Guest: all up to you. Oh, absolutely.

[00:36:48] For sure. Yeah. There’s a, there’s such value in challenge as part of evolution. So what I would say, the challenge that I would leave us all with is first and foremost, if, as you’ve been listening to Alison and I chat and you’re having any inkling of resonating with what you’re hearing, either for yourself, or maybe somebody that, you know, the challenge would be.

[00:37:15] To be willing to consider the possibility that there’s a difference, that’s it, to consider the possibility that there’s a different way and it can sound so simple, but yet it’s actually truly profound, right? Because what we face so often as a part of the major struggle of being highly sensitive is that we don’t want.

[00:37:42] To be found out, quote, unquote, or seen as being different, but there’s such freedom that comes when you embrace that you are. And again, that it doesn’t need to mean wrong, but just different is only different.

[00:38:00] Allyson: Nice. I love that challenge. And this is the shift in perception that you’re talking about. Yes.

[00:38:08] Guest: That is exactly it. Absolutely.

[00:38:12] Allyson: And I totally agree that it is simple and profound and even just offering my own experience, just being with you for the last 45 minutes that I’m like, I’ve just shifted my perception to what highly sensitive means. And I just shifted my perception to that is me. And it is prof.

[00:38:29] It is both simple and profound. So I have, I’ve already taken the challenge, whether I’m doing it

[00:38:37] Guest: well, and I love that. And especially in connection to the word challenge, because it’s highly sensitive. We’re so used to everything feeling so hard that sometimes that’s like the biggest limiting belief hurdle that those that I mentioned need to get over, which is that when you start to take a different way, It isn’t hard, right?

[00:38:57] It is simple, but yet also profound and, you know, hard doesn’t equal, worthwhile.

[00:39:06] Allyson: Right. So good. So good. So Heather, please tell our listeners how they can find you.

[00:39:12] Guest: Yeah, for sure. I think this would probably be the valuable place to mention the quiz which would be a nice step to taking that challenge.

[00:39:21] And so you can find that and more about [email protected], HSE quiz.com. And again, it’s, it’s actually really more of an assessment rather than a quiz. I always like to say. Emphasize that there’s no pass or fail what you will discover as a result of the quiz and the assessment is whether you are somewhat highly sensitive, are there versus super highly sensitive, or if you’re like me and you’re super Uber.

[00:39:53] Highly sensitive and wherever you fall on this spectrum, you’ll receive as a result of the quiz, a personal success guide that will support you with being somewhat, super or super over. And we’ll give you those, those first steps to being willing to consider the possibility that there’s another way.

[00:40:14] Allyson: That is fantastic and that link and other links to connect to Heather and her world and learn about her leadership program will all be in the show notes. And I encourage you to check that out if you’re resonating with this at all. And I certainly am. So Heather, I just want to really, really thank you for taking the time and sharing your wisdom.

[00:40:34] I’ve learned so much, truly, truly grateful for what you’re doing. And I think you’re doing really, really important and amazing work

[00:40:40] Guest: in the world. Thank you so much and ditto, it was truly my joy to make the exception to connect with you. Oh

[00:40:49] Allyson: yeah, that warms my heart. Thank you so much. I also want to thank you dear one, so much for listening, and if you’re loving this episode, go ahead and hit subscribe.

[00:41:01] Wherever it is you listen. And as always. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you with sugar on top for giving me a rating and a review, and that’s how more people can find us and I can get better guests and I can serve you from a higher level. And if you would like my help calling soul clients. Into your business right now, then download my free checklist to remove the five visibility blocks that are preventing your soul clients from finding you your offerings are too important to be invisible.

[00:41:35] So this checklist will help you be seen and get fully booked. Find a link to download on my website, Allyson scammell.com as well as in the show notes.

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