Ep #67 Creating The Perfect Freebie or Optin for Your Soul Client Avatar

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Imagine offering a free gift to a potential soul client that effortlessly draws her to you.

Imagine creating a freebie that showcases your unique genius and offers your soul client valuable insight on how you can help transform her life.

I have had a real hero’s journey with freebies or opt-ins.

I’ve always offered them in my business, but for many years they just flopped. Nobody downloaded them. My mailing list grew at a snail’s pace, and I started to wonder if opt-ins were a waste of time.

But then I started to shift and do things differently.

Eventually my opt-ins became a super valuable part of my soul client courtship (aka my sales funnel).

So in today’s episode of She Grows, I’m sharing why freebies are not only a good idea, but the perfect way to attract your soul clients.

We also explore how to craft the perfect freebie for your soul client and how to position your freebie to fly off the shelf so your audience grows with ease and just the right people.

In today’s episode we explore:

  • Why freebies are a good idea for your soul clients,
  • How to craft the perfect freebie for your soul client and
  • How to position your freebie to convert.


  • Download your FREE Checklist to Being Seen HERE – And remove the 5 visibility blocks preventing your ideal clients from finding you.
  • Join our community at the Soul Guide Circle HERE of over 1,100 soul-guided leaders, lightworkers, and entrepreneurs.

This Week’s Challenge: Sit down with your soul client avatar during your next spiritual check in and ask her what she wants to receive from you as a free gift.

Hello, my dear ones. This is Allyson Scammell and today’s episode is hands-on. It’s timely. It’s super useful and best yet. It’s going to enable your soul clients to find you with ease. Where are talking about how to craft the perfect freebie for your sole client avatar. So what do I mean by freebie? It’s a free gift.

[00:00:27] You give her normally in exchange for her email address, and I’m just going to use the pronoun, her or she throughout. But if your sole client avatar is a key or are they, then please just use the pronoun that feels good to you. And that freebie is also called N Upton. So there’s different philosophies out there in the online business world about whether or not freebies or opt-ins, or are a good idea.

[00:00:56] I am going to make the case today, why they are a good idea, but they’re a good idea. Only if you do it, the soul guided way only if you’re really tuned in energetically. To your sole client avatar, and then your gift is coming from your unique genius. And I’m going to explore into all of how that works. I myself have had a real heroes journey with opt-ins.

[00:01:25] I’ve pretty much always offered them in my business, but for many years they just flopped. Nobody downloaded them. Nobody. My mailing list grew at a snail’s pace and I thought to myself, wow, this, this, these opt-ins are a waste of time, but then I started to. Shift. And I started to do things a little bit differently.

[00:01:48] And when that happened, my opt-ins became a super valuable part of my soul client courtship, which is my sales funnel. So in today’s episode, we explore why freebies are a good idea. For soul clients for your soul clients, how to craft the perfect freebie for your sole client and how to position your freebie to convert.

[00:02:16] And other words, it’s in places where she can find it and will want it. We’ll end on a challenge. So I’ll help you craft the perfect freebie that enables your soul clients to find you and become, repeat customers, referral sources, and killer testimonial writers. So you’d better stick you around until the end.

[00:02:37] Welcome to sheep grows. A podcast for soul guided women entrepreneurs, ready to be seen and get fully booked using their unique genius, intuitive voice and spirit guides each week. We’ll explore how to create offerings based on what you do best. So you can have a wait list of ideal clients and bring in continuous income.

[00:03:00] I’m your host. Allison’s Campbell. Let’s get growing.

[00:03:13] Hey, there she grows nation. That is the name of this sisterhood of soul guided entrepreneurs. If you’re not already a citizen of she grows nation, then I invite you to join our Facebook group of over 1000 women running heart-based businesses that are in service to each other. And the planet today we’re talking freebies.

[00:03:34] They’re also called opt-ins. And the idea of an opt-in is that you’re offering them a gift, a PDF, a course, a meditation, a something. Normally it’s some sort of content. It’s not like, you know, a diamond necklace or something in exchange for someone’s email. And that email, then that person gets put on your mailing list and, you know, becomes part of your audience and part of your world.

[00:04:04] I want to start with why freebies are a good idea for your soul clients and the number one reason why is a good freebie, properly crafted is going to help her find you there’s so much out there. There’s so much noise. There’s so many freebies out there. There’s so, you know, people get pitched so many times in a day.

[00:04:28] You know, you might think, well, I don’t want to just contribute to the noise, but if you craft your freebie in such a way that it’s tailored specifically tailored to her pain points and her desires, it is going to get her attention for me. Freebies are like an amuse-bouche. And an almost Boosh is a French word.

[00:04:54] It’s, it’s a single bite sized hors d’oeuvre and they’re different than appetizers in that they are not ordered. Like you can’t order a nomos Bush off the menu. Normally. And they are served free. It’s normally a freebie from the chef, according to the chefs selection alone. And these normally I’m moose bushes are to prepare the guest for the meal ahead and to offer a glimpse of the chefs style.

[00:05:26] And that’s exactly what your freebie should do. If you see it as step one of your sole client courtship to taking someone who’s never heard of you before giving her an I moose Boosh of you and your unique genius and how it’s tuned in to her pain points and her desires. And it gives her a glimpse of your style of teaching or your style of transformation or how you approach things and maybe a little bit of your personality as well.

[00:06:02] And just like theis meant to warm up your pallet and just get you super excited for the first course. Your freebie. All it really has to do is get your. Sole client avatar excited about the next step in the journey. So maybe the next step in the journey is to invite her into a community like a closed Facebook group.

[00:06:29] Maybe it’s just to offer her additional content from your mailing list. So she gets excited about receiving emails from you, or you invite her to subscribe to your podcast or some other piece of content you put out. You’re just getting her excited about going the next step in the journey. Now, if in your freebie, you invite her into the discovery call and she goes from freebie to discovery call to buy one of your premium offerings.

[00:07:00] Then that’s fantastic. You have done a great job with your opt in, but really You know, I think sometimes people spend a lot of time and effort on freebies and they don’t convert very well or nobody really clicks on the call to action that can be offered at the end of a freebie. And we’ll be talking about calls to action and how they should be positioned.

[00:07:22] And they kind of think, Oh, well, my freebie is failed. I put this out to my audience. Nobody’s reacted. My freebie is failed. Maybe, maybe it needs to be tweaked and refined, but I think we need to also have the right expectations. People are used to getting free stuff. Let’s face it when it comes to free content, we’re all divas.

[00:07:45] Right. Have you ever tried to click on a news article online and it takes you to a subscription page. And it’s like, subscribe now, are you not pissed off? Because I am. It’s like, what do you mean I have to pay for this? I, Hey, it’s my right that I get this for free. But then I’m like, wait a minute. This.

[00:08:05] Newspaper, this online media is, is a business, and I’m always preaching that people need to be removed or rated for the value they’re creating in the world. And this newspaper, obviously I found it valuable. I want to read the link, the headline, and now I’m mad that they want to charge me for it. That’s BS.

[00:08:26] So just understand that in the world, the freebies, the, the, the, the. People out there, those people, you meet everyone where our little world weary and we want really, really high value content for free. And that’s what we’re expecting. And we just expect it for free. And I think that may be a reason why some people are like, well, I’m not going to create it then, because there’s just so much out there.

[00:08:58] And I just don’t want to contribute to this. And I get that, but that’s why I’m making the case to you today to really tune in to your soul client, avatars pains, her desires, and how your unique genius is uniquely designed to alleviate her pains and get her closer to her dreams. And when you do that, when you hit that, those markers.

[00:09:29] She’s gone up, find your offering. She’s gonna consume it. And at the very least, she’s gonna want to go that next step with you. She’s gonna want to go to the soup course, and that’s all the expectation you need to place on your freebie. To get her excited to go to the next step and anybody who does anything be of above and beyond that is just bonus.

[00:09:58] So it’s not that I’m asking you to lower your expectations so much, as I’m asking, asking you to understand what is the real role of the freebie. It’s like the utmost Boosh, it gives the person a taste and it gets them excited for the next course. So how do we do that? How do we craft the perfect freebie for our soul client avatars?

[00:10:28] I always start, no matter what I’m thinking about. If it’s a freebie or a sales funnel or a signature offering, I always start with my sole client avatar. I’m always called to start with her first. My sole client avatar these days is named a Rora. So right now I am going through a big rebrand in my business, and I’m really excited about it. And the heart of my brief rebrand, the motto of it is all genius all the time. And in my business, I am shedding my excellence. I’m shedding, anything that is in my excellence. I don’t do that anymore.

[00:11:06] And it’s all genius all the time. And just to offer a little bit of an explanation of what I, what I mean by that in practice is that I’m a big believer in the 80 20 rule. So, in terms of what I do in a day 80% of my time when I’m in the hours in a day, that I focus on my business, 80% of that is in my genius and okay, 20% of it, I am maybe rescheduling something or I’m balancing my books or something.

[00:11:35] But if I ever feel like I’m more. Then 20% out of my genius, then I start to reevaluate and say, how can I do things differently? But when it comes to my offerings and the content that I create for you, for you and for Aurora, because if you’re listening to this and you’re resonating with it, there is a bit of a Rora inside of you, or a little bit of you is inside a rara.

[00:12:04] And so when I’m in the content creation or when I’m coaching or when I’m designing a program, that’s when I try to get to I’m striving for 100% genius. And I I’m sharing that with you to encourage you to start to think about your business in the same way, and really, truly think about the freebie that you craft.

[00:12:25] For your sole client avatar in the same way that it’s all genius all the time. So I’m actually going to go through my process of how I burned the freebies with you here live. I have, I am going to be creating a new freebie to go with my new brand and I haven’t. Created it yet. I haven’t, I don’t even have the idea for it.

[00:12:47] I mean, I have a few ideas floating around in my head, but I haven’t landed on I on an idea. And I’m going to take you through my process on how I do it. So you can do the same thing. You can do it in the same way. So like I said, I start with my sole client avatar. I start with the Aurora. And basically I start with you always, always with you.

[00:13:14] So I take a few deep breaths and I invite you to do this with me right now. If you’re not driving, you can close your eyes and take some nice deep belly breaths, long inhales, long exhales. Ah, nice. And then you pivot down to your heart space and you place your awareness on your heart chakra. And you just REL rest and relax into the heart.

[00:13:42] You’ll immediately notice your thinking mind, start to slow down. You’ll feel your energy expanding out. And from the soul space, I’m going to set the intention to connect to Aurora. And I’m likely connecting to you too. And I’m going to just ask Aurora the question, plain and simple. Aurora, what’s a freebie I could create for you right now that would utilize my unique genius to alleviate a pain for you and, or get you closer to your dreams.

[00:14:25] And once I ask the question, I just pause. And I allow response to come back. I just allow in what I hear, see sensor of an inner knowing to be coming back from Aurora. And if I’m not sure if I’m not sure I take my best guess of what I sense to be here. When in doubt you take your best guess. So let’s see what Aurora says.

[00:14:54] I want a five day challenge to connect me to my spirit guides and Aurora, do you want this in like a five day video series? Or do you want to read it? How do you want to receive it from me? And she says, I want a five day video series with a challenge at the end of each one. Connecting me to my spiritual support team activating and upgrading my connection to the nonphysical realm five day challenge.

[00:15:37] All right. So I have to share that. That is what I suspected she was going to say. And the reason it came in so easily just now is because I’ve been doing this. I do it on the daily, in my business. And I had an inner knowing that that’s what Aurora wanted, because it was kind of coming in. She, I was picking it up, energetically that that’s what she wanted.

[00:16:04] And you might be thinking, well, Alison, if I tried to channel my sole client avatar, I wouldn’t get anything that specific that fast. And I say, okay, can you carve out five minutes, five minutes as part of your daily spiritual check-in. Or reflection time to connect to your soul client avatar on the question of a freebie on the question of a freebie and just ask her the question.

[00:16:37] What free gift do you want from me from my unique genius to help you alleviate a pain point and, or get you closer to your dreams. Now I’m going to go back to Aurora on this because I want to understand the nature of her pain. And I suggest you do the same. So if you do get a freebie, maybe you’re you received back from her that she wants a tip sheet.

[00:17:04] Okay, great. Ask her like what her pain point is. Try to get specific on that. So I’m gonna go back to Aurora and say, well, what is your pain point about connecting to the non-physical realm? So she’s getting, I feel like I do it. But I second guess what comes back? And I want a deeper connection and I feel as a spiritual person, I should have a deeper connected and I get disappointed and I get disappointed when it’s, when I don’t get specifics and I don’t get a specific response.

[00:17:45] Okay, that’s pretty good. And I imagine you, the listener may feel the same. You may share a worse pain cause I’m probably getting it in part from you too. So isn’t this so cool. This works. So she is second guessing. Okay. That’s doubt. And she is frustrated because she’s not getting more of a specifics and she considers her self, a spiritual person.

[00:18:11] And I think there’s a little bit of a. Almost maybe an imposter syndrome there I’m sensing from Aurora that she is, is, you know, talking to her audience as a spiritual person and then feels like maybe her ability to have this deep connection should be something other than what it is. And thus her conclusion is that is something of imposter syndrome.

[00:18:40] So to recap, she’s doubting. She’s frustrating. She wants more specifics and there’s imposter syndrome. I mean, those are fantastic pain points to craft a freebie around. All right. And I will use those pains in all the copy. I write to her, I’m going to talk about her pains. I’m going to lead with her pains.

[00:19:04] I’m going to share with her that I used to have the same pains because I did. I would absolutely doubt I would get frustrated. I would definitely suffer with imposter syndrome and Oh, would I get mad when I wasn’t getting more specifics? And I was just getting these Mehta answers, like we are all love.

[00:19:25] Well, what am I supposed to do with that? Gab may specifics. So I have so much empathy to Aurora’s pain. If you’re feeling these pains, I have empathy to you. And people love that your sole client avatar is going to love that you relate you’ve been there and it doesn’t mean you have to have it all figured out.

[00:19:49] It doesn’t mean that your life is perfect. It just means that you’ve shifted out of it. You’ve shifted out of that pain. You’re a couple steps ahead of her, maybe more and that you have something to offer her. To alleviate her pain and get her closer to her dreams. Let’s go back to Aurora. What does a rural, what, what does she desire?

[00:20:12] I desire to have a deep, unquestionable connection to my spiritual support team so I can call in specific. Unquestionable guidance from them whenever I want and use that guidance in my life and business to take me closer and closer to my soul’s purpose and to my soul dreams.

[00:20:46] that’s good. And Aurora used the word unquestionable twice. She used it twice. So guess what? My friends, I am going to be using unquestionable in my, it is unquestionable that I am going to be using unquestionable in my content. I’m going to be using those words. I’m going to say Aurora’s words back to her.

[00:21:09] And when she sees those words, she’s going to say what, Oh my gosh, this is for me. This person gets me. This person knows what I want. She knows what I suffer from. She is empathetic. She’s been there. She’s learned to overcome it. She’s helping other people overcome it. I trust her authority on this subject now, and I want it.

[00:21:40] Where do I click? So when she starts to click with the copy, she’s going to start clicking with her index finger to sign up, to receive your freebie. So maybe when you try this at home, you’re not going to get something quite so specific, but maybe you feel like she might want a tip sheet, like go into, if you have a hunch of what you think.

[00:22:07] Your sole client avatar might like, would she like a meditation? Would she like a checklist? Would she like, what would she like? Just ask her, go to, yes, no questions. Aurora. I have a hunch because I did, I did have a hunch. She wanted a challenge to connect her to our spirit guides. It’s something that I’ve offered before and I’ve noticed my audience really, really loves it.

[00:22:33] It’s always been very popular. So I had that feedback also there, and I had a hunch that it is what Aurora really wanted. So Aurora, do you want a five day challenge to connect you more deeply to your spirit guides? I’m getting such a yes. So if you’re not sure, take your hunch and ask. Yes, no questions. If you’ve been in my audience for awhile, you know that I’m a big fan of them.

[00:23:06] You can get such specific information by asking a good series of yes, no questions. And then Aurora, do you want to, do you want to, do you want to receive it in the written word or do you want the video from me? She wants video, not surprised. And the reason why I’m not surprised is because I feel like I’m a little bit better on video than I am with typing the written word.

[00:23:29] So there you go, Aurora, do you want one challenge per day for five days? Or do you want the more spread out? I’m getting one challenge a day for five days. Aurora, is there anything else you want as part of this freebie? I want to be invited to join a community that. Is also talking to spirit guides and interested in this topic.

[00:23:58] Okay. Check. I can do that. And I want to be offered other resources and continuing education on how to do this. And some of the latest, the latest, spiritual, cutting edge information. That’s that’s out there right now. And the latest information that Alison is getting from her guides. Okay. Awesome. So what that means to me as the creator of this is that I give her the five day challenge, kind of let her chew on that for a little bit.

[00:24:32] And then I’m going to offer some follow on emails to her to offer what my guides are saying, and to offer some more resources and to help her go deeper with the content and all of that is going to be for free. I’m not really going to ask her anything until she’s gone through all of that interaction with me.

[00:24:59] And then at the end, this is how I do it at the end of the five day challenge and maybe some follow on emails to help her implement it and an invitation into a free group of like-minded people who’s talking about this stuff. So she feels safe. At the end of all, that what I do is I invite her to a free live event.

[00:25:21] It can be a zoom call. It can be a Facebook live, but I invite her to some free live events so she can interact with me live and get to know me better connect with me deeper. And at the end of that, I offer her a free phone call with me. So it’s free, free, free, free, free. And by the time she gets to the phone call with me, she has a excellent idea of who I am, what I offer, how I can help her, how I work, my style, my energy I’ve asked nothing from her.

[00:26:00] I’ve asked nothing from her. I’ve given her tons of free content. And in the phone call, I’ll say, Hey, if you want to work with me one-on-one or if you want to join this program, you can, I’d love to have you. My programs aren’t for everyone, but I’d love to have you, if you feel called. And that is the sole client courtship, my friends that starts with the gift, it starts with the gift that was tailored for your soul clients, pains and desires, utilizing your unique genius.

[00:26:39] And you can also go to your heart space, go to your heart space again. So after you connect with your soul client avatar, and you ask her those questions, then you go back to the heart space again and call up your unique genius. So I’m going to go back to my heart space and I’m going to say, what is the part of my unique genius that I’m really going to infuse into this.

[00:27:06] Free challenge. So Aurora is just socks blown off. Like her socks are just knocked off her body because it’s so good. How can I really show up with my unique genius? So what I’m getting is don’t hold back. Don’t hold back. My ability to channel the latest information about the Ascension. And fifth dimensional energy and how to utilize it and how to plug into it and how to really use the nonphysical, consciousness, guidance, wisdom, and direction to use that, that guidance and direction in a very practical way in Aurora’s life and business so she can thrive.

[00:27:57] Okay. So that’s valuable information also for me to receive that this is the part. Of my unique genius that Aurora, most Watts infused into the challenge. So this latest edgy, cutting edge information, but then how can she really action it? How can she implement it? How can she use it in her daily life? And maybe if you’re resonating with this, I’m onto some of your pains and some of your desires too.

[00:28:31] And that would let you know that you’re in the right place.

[00:28:36] Okay. The last thing I want to cover in this episode is how to position your freebie and a place where your ideal client avatar can find it. I hear this a lot from clients Ellison. I created this opt in, I put it out there, nobody clicked on it. So if you’ve done that and you feel like you’ve done a lot of opt-ins and people just haven’t.

[00:29:00] They just haven’t converted. And by that, I mean, people just haven’t signed up for them. It can be that you’re off a little bit with your soul client, avatars pains desires and how your unique genius is going to fit that. So go back and double check, like look at your opt-in that you wish would be doing better.

[00:29:22] And just ask those questions. Is this in true alignment? To my soul client avatars pains, her desires, and my unique genius ask. Yes or no. If you get a, yes, that it is alignment, then you’re just not positioning it properly. And let me tell you something, people. If you’re offering your Fredy freebies on social media, if you’re not willing to put a little bit of ad money behind the freebie, I don’t care how spiritual you are or how good you are at law of attraction and manifestation.

[00:29:57] If you don’t put a little bit of ad money behind it, it’s going to be difficult. Gone are the days of like things going viral easily. I mean, it still happens, but. Like I said, we are a world weary audience. Who’s used to getting very high value stuff for free. I don’t know about you, but if I consume really good content, I don’t know.

[00:30:21] We share it. I think 10 years ago, if I consume something that was really expiring, I’d be like, Hey, everybody consume this thing. You know, I would pass it along, but I don’t anymore because there’s so much. And I think people do share less on average and it makes organic growth harder. And in addition to that, you know, social media platforms want to make money.

[00:30:48] They want you to buy their ads. So their algorithms aren’t always very generous. So you can be trying to share something organically and it’s just not showing up in anybody’s newsfeeds. So I am a big believer in playing around with ads. It doesn’t have to be Facebook ads. There’s different ads out there, and you spend a little bit of time, you know, you have a very small budget at first learning how to do online advertising properly.

[00:31:20] And in a way that it converts is a learning curve. And you might be thinking, Ugh, it’s not for me. I hate it. That’s fine. That’s fine. But if you don’t want to put any money, find an option den that you plan to share online. I just invite you to adjust your expectations. And it’s likely not going to convert no matter how good it is, unless you put a lot of time into sharing it and many, many different places.

[00:31:53] And I think this is where I sometimes see people fall short. They share something three times nobody clicks a reacts and they’re like, Oh, it failed. That’s not necessarily the case. So here’s the reality. If you choose not to do online advertising and you want to share your products or your opt-ins or your freebies, or grow your list or find people online, then you have to go to human, to human marketing.

[00:32:22] That means you’re interacting with people in the online space to get to know them, and then to eventually invite them to go into a deeper relationship with you. And human to human marketing is very effective. I’ve got a few great podcast episodes on it that I’ll put in the reference section of the show notes.

[00:32:41] If you want to take a listen, but human. I won’t say, but I’ll just say, and human to human marketing is a time commitment. It’s interacting with people in say a Facebook group and, or noticing that somebody posts a pain point that your freebie offers a solution to, and you start engaging that person and you don’t lead with the opt-in because she’s going to feel like that salesy, you lead with a conversation.

[00:33:10] And say, Ugh, I’ve had that pain point. I know how crappy it is. And if she comes back and says, Oh, you have, Oh, it’s good to have like-minded friends. And from there you have an organic conversation that’s in service to her. And when it feels appropriate, you come in and say, well, you know what? I created the perfect PDF checklist that talks about this very pain point.

[00:33:35] If you want to check it out, here’s a link to download it. And that my friends is how I got started. Before I invested any money in ads, I did human to human marketing, and it was a time commitment, but it was one that would pay off and I would make those relationships. And eventually. You know, sometimes the relationships went nowhere.

[00:33:59] Often they went nowhere, but in time, enough, people started to connect to me in the right way. And those people ended up being clients of mine. So in terms of getting your opt-in in front of your ideal client avatar, it’s a question. Am I willing to go down the ads rabbit hole? Well, I have to say. I’m a person who really, really have ads working for me and ads are giving me in my business a huge return on my investment.

[00:34:31] So if you feel like someday, you would want that too. You would want to be able to run ads that give you a huge return. Then you might want to carve out some time, watch some YouTube videos, download a course, like how to do Google ads, how to do Facebook ads. And just spend the time learning. And once you spend a little bit time learning and you start to convert some stuff, you can always add a Facebook ads or other online ads manager to your team.

[00:35:03] If ads feels totally icky to you, then you have to go. It’s still another time investment. You’re gonna, you’re agreeing to go the human to human marketing route. And that human to human marketing route is going to those places where you feel like your sole client avatar is hanging out, engage with those people, engage in a way that’s always in service to them and not like, Hey, I’m trying to make a sale.

[00:35:31] And when, as you engage, when you feel like it’s the appropriate time and the more you do this, the more you’ll get a sense of it. You offer them the freebie and what’s beautiful about having a freebie. It really isn’t a sale because all you’re asking for is their email address. So it’s a pretty non salesy offer, I would say.

[00:35:53] And that’s another reason why I love the freebie because it’s really, you’re just saying, Hey, I have this gift. Do you want it? And all they have to say is no, if they don’t. And actually that human to human marketing interaction is a beautiful way for you get for you to get used to selling yourself, selling the value you create in the world.

[00:36:17] And I won’t even say selling, let me say, advocating for yourself, advocating for the business, the value you create in the world. And it’s a great way to practice your pitch. With confidence with enthusiasm and the more you do that, the better you get at it. And when you can have a sales conversation with confidence and enthusiasm, you literally can sell anything to anyone.

[00:36:43] So I want to recap all this because a, I think it will be helpful freebies. I think they’re a great idea when done the right way and they can be the perfect almost Boosh. Or first taste of you and your offerings to your soul client avatar, you craft the perfect freebie for them by connecting energetically to their pain points to their desires and how your unique genius can solve those pains or get them closer to their dreams.

[00:37:18] And this is a really important thing that I didn’t mention. So I’m glad it’s coming up in the recap. Once you receive what you believed be coming back from her. So you get an hypothesis, you ask the question and you get an answer back. Test it, test it on a real human being. Test it on a carbon based life form.

[00:37:42] Ask your community, ask people on a Facebook group where you feel like your ideal client avatar is hanging out. Call it market research most Facebook groups that don’t allow self promotion do allow market research. And this is a beautiful thing to ask, Hey, I’m working on my next freebie. I’m thinking of doing how I’m gonna ha would you find this interesting or I’m thinking about a or B?

[00:38:07] What do you guys think? So the freebie that I received from Aurora today, when I went through the exercise, it’s a freebie, I’ve already offered, not as a free opt-in, but it’s just something I’ve offered for free before. And I know that it’s popular. I already know that it. Is successful because I’ve already done it.

[00:38:26] I’ve tested it. So if you haven’t tested the opt-in yet, then I invite you to do that. When you get a, what you think or what you hear, what you know, or what you sensed to be coming back from your soul client avatar, test it. And you don’t have to test it by writing a 50 page ebook. Just do a couple social media posts on the topic.

[00:38:50] That you’re considering creating and just see what kind of feedback you get back and always going into your higher self asking yes or no questions along the way. And then lastly getting it in front of her, think about Facebook ads or some sort of online ads because they do work. They really do. And if it feels like just something you don’t want to do, human to human marketing also works, but know that it’s not a one and done post and then nobody signed up and it must’ve been a failure.

[00:39:25] It does take time and it takes offering your freebie again and again, and again, to get it in front of the right people. And it is a worth worthwhile investment in time. Either thing either figuring out ads. Or human to human marketing is a worthwhile time investment because either you’re figuring out how to make ads work for you.

[00:39:47] Or you’re practicing your pitch, getting in front of people, talking about your offerings, getting used to connecting to people, getting used to talking about their pains, getting used to inviting them into a deeper conversation and either way, it’s going to benefit your business and it’s going to help you connect more deeply to your soul client avatar are, and it’s going to help you advance your business to the next level.

[00:40:16] So dear friends, my challenge for you this week is to sit down with your sole client avatar during your next spiritual check in or PR daily practice. Take the deep breaths, pivot to your heart space and ask her what she wants to receive from you and your unique genius. As a free gift, a free offering in exchange for her email address, ask her what her pain points are, ask her, what her dreams are and how this freebie can alleviate the pain and help her get her drains and do this for about 10 to 14 days in a row.

[00:41:02] It doesn’t need to be more than five minutes. But do it and tell you feel a clear answer is coming. And either it’s something you’ve done before and you know, it’s going to convert and go well, and then you can go all in and crafting that freebie, or you get a hypothesis. I think this is what she wants.

[00:41:21] And you start to test it always, always keeping in mind. How does it feel to create, because if you’re really in your unique genius, It will feel exhilarating to create this offering and it will feel amazing for your soul client avatar to receive it.

[00:41:44] All right, my dear ones. That’s all I have for you today. I want to thank you so much for listening and truly, truly, truly. If you’re loving this episode, go ahead and hit subscribe wherever it is you listen and Hey, listen, I would really be grateful for a rating and review, and I’m going to start giving some shout outs.

[00:42:08] This is something that I’m going to start doing, giving some shout ups for some of the great ratings and reviews. I’m seeing. So if you’d love to hear me say your name on a future episode, then give me that review and I will shout out your name and I thank you in advanced. And if you’d like my help calling in your soul client avatars into your business right now.

[00:42:36] Then download my free checklist to remove the five visibility blocks that are preventing them from finding you, this is my freebie that I’ve been offering for some time and I’ve got lots and I’ve received lots and lots of positive feedback on it. And the reason why is because your offerings are too important to remain invisible.

[00:42:55] So this checklist will help you beat. And get fully booked. You can find a link to download on my website, Allyson scammell.com as well as in the show notes.

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