Enlightenment Is Ineffable

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‘Ineffable’, a term that means something is incapable of being expressed in words. It encapsulates the indescribable nature of ultimate truths and spiritual experiences – . Have you ever felt that words fall short when trying to describe your deepest spiritual experiences? Exploring how certain aspects of our soul mission, unique genius, and true essence transcend verbal expression can actually empower us.

Join me as we connect with these wordless energies, emphasize the significance of embracing the duality of using imperfect words as guides, and invite you to practice ‘wordlessness’ to achieve deeper soul alignment.

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • How words block us from connecting to our truth, the key parts of our soul experience that is actually ineffable. 
  • The true way to connect deeper to your true essence. 
  • An invitation that will have you gaining wordless clarity about your life path and your soul journey in magical and mysterious ways.

Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

Drop into wordlessness. Practice with deep breaths, connecting to the heart space, connecting to the energy, and dropping in to the pure power of the wordless consciousness

[00:00:00] Hey ho dear ones. We’re talking about a topic. I am really excited to explore. And it’s sent us around this really fantastic word that you may have never heard before. And the word is ineffable. Ineffable. And the title of this episode is enlightenment is ineffable. 

[00:00:19] So what does that mean? Ineffable means that something is too great. Or a stream to be expressed. Or described in words.

[00:00:31] And what we’re talking about today is the ineffable. Mysteries of the soul of our spiritual experience. And where did I get this word? I had never heard of this word before either, but I have been talking about for years about, and not just me many great spiritual teachers have been talking about the power of wordless ness. Master Chang Ching. Said that the ultimate truth is wordless. And that is so true. 

[00:01:06] The ultimate truth is wordless. And I received this word that describes or listening and equitable. And David R. Hawkins map of consciousness. Where he maps out. Our energetic frequencies from zero to a foul was in. And plots them against our.

[00:01:28] Feeling states. So meaning when we’re feeling shame, we’re vibrating at 20, when we’re feeling grief, it’s vibrating at 75. Anger is one 50 neutrality is two 50. And once we get above two 50 above neutrality, we start to go into and move into.

[00:01:51] The conscious creator of our experience. That’s when we stop responding to our outer reality and start creating the outer reality that we wish to create that is in higher resonance, higher frequencies. Of love, joy and peace. And speaking of which love is at 50. Joy has an energetic log of five 40 pieces, 600. 

[00:02:17] And the words up until sick up until 700. 

[00:02:20] You have words. Associated with these frequencies. So peace is 600 it’s bliss. It’s illumination. Joy is five 40 it’s serenity. It’s complete. It’s one. But when you get to an enlightenment. And that 700 to a thousand. On the energetic log. Your predominant emotional state. Is ineffable. Because you are in pure consciousness.

[00:02:55] And I can tell you from experience that I have. Experienced, this pure consciousness. And I’m going to tell you about it and a sack, but why don’t we go ahead and get to what we’re going to be talking about in today’s super powerful. We’re less episode. So in today’s episode, I reveal how words block us. From connecting to our truth, the key parts of our soul experience that is actually ineffable. And at a lean in. Two word listeners to connect deeper to your true essence. We’ll end on an invitation that will have you gaining wordless clarity about your life path and your soul journey in magical and mysterious ways. 

[00:03:40] So you’re going to want to stay with me until we end. 

[00:03:42] Welcome to Soul Guide Radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts, And clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business.

[00:04:11] I’m Allyson Scammell, your host and soul guide.

[00:04:25] Hello, soul guide circle. That is the name of this global and growing community of soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs in the soul guide circle. We are using our spiritual gifts to grow prosperous heart led businesses. That are on the leading edge of consciousness. 

[00:04:42] Find the link to join our closed Facebook [email protected]. Or in the show notes. Today, we’re talking about how enlightenment is ineffable, meaning it is wordless. So let’s start with how words disconnect us from our truth. When we’re really trying to calculate with words, something that goes beyond. The frequency of words. So when we’re really talking, trying to talk about something like your true essence, that’s the truth of who you are without filters without conditioning. It’s your true state of being that is an enlightened energy. So there are no real words to describe it. 

[00:05:28] Now you can get clothes. You can find words that go in the right direction and it can be useful to find those words as guides. But very often we’re looking for the perfect words. Uh, to match. What it is, we feel our true essence is we’re looking for that perfect match. And when it’s not there, Something feels off about it. 

[00:05:54] And then we second guess that thing. About our soul experience that we’re trying to describe using words. So we’re using words to describe something that in its purest form is wordless. So that automatically is going to create sort of an artificial reality to it. Like it’s not going to be a perfect match. So, if that makes you feel frustrated, then you definitely should take a break from the words and drop into the energy, which I’m going to be telling you how to do in just a sec. And you should also just release yourself from. The desire to find the words that tell the perfect story because they don’t exist. 

[00:06:46] You can get super, super close. And you can find words that are going really in the right direction, but it’s never gonna be a perfect match. So it’s just having that awareness and making peace with that. The only thing that’s a perfect match to those pieces of us that are enlightened energy in their truest form is the energy frequency itself being it’s just purely. Uh, state of being and being in the energy of the thing. And what are the things I’m referring to here? There are certain key aspects of our experience that are truly ineffable. 

[00:07:32] And the first one is our sole mission. We all come in, we have a life purpose for this lifetime. And we also have a soul mission that we take with us from lifetime to lifetime. Now we can find words that go in the right direction and that help give us clarity. And that do serve us. I mean, we can find the words to describe our soul mission that actually help us hone in on things and clarify the inspired action we feel called to take, or maybe the branding and our business, or a certain signature offer. And yes, words are going to be required to communicate that both to yourself and to others, but the words will never be a perfect match. The energy frequency of it is a perfect match. 

[00:08:26] So when I take a deep breath, And I’ve done a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot of work. I’m putting words to my soul mission. You know, my sole mission is to be the trainer of Lightworkers the teacher, the guide, the mentor of Lightworkers to help them connect to, and co-create with the spiritual realm at higher levels, and to understand their soul experience and their so mission and the work they’re meant to do. In, you know, in this lifetime so that we can lead mother earth, the higher consciousness. Yes, that feels good. 

[00:08:59] That feels right. That feels definitely going in the right direction. But. There’s a piece of me that like, yeah, but it’s more than that. It’s not all of that. That’s too little that’s too much. That’s. Yeah, because I’m using words to describe something that is word less. The same is true for your unique genius. Those are those unique abilities you were born to share? And you can use words. To describe that. I have the unique ability to channel source. Channel source with profound messages that I can. Co-create actually with source to transfer it on to others in a way that it’s very understandable, integratable and actionable. 

[00:09:47] I really feel like that’s a part of my unique genius. But does that say everything? Not at all. And is that a hundred percent, right? Not at all, but is it going in the right direction and does it help me anchor in certain parts of my experience, you know, parts of my business, parts of my offer, parts of my sole client avatar, certainly. So I’m not in this episode telling you to throw the words out the window. But I’m telling you to notice when you feel like I just don’t have clarity. 

[00:10:19] I just don’t know what my soul mission is. I just don’t know what my unique genius is. And lastly, I’m going to give you, uh, the last thing I’m going to mention in this episode, although there are more of the ineffable pieces of your soul experience, and that is your true essence. That is your true state of being. Without. Masks filters hiding. Pleasing. Just, you. Being nothing more than true. You.

[00:10:52] So you’re being the spiritual being, having the human experience and pure the purest sense. You’re just embodied being the bright light that is you. 

[00:11:05] And we find our true essence using our spiritual gift. Of leadership. We find our unique genius using our spiritual gift of teaching. And we find our soul mission using our spiritual gift of healing. And these are things I deep dive into in soul blueprint, my signature certification program that teaches you how to connect to, and co-create with the spiritual realm at higher and higher levels and how to align more sharply to the truth of who you are, and to get the clarity on these things. And a D a big, big part of it is that do wow. 

[00:11:42] Liddy. Of it being true and not true at the same time, which is what duality is two opposing things that are both true, but they’re opposing each other. So in a way, there’s this duality to wanting to find the right words, to define these things, to help us get clarity so we can take the right aligned, inspired action. 

[00:12:02] But these things are in. They’re true. Essence wordless. So it’s about making peace with that duality. Yes, I’m going to try to find the right words. And at the same time, I know those right air quotes, right words aren’t ever going to get to the ineffable truth. About who I really am. Because that is. We’re less, we’re less. So, how do we lean into this word, listening to connect deeper to our truth? And all right, let’s start with so mission. 

[00:12:44] Okay. So it’s just about taking some deep belly breaths. Sinking into the body. 

[00:12:52] And then you place your awareness at your heart space at the center of your chest. 

[00:13:00] And you just simply set the intention to connect to the energy frequency of your soul mission. And if that feels difficult to do, because you have some resistance, some blocks, you know, something telling you, well, I don’t have enough clarity to do this. I’m not good enough to do this. Then you just want to go into a bit of healing to release that resistance. And once you’ve done that. Again, what I teach you a step-by-step how to do. 

[00:13:29] And so blueprint. And then you want to go back to your heart space. Going to the spaciousness. Going to the high, your frequencies. And just set the intention to connect to so mission and just feel your soul mission. So instead of describing it, And trying to figure out. You’re becoming. Your soul mission. You’re simply becoming the wordless energy frequency of it. And this is something my dear ones you can access at any time. It’s always here. 

[00:14:09] Always ready for you to connect to it. At higher and more aligned levels. 

[00:14:16] I’m simply just, yeah. Connecting with the energetic frequency of my soul mission. 

[00:14:22] And you can do the same process with your unique genius, your true essence. Your intuitive languages. Your higher visions for yourself. So you can do this to connect into future versions of yourself. That are more aligned and more evolved. To call and clarity. But right now, I’m just connecting to my soul mission. 

[00:14:51] And I’m just feeling like. 

[00:14:54] Feeling it, and this is just what’s coming through. But of course, these are words. But these words are. Direction and guidance, you know, they’re coming in the form of direction and guidance. And even though it’s not telling 100% of the story, I’m going to welcome the duality of it and use the words as a guide. 

[00:15:17] But knowing that the energy is what speaking, the actual truth. So it’s just coming through about my sole mission is I am. My soul mission is all about mission. I’m a mission driven Bersin. I it’s important for me to have a mission. It’s important for me to feel on mission. It’s important for me to feel like I’m in the process of fulfilling my mission. Really important to me. This is all like mission is all layered throughout my human design chart. I’m. Someone whose sole mission is to be on a mission. 

[00:15:59] And to help you connect to your soul mission and find your mission and clarify your mission and take inspired action to. Align. More sharply to your mission. Which is the intention of this episode itself. So mission is important is an important aspect of my soul mission. And I knew that already, but I’m just connecting to that in this moment. 

[00:16:25] And that really sharp clarity is just coming through and it feels so empowering. It feels so right. And dare I say it, it just feels an affable. It feels wordless like. 

[00:16:39] It just is. 

[00:16:42] And so much of our spiritual growth when we truly reach these higher and higher frequencies are wordless. And our brain is always going to try to describe it. And find the words that are the closest match to describe it. And that’s okay. Only if it doesn’t lead to frustration or unsatisfaction.

[00:17:06] And as much as you can just be in the word, listening of it in the pure. Consciousness. And just allow that to be your clarity. Allow that to be describing what is there? It’s a wordless description and it’s a new way of thinking because we are so used to using words to describe. And this is about just using wordless feelings and frequencies to describe. And just letting that be enough. I tapped into it and I felt it. And that’s enough. I don’t need to define it all out. I don’t need. To get the next level of words to describe the next level of specifics of it. The frequency. And the feeling. And the pure consciousness of it is enough.

[00:18:04] Dear ones. 

[00:18:05] My invitation for you this week is to spend some moments. Just dropping into worthlessness. You can set the intention that you’re going to drop into the word listless of your true essence or your genius or a future version of yourself. Or your soul mission. Or your unique, intuitive languages or something else? But just practice dropping in. Deep breaths, connecting to the heart space, connecting to the energy. And dropping in to the pure power. Of the wordless consciousness

[00:18:44] and you will find this. Beautiful aligned clarity. That you may or may not be able to use words to describe. That will enable you to experience your next level of true soul alignment.

[00:19:02] Ah, all right. My dear ones that syrup for this week. And remember if you head over to the show notes right now. And find the link that says leave. Rating and review and or you go to wherever it is, you’re listening. Hit that subscribe button. I find the rating and review link and leave me a review. You can do a quick screenshot and email it, or DM me that screenshot. 

[00:19:28] I will read your words on the air and send you a super awesome gift that your going to love as a little token of my appreciation for you. And. As always until next time, may your soul guide the way. 

00:00 Intro

00:19 Understanding Ineffable and Spiritual Mysteries

01:15 David R. Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness

03:02 The Power of Wordlessness

04:48 How Words Disconnect Us from Our Truth

07:32 Connecting to Your Soul Mission

10:11 Embracing the Duality of Words and Wordlessness

12:45 Practical Steps to Connect with Wordless Consciousness

18:21 Invitation

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