Ep #73 The Power of Forgetting About Your Goals and Dreams

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Quick, think of a big dream or goal you have for your life or business.

Many of the Law of Attraction gurus tell you that in order to manifest your dreams and desires, you have to get really clear on what you want, write it down, and focus on it every day to bring it into your experience.

My question for you is…have you ever done all of those things and still saw zero results?

I know I have. So i
n today’s episode of She Grows, I’m going flip some of what we’ve been told about manifestation on its head.

The truth is, when we want something too badly, we put the wrong focus on it. We think about it too much, and it creates attachment. When we’re attached, we go into lack energy and kick our goal or dream further down the road.

So today I want to share with you why forgetting about your biggest goals and dreams from time to time will help you release your attachment. I’ll explain how to release your attachment and what to do instead to call your deepest desires into your experience.

In today’s episode we explore:

  • Why forgetting about your goals helps you to manifest them,
  • How to release your attachment, and
  • What to do instead to call your desires into your experience


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This Week’s Challenge: To think about the biggest goal you have for your business right now. And I challenge you to temporarily forget about it.

[00:00:00] Hello, my dear ones. This is Allyson Scammell and I have a let’s flip. What we’ve always been thought to be true on its head kind of episode for you. And isn’t it fun to do that? So if you are here listening to this, you are in the right place. My friends, I suspect at one time or another, you’ve heard.

Some sort of law of attraction guru tell you that to manifest your dreams and desires, you need to get really clear about what you want. And then to write that thing, that goal, or dream down in a manifestation journal and to focus on that thing you want and say affirmations about that thing you want.

And to really. Place your awareness on your desires to bring that desire into your experience and while yes, I think aspects of that could lead to a positive result for you. I’m [00:01:00] going to invite in another approach and it’s almost like a troubleshooting approach because sometimes we want something so bad.

In our life or our business that we put the wrong kind of focus on it. We think about it too much. We place too much awareness on it and it leads to one colossal thing. Attachment and attachment is kick the can down the road. Attachment takes your goal or your dream, and it kicks it down the road from coming into your experience.

So in today’s episode, I’ll reveal to you, why forgetting about your goals and dreams? At least from time to time, we’ll help you to release your attachment, how to help yourself to forget and what we want to do instead to get into the [00:02:00] energy of calling the things we most want to experience into our experience.

Well, and then a challenge that will enable you to immediately tap into the energy of your biggest goals in a way to help you achieve those goals with ease. So you’re gonna want to stay with me until the end. Welcome to chic grows a podcast for soul guided women entrepreneurs, ready to be seen and get fully booked using their unique genius, intuitive voice and spirit guides.

Each week, we’ll explore how to create offerings based on what you do best. So you can have a wait list of ideal clients and bring in continuous income. I’m your host. Allison’s Campbell. Let’s get rolling.

[00:03:00] Hey there, she grows nation. That is the name of this sisterhood of soul guided entrepreneurs. If you’re not already a citizen, if she grows, then I invite you to join our Facebook group of over 1000 women running heart-based businesses that are in service to each other. And the planet today, my friends I’m giving you a message that you likely have not heard before.

And that message is this for get about your biggest. Goals dreams and desires. And the reason why it is powerful to do this from time to time. And you can forget with intention and I’m going to reveal how to do that. And the reason why we want to do this is because we get attached. The things that mean the most to us and, and the things that mean the absolute most to us comes from the soul.

It doesn’t come from the [00:04:00] ego. So if you’re a person who likes nice shoes, that’s fantastic. It’s, it’s gonna mean a lot to you to get the latest cool kicks coming from whatever brand you choose. But if your soul is calling you to launch this global movement or write this book, or be the truest expression of yourself, that you can be, those soul yearnings are always going to mean so much more to you.

And when we aligned to our soul yearnings, sometimes that’s when the brain can kick in and say, I want this, I want this, I want this so bad. And I want it right now. So let’s say your soul is yearning to launch a business, a soul guided business that’s in service to your ideal people and the planet, and your brain is going to kick, kick in with the monkey mind saying I want it to happen right now.

I want clients now I want money now. I want to grow now. I want an audience [00:05:00] now. I want it now, now, now, so on the one hand you’re aligning to your soul’s desire, but on the other hand, your mind is telling you that it needs to happen bigger and better and more and faster. And it’s our mind that then gets attached.

Our soul never gets attached. It’s our mind, it’s our thinking brain or rational thinking that gets us attached to the outcome, attached to the business results. And that attachment leads to one colossal thing that really kicks the can down the road to bring in clients into your experience, bringing a lot of your larger audience.

Bringing more business success. And that is lack. Attachment puts you into lack feelings of lack. [00:06:00] I’m attached to the idea of getting fully booked with six clients per month. I’m really attached. I’m thinking about it all the time. It’s my goal, right? It’s my dream. It’s my dream to start a business. And as part of that business, I know what I want.

I want six clients a month. And I’m thinking about it. I’m writing it down in my manifestation journal. I’m focused, I’m saying affirmations. And ultimately what this can lead to this energy can lead to attachment. I’m attached to the idea of six clients a month. And what that attachment puts me into the energy of is.

What you’re really focused on in this example is not six clients a month. You are focused on the lack of six clients. You’re focused on the fact that you don’t have the six clients and this [00:07:00] energy of lack is going to tracked more, lack, more lack of clients, more lack of followers, more lack of sign-ups.

So on the one hand, the soul is calling you to start this business that allows you to be in true expression of who you’re meant to be. But on the other hand, you’re in the vibration of lack and it’s going to kick. The can have your goals and dreams down the road. Doesn’t take them away. It doesn’t take your potential clients away and say that you can’t achieve this.

It’s just kicking it down into the future instead of aligning to your goals and calling your goals and dreams into your experience with ease sooner, calling it in today, calling it in this month. [00:08:00] And when you forget, or aren’t placing your conscious awareness on the fact that you want six clients a month and you’re not focused on that, it helps you to release the attachment and release.

Any focus that may be there on the fact that you don’t have those clients. And when you’re out of that focus of what you don’t have, you shift out of lack frequency. So how do you help yourself forget? I mean, come on. These are your biggest goals and dreams. So of course they’re going to be on our mind.

But there is a way to help you forget. And that way is to get back to your why, why do you want six clients a month? Why is it [00:09:00] important to you? What is it that the soul is really yearning for? So if you step back and go back to your, why, why do I want six clients? I want to be in service. I want to create from the heart.

I want to express my unique genius. I want to unleash my potential. And when you explore your why, and really get to the heart of why your dreams means so much to you. You can always find the way to be in that energy and that expression in that truth. That’s. So from that, those yearnings coming from the soul, you can find a way to be in that energy right now, without any clients, without any following, without any business income coming [00:10:00] in without any of that stuff.

You can get into that energy of what it would be like to have six clients. What, what is that frequency like to have six clients set? Our ideal and I’m in service to them and I’m expressing my truth and I’m going to get into that frequency right now. So to help me get into that frequency right now, I’m going to forget about the desire.

Forget about the six clients. And I’m going to go back to being an expression of my true self. How can I do that in this moment? What is something accessible to me right now that will help me get into the energy of why I started my business in the first place. When I go to my, why [00:11:00] I am here to help bring truth to the planet, I’m here to help bring truth to you.

On how we’re truly meant to live and some of the spiritual tool tools that we have access to and how we can make life more joyous and easeful and aligned to that higher soul’s desire. I’m here to help people really understand the soul and energy and what’s possible. And when I returned to that desire that yearning.

To be an expression of my, why I’m immediately I immediately feel detached from any sort of outside results. I feel detached from growing my mailing list or calling in clients or filling up my programs or making any sort of money. I just go into that energy. And from that energy, you just want to ask your why, why you do it, [00:12:00] why it means so much to you, why you get up in the morning.

And you returned to it Dan and day out, even when you get frustrated and you feel like giving up, but yet don’t, and you’re, don’t give up because of your why, and going into the energy of your, why you want to ask your, why, who are you calling me to be? And or what are you calling me to do? So when I tune into that, who are you calling me to be.

And I’m really tapped into my Mo my driving motivation, my highest, why my soul purpose is calling me to be

love and light and possibility. And the example of what’s possible. Beautiful. And I just get into that [00:13:00] energy. I am love, I am light. I am an example of what’s possible. What am I being called to do? I’m just being called to be in this frequency of love, light and possibility and take my doggy for a nice long walk in the forest later today.

And now what I’m getting is don’t skimp out on it. Sometimes I, I have like an hour set aside for the dog walk and I work into the hour. And then before I know it, I only have 30 minutes left. And so I’m getting don’t short change the time and allow that time in the forest with your dog and Oh, by the way, my dog doesn’t like it when I’m on my phone, she’s a very high.

Vibrational being she’s a very wise old soul, my doggy and her name is Astrid by the way. She’s a new, she’s my new dog. And I I’ve been on quite a journey with her, [00:14:00] which I haven’t been talking about in social media or hear in the podcast at all. But stay tuned because I’ve got some great Astron stories coming, but for now, what I’ll say is I’m being called to just be love, light and possibility.

In that energy frequency with my, my phone left at home as I take my lovely dog Astrid for a walk in the forest in the nature and just be in the present moment and gauging my five senses and being this frequency. And when you are the frequency of love, light and possibility, you just are, you have everything you need.

There is no lack. There is no attachment. There is no, but if only I could have three more clients or if only I could do this bigger thing. And it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have those [00:15:00] dreams. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t desire a bigger business. I want you to have that, but it’s momentarily for a period of time allowing you to forget.

Get about your dreams. So you can release the attachment, release the lack, and get into the energy frequency of who you really are. And that is of love, light and possibility. And when you’re in that energy frequency, my friends, your goals and dreams just arrive. They arrive in mysterious and magical places.

And your inner knowing gets kicked in. That, whatever it is, you want your gun to get, and it’s either going to come to you exactly as you imagined, or it’s gonna be something better. So there’s absolutely no reason to be attached to anything. And [00:16:00] going into those conscious, mindful periods of time where you just release and forget about your dreams and focus up on something else.

You just focus on something else. In my example, I’m away from my business. I’m away from my computer, my screens, my audience, and I’m with my doggy. I’m out in nature and I’m in the frequency of love, light and possibility. And most of the time when we really tune into the ways that we can forget about our goals and dreams, it takes us away from our business.

It’s inviting us to work less, do less, take a break from your business and, and take a break from your business goals and in dreams.

And once you take that break and when you just tune into your, why [00:17:00] get into the energy frequency of your, why. And who your soul is calling you to be and what your soul is calling you to do. And you plug into that energy, your goals and dreams have a magical way of just arriving. So, how do you want it all to look together?

Cause you might be saying, well, that’s great, Alison, but I do have these business goals and desires. And so are you saying that we shouldn’t set benchmarks? We shouldn’t tell the universe what we want. No, I’m not saying that. I’m saying yes, to get as clear as you can get regarding what it is you really want.

What are the goals and dreams and desires you want to bring into your business? How do you want to feel when you bring those things into your experience? So, absolutely. I’m a big fan of telling the universe exactly what you want being as [00:18:00] clear as you can be. And sometimes we’re not really sure. So take your best guess.

And then when you get that thing, you’ll know whether or not that’s what you want. So it’s getting clear and putting it out there and yeah, sure. You can write it down. What I do is I have quarterly goals for my business. I have a 10 page life and business plan. I call it my soul plan and I do a major.

A draft of my soul plan every January for the year ahead. And then I do a deep dive into it at the beginning of each quarter. So at the beginning of the second quarter, third quarter and fourth quarter, and I set quarterly goals. And then from those quarterly goals, I sort of, I’m a little bit lighter on the monthly goals.

For me, it’s like setting quarterly goals is a bit more spacious because it’s like, Oh, [00:19:00] I’ve got three months to bring these, these goals and desires into my experience. So let’s say I have a monetary goal for the quarter, or sometimes it’s helpful to break that out into monthly goals. And sometimes it’s not sometimes I sense I just guided by my intuition. I sense that it’s more spacious and easeful and light for me just to set the quarterly goals.

And I really get into like, is this what I really want? Or is my ego telling me that it should be more. Bigger better greater am I making the false assumption that more is better. And I try to make my quarterly goals set from the heart set from the soul. And most of the time it goes something like this.

If your brain is telling you, I need 10 clients in the next quarter. That’s [00:20:00] what I need. I got to have that your soul is going to say, well, actually what you have the space for is five or three. And then like, likewise, on the flip side of that coin, your mind might saying, Oh, well it would be great to earn $20,000 this quarter, but that’ll never happen.

So you better set the goals, earning 5,000 and your soul is going to say. Align yourself to calling and 50,000 because that’s the value you’re creating in the world. So really allow your soul to set those goals for the year, for the quarter, for the month. And then yes, indeed. Forget about it. Go to your, why go to your frequency, go to your heart.

Your heart’s going to put you into a state of doing and a state of being. And most of the time we [00:21:00] have to do something in order to call in our goals and dreams. You know, we have to do marketing in our business. We have to show up, we have to do certain things for our ideal audience members and clients and customers to find us.

And so allow your soul, your heart to guide you to that doing and being. And when you feel yourself overly thinking about those goals, those dreams, those clients you want to bring in, it is likely that you’re in attachment, which is normal we’re humans. It’s. Okay. So the trick is to just notice it be mindful of it.

And say, okay. I noticed I’m a little bit attached to my goals and dreams. So now I set the intention to mindfully, forget about them for a while. And I’m going to do that by returning to my why, why I do this, why it means so much to [00:22:00] me and from the energy of my, why, my purpose, I’m going to ask my heart, who I want to be and what I want to do.

And I’m going to be that and do that today. Today and it’s highly likely your heart is going to call you away from your computer away from that heavy work that we sometimes do in our business and into connection, into sunlight, into nature, into love and light and possibility. And when that happens, you find yourself.

Receiving and in alignment to these goals and dreams you’ve set, and all of a sudden they’re arriving into your experience, easier and more magically, and you ever thought possible. So my challenge for you today, my friends [00:23:00] is to think about the biggest goal you have for your business right now. And I challenge you to temporarily forget about it.

And I invite you to do that by spending a couple minutes in the heart space, asking your heart to help guide you to your why, why you have the goal, why it’s important to you, why it means so much. And you can also take this as the opportunity to just double check heart. Is this really what I want? Or do you have some sort of alternative or is there a tweak and refine I have to make to this goal?

And then from that energy of your, why, who are you being called to be and what are you being called to do? And I challenge you to be it and do it. And I want to thank you so much for listening, and I want you to hear me now, [00:24:00] hear me, hear me with your whole body. I am so grateful for you. I appreciate you.

If you feel called, listen to this podcast and you connect to it and you connect to me, I’m so grateful for you. Giving me your trust and your time. I really want to thank you. And I would be amazingly grateful for rating and review, and it really is how more people can find this podcast. And if you like my help calling in ideal clients into your business.

Or right now, then download my free checklist to remove the five visibility blocks that are preventing your ideal people from finding you your offerings are too important to be invisible. So this checklist will help you be seen and get fully booked. You can find a link to download on my website, Allyson scammell.com as well as in the show notes. [00:25:00]

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