Ep #33: Connecting to Your Spirit Guides in 5 Steps

PODCAST: She Grows with Allyson Scammell


Are you ready for a stronger connection to your spirit guides?

Or maybe you’re not quite sure what a spirit guide is, or how to activate that connection?

After consulting with my own spirit guides and gathering stories from my teachers, peers, and clients, I have identified the 5 steps you can expect to activate your connection to your guides.

In this episode, I share these 5 steps, practical ways for you to implement these steps, and the barriers to watch out for that might trip you up along the way.

I also share a personal story of how my connection to my spirit guides was activated, and we wrap things up with a challenge for you to begin connecting to your spirit guides today.

In today’s episode we explore:

  • The 5 steps to communicating with your spirit guides.
  • What I mean exactly by spirit guides.
  • How to activate your unique connection.

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References & Resources:

This Week’s Challenge: Initiate your connection to your spirit guides with an invitation.

She Grows with Allyson Scammell

Ep #33: Connecting to Your Spirit Guides in 5 Steps

Allyson Scammell: Hey there. This is Allyson Scammell and today’s episode is all about communicating with your spirit guides. I am a psychic medium. And I’ve spent the past 10 years collecting stories and anecdotal evidence from spiritual teachers, peers, and clients about how they’ve connected to their spirit guides.

[00:00:22] I’ve gathered those stories along with my own experience. And even though everyone’s. Story varies greatly. I’ve identified five milestones, everyone experiences when they activate their connection to their guides. And these are five milestones that I’ve gone over and downloaded as well from my own guides.

[00:00:45] So in this episode, I share those five milestones that I call steps to communicating to your spirit guides. I share what I mean exactly by spirit guides and how to activate your unique connection. I end on a challenge that we’ll have you allowing and clear unquestionable guidance from your guides. So you better stick around until the end

[00:01:14] intro music here.

[00:01:18] Hey there, she grows nation. That is the name of this sisterhood of soul guided entrepreneurs. As she grows nation. Your heart is CEO and you’re getting fully booked with ideal clients using your unique genius, intuitive voice, and spirit guides, spirit guides. That is. What we’ll be unpacking in this episode.

[00:01:38] I’m so excited to do it. So let’s start out with what I mean by spirit guides. So I’m generally referring to the nonphysical consciousness that is here to hold you guide you love you direct you give you some sort of support on your human experience in this lifetime. So non-physical consciousness is consciousness.

[00:01:59] It’s wisdom. It’s love. It’s intelligence in the nonphysical form coming from the spirit realm. So we were all born with spirit guides. Sometimes they’re called guardian angels. We have anywhere from two to 200, depending on the type of lifetime that you’re experiencing. And these angels, these guardians guides are here with you from birth until death from when you come on planet, until you leave planet to guide you love you, support you to help you fulfill your soul contracts and to help you shift into alignment to your soul’s purpose.

[00:02:45] Sometimes I look at them like my siblings, they know you better than anyone, except for your higher self there’s. Also arch angels. Arch angels are leaders in the angel world and have a very powerful and very large energy signature. So you’ve probably heard of arch angel, Raphael Archangel, Michael.

[00:03:13] Gabriel. Those are the more well known archangels, but there are many, many, many out there here to help you on your path. There are spirit animals. Spirit animals are animals who have something to teach you. I was approached by a herd of Buffalo in the spiritual realm who have been communicating with me and giving me guidance about some of the things happening on planet.

[00:03:41] One of my peers, communicates to whales in the same way. I have a lot of clients who are communicating to animals and pets. There is a lot of wisdom and continent and consciousness and intelligence in the animal kingdom. And they are here to help us humans really start to make better decisions in our life, in our individual life.

[00:04:10] And as a collective, there are the ascended masters, ascended masters, like Buddha or mother Mary or Jesus. Who were once human and now they have a special place as leaders in the spirit world as guides and teachers. So my guides right now are definitely coming from ascended masters because the work I’m doing is so important as a psychic medium that I want to call in the highest possible guidance that I can.

[00:04:46] Then there are departed, loved ones who come back because there’s some unresolved business they want to watch over you. They want to support you. There’s some reason why they stick around after they cross over. Then there are helper angels. They’re also known as freelance angels and they come in to your life.

[00:05:10] As needed. If you need some extra support in particularly challenging situations, you can call in these freelancers who have a unique point of view and perspective that can help you with a specific challenge you may be grappling with. And those are just some of the consciousness that you can communicate with, but please know that there is much, much, much more than that.

[00:05:35] So let’s go into how we initiate discussion. Initiate the connection and activate the connection. If you are someone who is already communicating to guides, I invite you to come along with this process again, and maybe it would lead to an upleveling for you or a recalibration. If you’re completely new, then that is beautiful.

[00:05:57] You’re in the right spot. So the first step. In activating your connection to your spirit guides is the invitation guides are polite and they want to be invited as they explain it to me, they need an invitation guides. Won’t come in to offer you targeted guidance about big decisions in your life and less.

[00:06:24] You invite that in. And I like to see invitations actually as intentions. So this can be an intention such as I intend to call in the highest wisest, most loving guidance in the spirit world to hold me, support me and guide me on my path to becoming my greatest self. I always say when it comes to calling and guidance to get as, so purlative as possible call in the highest and most loving the highest vibrational guidance that is out there because why not?

[00:07:05] So the first that is truly the first step. You can write it down, you can say it out loud. it is simply an invitation. So then what happens after the invitation is step number two isolation. At some point after that invitation, you’ll feel some sort of calling to isolate in some way, and that isolation can be as simple as waking up 15 minutes earlier in the morning for deep breathing.

[00:07:41] Not even meditation, but if you don’t have some sort of quiet solitude, the connection to the spirit realm is extremely difficult. It is very difficult to activate a connection. If you have lots and lots of distractions in your physical space, if you are someone who already has a super strong connection and communicates with ease, then yeah.

[00:08:11] You can talk to your spirit guides on the subway, or some other noisy place. But even at some point, you’re going to want to get quiet when you really want to get deep guidance on something you’re wanting, you’re going to want to isolate and get as quiet as possible. And if you’re new to the activation, this is going to require actual isolation.

[00:08:32] And so all the steps I’m going to offer you are going to have are going to range from either very subtle. Or very extreme. And let me tell you what I mean by that. So even going back to the invitation, it can be as simple and subtle as even saying to yourself, I intend to connect me to my spare guides.

[00:08:56] All right, but it can also be more extreme. You can have a rock bottom moment where you feel like your life is falling apart and you just say, God, I need some help. I need some higher help, something more, something bigger than what I have at a, you know, accessible to me right now. And that’s actually what happened to me in 2008, right before my ND I didn’t realize it, but by asking for help.

[00:09:25] I called that to God and asked for help because I was in a really bad place in my life. I was asking, I was initiating that invitation. So like I said, every step I’m going to give you ranges from subtle to, you know, even extreme. So the point is your journey with these steps is going to be very, very different than anyone else’s, you know, And this is a really, really important point in these steps.

[00:09:59] So back to isolation, as I said, it can be as subtle as getting up a little bit earlier and going into the bathroom and closing the door before anyone else in your family has woken up. For some deep breathing or meditation, or it can be more extreme. So for each step he exempt like an offer from my life is the extreme.

[00:10:21] So I think that’s why I’m good at teaching this. my extreme example is I was called to quit my job, take out a $20,000 line of credit and buy an around the world airline ticket and travel the world by myself. And I made it as far as Madrid. And then I had a near death experience in Paris, which I will explain in detail in a very near future episode.

[00:10:47] But other examples of isolation that I’ve heard from peers, teachers, clients are, I had a client who was called to camp in the woods by herself for three days, like deep in the deep woods, all by herself for three days. I had a client who was called to go by herself on a writing retreat. I had a teacher who was a part of a retreat where she was teaching people at a retreat and she just got called in the middle of the retreat to isolate herself.

[00:11:27] So she was just like, I have to miss the afternoon session because I need to be alone. So she spent the afternoon in her, a hotel room by herself, connecting into her guides and I’ll get to what that means in the next steps. In this step of isolation, you get a calling, a nudge, something inside you. You’re your higher self, your inner knowing.

[00:11:54] This sense of, I need some alone time when you get that calling for alone time, follow it. Sometimes it will be very subtly subtle. Sometimes it’ll be subtle and easy to fall through. you know, like just get up a little earlier and do some meditation and sometimes it’ll be a bigger action. Like quit your job and travel the world and it can feel scary.

[00:12:21] And. I invite you to really follow through on the nudge that comes in for you to have a little alone time. And in this alone time, you really can activate your connection. So when you get alone, whatever alone looks like for you on your journey, you go to step number three, and that is the initiation.

[00:12:46] There’s normally some sort of initiate Tory process. Some sort of initiation that again, ranges from subtle to extreme, but you want to think about this as like the hero’s journey, right? This process I’m describing to you is very similar to the hero’s journey. And every hero has in their journey has an initiation.

[00:13:12] And this is a part where it’s really gonna range on the person. So I can tell you without telling you the whole story, that my initiation was dying and coming back to life. So that was a pretty big initiation. But what the initiation will look like for you is some form of inviting you to confront a fear.

[00:13:34] So when you get called to your isolation, or when you’re in the isolation itself, there might be some fear there to confront. So, for example, let’s say you get called to go on a retreat by yourself, but you fear traveling alone. That is your initiation stepping up and overcoming that fear of traveling alone.

[00:14:01] So that is the initiation, some form of getting you uncomfortable, getting you confronting a fear. And in that confronting of the fear and transmuting that fear, letting that fear go, ah, you’re opening up, you’re bringing down the barriers that are standing in the way of you and your connection to your guides, which brings me to step number four, calibration.

[00:14:34] Calibration is the process of tuning your energy into the energy of your guides. So the communication can flow and the more you are calibrated to them, the more easeful the communication will flow. Back and forth. So this is in super important. Part of the process. Calibration looks very, very different for every person.

[00:14:59] Some of you have gone through this whole process, so subtly that you don’t even know it happened. Some of you, like me getting back to me with the extreme examples, I was very, very closed off before my NDE, my intuitive gifts were all dormant inside of me. Unactivated. That when I had my NDE and my guides had to communicate with me through it.

[00:15:25] We had to go through an intense calibration process. My calibration process included projectile vomiting. It included, vertigo, dizzying, vertigo, and lots of, just, crazy energetic sensations throughout my body. oftentimes I’ve heard from others and it happened with me. You feel very intense.

[00:15:50] Energetic vibrations right around your crown chakra. And I’ve heard some people say they feel like their skin is peeling pack from their scalp. It can be kind of a strong sensation. Other physical sensations you can feel is ringing in the ear. Or sometimes you feel like you’re going through a wind tunnel and I’ve even had clients think that they have ear problems or ear infections.

[00:16:17] And I’m like, Oh no, no, no. You are getting calibrated. So calibration is often very physical with their physical body, getting your container in a place where you, so you, if you think about your physical body vibrating and you see it like a radio, you’re tuning the, your radio station to the frequency where the music can play.

[00:16:46] And so speaking of playing music, that gets us to step number five communication. So we have, let’s just review here. We have one invitation to isolation. Three initiation for calibration and five communication. This is by far the biggest step. And this is the step that is most ongoing. You will throughout your journey with communicating to your guides, go back to the earlier steps.

[00:17:17] Every time you experienced an upgrade, and those will happen throughout your journey from time to time. And, you know, you’ll get recalibrated and you’ll be called into isolation and there’ll be other initiatory process C’s but this is the step that’s really gonna open up your ability to communicate.

[00:17:38] And you can view this step as practicing your practicing the various ways in which you most effectively communicate to your guides. And this is really, really different for everyone. And there’s a basic four step process in the communication. And the first step is some form of getting quiet. So again, getting back to that idea of isolation, but in this sense, you got to quiet your.

[00:18:08] Active mind, because that will your brain and your rational thinking will very quickly cut off your connection to the nonphysical world. And you quiet the mind simply by deep breathing, walking in nature. Hmm. Sometimes people, can quiet the mind through swimming or jogging, getting in some sort of meditative state that alters their rational thinking and quiets it down.

[00:18:43] Then step two is something that I always do and invite my students to do. And that is pivot down into your heart space to really place your awareness and your state of being in your heart chakra area. And that is you tuning into that highest vibrational level that you can get is really coming from your heart space.

[00:19:09] And when you raise your energetic vibrations. Your ability to communicate with this high, high vibrational intelligence is going to be much greater. So you just want to sink down into your heart space and from your heart space. From that higher vibrational space, you want to go to step three, which is ask questions.

[00:19:34] And if you’re new to talking to guides, I would keep your questions very basic. Yes, no. You know, like ask them, you know, should I start launch my new program in June or July? Like make the questions very easy to answer as you get the communication really off the ground, you can ask more. Open-ended and complicated questions.

[00:19:59] And then after you ask, it goes to step four, which is receive now everybody receives guidance and information from their guides differently. And this is when you want to pay attention to your dominant, intuitive gift. Some people will see the. Answers from their guides. So in a clairvoyant kind of way, some people will hear it.

[00:20:26] You’ll get messages, words, and a Claire audient kind of way. Some of you will sense it you’ll just have you have a sensory feeling that this is the answer and a clear sentience kind of way. And then the last is you’ll have an inner knowing of what the answer is coming in from your guides, which is Claire cognizant.

[00:20:47] What I see often from my clients when they’re in this process is they’re always looking to hear or see something from their glide guides. I think it’s because the human brain needs proof. That’s what is happening is real. Right. So I really want to invite you if you are, if your dominant gift is Claire cognizant or Claire sentience that you learn and play around with and start to trust your inner knowing and your senses and trust that your guides can communicate and do communicate to you all the time, whether you know it or not through your inner knowing and your senses.

[00:21:30] And my dominant gift by far is I’m clear audience. Now, over the years, I’ve been able to develop my clairvoyant abilities and they’re getting better and better all the time. But my dominant gift is always my go to is my clear audience, but I also have a super strong Claire cognizant, inner knowing. And, it’s.

[00:21:54] And there’s nothing that says a clear audience or clairvoyant gift is more powerful or more proving. So get to know what is strongest for you. And it can be some variation thereof or some combination, or maybe for you. It’s something different. I’m just giving you the four basic ways people receive higher guidance.

[00:22:17] And when you get to know how you receive, it will be easier for you to receive. So again, those four steps to communication are quieting the mind, pivoting down to the heart space, asking questions and receiving the answers. And there’s a couple of different ways to help you. Implement those four steps.

[00:22:40] One is journaling. So many of the people that I I’ve spoke to who have activated their connection, and this was my experience as well, started through journaling. So in the journaling process, you can start with a free flow of just stream of consciousness, which is a way of quieting your mind, getting all that’s on your mind.

[00:23:04] Off your mind and onto the pages, pivoting down to your heart space and then asking questions of your guides and then writing down the answers that you think you receive. And maybe you don’t receive the answers in that moment. Maybe the answer come in a day or two or three, but then when the answers do come, it’s going back to the journal to record the answers.

[00:23:29] Soy story starts to form, and you really start to build your trust muscle to your guides. You start to really trust what you believe to be coming through from them. And the more you trust the information coming through, the more the information can come through because when you’re not sure, and you’re doubting your connection, you’re cutting your connection off.

[00:24:00] So it’s really important to always be looking for evidence that you are receiving. Guidance and direction and love and support and wisdom from your guides. So you can really build that trust. And when that trust is very strong and you don’t have any barriers up doubting the process, your connection is really going to get powerful and you’ll really be able to call in clear.

[00:24:36] Unquestionable guidance from your spirit guides. A couple caveats I’ll mention the first one is don’t worry about your guides, his names. It’s always the first question I get from clients. What are my guides names? Sometimes it’s hard for names to come through. They don’t always work in your language. You know, we’re we’re, these are non-physical beings and we’re.

[00:25:03] We’re physical, having human experiences. Sometimes the communication doesn’t flow through like that. If you really want to know their names. So maybe you can Google them to see if it’s an angel that. Is a, you know, an ascended master or you want to know, you want to know exactly who you’re talking to.

[00:25:24] That’s okay. And I would say, get into that down the road. You have that be your advanced, work after you’ve really established your. Communication just get the communication flow going first, before you get into exactly. Who am I talking now? And what are your names? Which very importantly brings me to caveat.

[00:25:48] Number two, there is dark energy out there and you can inadvertently call in that dark energy, but please know it has absolutely nothing to fear because your high vibration. Like crushes the low vibration of dark energy who might be here to try to sabotage something or siphon off your energy. So all you really have to do is be very clear that you always want to call in the highest, most loving wisest in highest service to you and your highest good nonphysical conscious or spirit guides or.

[00:26:27] Guardian angels out there to help love you, guide you and support you on your path. Your power of intention is so much powerful. Your power of intention is so much more powerful than any dark energy out there that it will definitely protect you. No problem, but just make sure that in your intentions, you’re very clear about the guides that you want to call in.

[00:26:56] All right. So this gets us to our challenge. I challenge you wherever you are on your path, whether you have a strong connection already where you’re. New to all of this whole discussion. I invite you to initiate your connection to your spirit guides with an invitation. So if you’re already quite connected, you’re going to, you will be initiated.

[00:27:26] You will be initiating an upgrade. And if you are new to this, you will be initiating your connection. So again, if you, you can use any intention you want, I will, again, repeat one that I invite you to use if it feels good. And that is, I intend to call in. The highest wisest, most loving guidance in the spirit world to hold me, support me and guide me on my path to becoming my greatest self.

[00:28:00] Ah, and then wait for your isolation and initiation, calibration and upgraded communication. Huh? I want to thank you so much for listening. I’m so, so grateful for you. And if you’re loving this episode, I invite you to hit subscribe wherever it is you listen. And I’d be always so grateful for rating and review.

[00:28:32] Some more people can find us. And if you’d like help calling in. Your ideal people for your business. Then I have an amazing free PDF guide and worksheet to identify the five visibility blockers that are preventing your ideal clients from finding you. Your offerings are too important to remain invisible.

[00:28:57] So this guide will help you to be seen and get fully booked. Download your copy at my website, AllysonScammell.com and you can find a link in the show notes.

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