Energetic Trends for 2023 with Emily Ghosh – Part 2

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This episode is the second of a two-part interview series with the amazing Emily Ghosh, exploring the energetic trends of 2023. Emily is an intuitive guide, sound alchemist, and multidimensional business mentor who helps her clients to deepen their understanding of their divine blueprint, connect with their purpose, and address their blocks.

During this conversation, Emily and I dive into the concept of super-abundance (which is just as incredible as it sounds!), and explore the ways that you can welcome super-abundance into your life and business with more ease and joy, in ways that feel aligned with and true to your vision. Along the way, we also discuss how to honor your unique energy, passions, and rhythms.

If you missed the first part of this fascinating interview, be sure to listen to episode #96 because you won’t want to miss a single moment!

Guest bio: Emily Ghosh Harris is the founder of Soul Media, a company that serves as a portal of expansion and elevation for heart-centered entrepreneurs, lightworkers, starseeds, and conscious companies through digital marketing, holistic consulting, and intuitive business practices. She has a Masters Degree in Business from the University of Tampa and a diverse background working with businesses of all sizes — startups to Fortune 500 companies — for close to two decades. 

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • How to unplug from collective fear and avoid gloom-and-doom thinking
  • How to receive the super-abundance that is ready to arrive to you 
  • An invitation that will have you connecting to your Higher Self in new and inspiring ways

Emily’s Resources: 

Allyson’s Resources: 

This Week’s Invitation:

Spend some time going within to connect with your internal voice, your divine wisdom, and connect with the soul of your business or what is desiring to come through, allowing that energy to flow.

[00:00:00] Hey ho dear ones. How are we doing today? I hope you’re feeling nice and high vibe. And speaking of high vibe, I am in week five of my five week experiment to raise my dominant energetic frequency, which I’ve been writing about in my blog Soul Guide Sunday. So if you haven’t had a chance to check out those posts yet, I highly recommend it.

[00:00:24] The experiment has been, Truly life-changing for me, and I’m not using those words lightly. Our dominant energetic frequency, or our D E F is our average energetic resonance taken over time. So our energy is always in constant motion and it correlates to how we feel. So when we’re feeling joy, love, elation, we’re vibrating at a higher residence.

[00:00:51] Then when we’re feeling sadness, shame, fear, which is a lower vibrational emotional resonance. So when you take all of the different. Energetic points we’re vibrating at in a given day, and you average it out. That creates our dominant energetic frequency or D e F, and what we’re vibrating at today determines our manifest reality for tomorrow.

[00:01:19] So we really want to look at ways. And explore into ways where we can raise that d e F. So we are bringing in more joy to our overall experience. And this brings us nicely to today’s episode where we’re talking about energy. This is part two of a conversation that began last week. Where I am talking to Emily, Ghosh, about energetic trends, high vibrational energetic trends for 2023.

[00:01:53] So if you haven’t had a chance to listen to part one, I do invite you to hit pause. Check that out and then come back to us because you really aren’t going to want to miss a minute of this conversation. I mentioned this in last week’s episode. I wanna mention again, this is the first time I’ve divided an interview up into two parts because I thought the content was so good and Emily is just amazing and she and I had a super.

[00:02:23] Inflow, wonderful connection with one another. So let’s get to it. In today’s part two episode, we explore how to unplug from collective fear, the theme of super abundance. And how to receive the super abundance that’s ready to arrive to you. We’ll end on an invitation that will have you connecting to your higher self in new and inspiring ways so you can get the insights that wanna come through.

[00:02:52] So be sure to stay with us until the end. Welcome to Soul Guide Radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs. Here to bring about change on a massive level. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission. Amplify your spiritual gifts. And clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business.

[00:03:22] I’m Allison Scammel, your host and soul guide.

[00:03:31] Hello Soul Guide Circle. That is the name of this global community of soul guided leaders. Influencers and entrepreneurs in the Soul Guide circle, we are pursuing our soul guided dreams while lifting up humanity. Find a link to join our closed Facebook [email protected] or in the show notes. Today’s guest is Emily.

[00:03:52] Ghosh, and I did read the first half of our bio last week, and I’m gonna read the second half this week. Through the integration of astrology, human design, gene keys, self-inquiry, and energy healing techniques, Emily Ghosh helps clients to deepen their understandings of their divine blueprint, connect with their purpose, and address any blocks of resistance which may show up.

[00:04:15] She combines these tools with innovative and aligned business and marketing strategies to help clients gain clarity and confidence around visibility, creating abundance and fully. Shining their light in the world. And I have to say here, and Willie and I are doing really, really similar things in the world.

[00:04:36] I mean, her bio and my bio overlap in so many ways. And you may think like, oh, you guys talk about the same thing? Well, maybe like. You, you know? You know, maybe our voices would compete with each other to be like, Hey, who knows more about energy and intuition, me or you? But the inspiring thing is, which really is an energetic theme of 2023, is that when you are an energetic match with someone, Like Emily and I are, there is no competition.

[00:05:07] There is no like, oh, I better get my thought out there first. Otherwise she might outshine or I might not be good enough. All we did was just help each other to shine brighter, and even though we talk about super similar things, We have different points of view and different takes and different insights.

[00:05:31] So we fit together like a puzzle piece, and that’s what true aligned energy looks like. There’s no competition, there’s no struggle. It’s just a flowing puzzle piece where everything connects in alignment. So for part one of this interview, we left off talking about how to cultivate trust. And we’ll pick up on exploring this topic.

[00:05:57] Even when you have bills to pay and you don’t know, you can trust, the abundance you need will arrive. So please enjoy.

[00:06:16] What about the the now of. Really the day-to-day, creating that sustainability, creating that abundance, and not, you know, kind of falling into the energy of scarcity. Yeah. That’s so big. Well, what I tell people about this is, you know, watch your watch when we get we and we all get there. We get inadvertently plugged into collective fear.

[00:06:44] There’s a lot of fear right now in the collective about financial systems and is it a recession, isn’t it? You know, a lot of doom and gloom scenarios out there. And this fifth dimensional energy truly can enable you just to rise above all of that, you can arise above all of that provided, you know, you’re healing your own energy wound.

[00:07:07] So it’s not, I’m not talking about spiritually bypassing anything or anything like that. I’m just saying if you’re on the path to noticing when you might have a money wound or a lack wound and you’re, you know, giving attention to that, carrying that healing that, and then releasing that. You can and, and no noticing like what you’re consuming.

[00:07:28] Like there’s a lot of news I just will not consume because all it does is put me into a fear state, which I choose not to be in. You really can rise above it. And so what I tell folks is to just kind of notice, like you can, you can kind of sink into your body. This is a little trick. You can sink into your body, close your eyes and just kind of do a scan and you can kind of.

[00:07:51] Feel in your energy aura. You can kind of notice the energetic cords that you’re plugged into. Now, if you have clients and if you have kids, if you’re married, whatever, the people who are really close to you, you’re, you’re gonna feel an energetic cord into them. And what, how I see it, how it arrives visually to me is when we are plugged into.

[00:08:14] Collective fear. It’s a, it’s an actual energetic cord and it goes, it’s below us. I always see it down by the feet, so you can kind of notice and you can feel into it. You don’t have to see anything, just kind of like sense into it and just ask the question, am I inadvertently plugged into collective fear right now around anything, but certainly around money?

[00:08:36] And if you kind of feel energy below your feet, maybe you can sense some chords. And even if you just get like an intuitive yes, or you just kind of feel a yes energy, like I’m plugged into fear that I that’s not serving me, then what I invite you to do is go ahead and unplug from that. And all you have to do is set the intention, the energy will do the work.

[00:08:58] I intend to unplug from any collective fear, and what I do is I actually visualize those cords below my feet unplugging, and you wanna bring all the energy back to you. And send all energy that’s not yours back. And if you feel like it, you can say, I send it, I send all the energy back. Well, I would actually send all the energy back that’s not yours first, and then call all of your energy back to you, blessed and transformed, and that’s just a little energy clearing technique that really can help you stay clear of being inadvertently.

[00:09:36] Pull down or triggered by lack. But then there’s also like our own real inner wounds that are, that are our real wounds coming from ancestry, past lifetime, childhood, et cetera. And it really is part, I always say healing isn’t part of the path that is the path. So just noticing it’s, it is the path. So part of our experience that as we learn to trust and we’re waiting and all the things that we’re also healing.

[00:10:03] Right? Yeah. One, 100%. And thank you for sharing that. Beautiful process, by the way is so helpful. And I do feel it is part of the path, the healing and. It’s abundance. I love to call it super abundance because, you know, sometimes we get limited in thinking about abundance in, in terms of monetary, but super abundance really is connecting with abundance in all forms in our lives.

[00:10:31] And so, but I feel like this, you know, theme of super abundance is something that we’re always invited to look at throughout the journey of, you know, being an entrepreneur and you know, just in life. But I feel like this is one of those areas where, We have so many different beliefs that are maybe imprinted from an early age or ancestrally about money or abundance, and really looking at those throughout the course of, of growing and receiving can be so, so helpful to see if there are any beliefs that you, that are really, you know, not serving you about money.

[00:11:11] And receive and see if we can begin to shift those to re rewrite the story. One thing you know can be around receiving and getting even more comfortable with receiving. You know, sometimes for us it’s difficult even just to receive a compliment. You know, I remember when, years ago, when, when I would receive a compliment, like I would feel I would have to compliment, you know, the person back, you know, and just not feeling entirely comfortable.

[00:11:41] Just being in the process of holding that energy, of really just being grateful and allowing that to come into your body, into yourselves, and seeing how that feels and getting really comfortable with receiving. Is just a natural correlation for us being able to receive all different forms of abundance.

[00:12:04] So one simple practice that I recommend is an abundance practice where you can even just make a note in your phone of all the different ways that you receive abundance. You know, it could be. A walk in nature or time with your loved one or a furry animal. You know, it could be a new client that you called in received.

[00:12:32] There are so many different ways that we receive, and I feel like when we acknowledge it, when we’re grateful, the universe responds to that and we’re able to receive even more. And one other thing that I just want to add around abundance, and this is a little bit more kind of like practical structural, but I feel like it is helpful, is to really open ourselves up to multiple streams of revenue.

[00:13:00] And as an entrepreneur, I feel like this just is a mindset shift that can be so helpful to really know that there’s so many different creative ways. That we can begin to receive revenue, receive abundance in our businesses, and once we start those wheels turning, then it’s like, oh Ghosh, well I could do this.

[00:13:21] I could also, you know, do a masterclass. Or I could have like a shopping section on my website, maybe turn some of this. You know, evergreen content into a course that people that would provide value to others so we can get really creative. And also in the beginning, you know, it’s very common for people when growing a business to maybe have an alternative revenue stream that is, Perhaps working a part-time job or doing contract work or something like this, and I just put forth the invitation to really view this as another revenue stream for your business.

[00:14:04] It’s a slight mindset shift, but instead of like, I’m working for someone else, like I’m in that energy, it’s like, oh, this is actually bringing in revenue for my business so that I’m able to share my gifts to be more in my flow and my authenticity. So really just opening up to the ways that you can create sustainability in your own life and business.

[00:14:30] I really could not agree more with what you just said. And I really believe this multiple streams of revenue is like a characteristic. It’s a, what’s the word I’m looking for? A hallmark, is that the right word? Of this new fifth dimensional energy. What  I believe it’s inviting us to. Have revenue from multiple sources and that, and actually, and maybe if, if you are like, oh, that feels overwhelming, I can barely get revenue into one source, let alone multiple sources.

[00:14:59] What I really invite in for you is lean into the ease of it, invite in the possibilities. Cuz I find the more streams I open up, the more useful it actually gets. And some of these streams like kind of pop outta nowhere for me. Like certain affiliate opportunities where I. Had all these signups on this affiliate link I barely shared, and all of a sudden this big check is coming, being sent to me, and I’m like, whoa, where did that come from?

[00:15:24] So really like this is the universe saying, Hey, we are here to support you and we wanna make it more useful. And when you have multiple streams open of where you can receive, then just one or two, it makes it easier for us to give you that abundance that you deserve. Absolutely. Yeah. And I feel like this is a structural piece that helps us be in more of that flow.

[00:15:47] And so even just to build upon that, I would invite people to write it down, write down the different revenue streams, like say it’s an affiliate link, or it’s group coaching and one-on-one coaching. Make a list of all of the possible ways that you would love to receive super abundance and even. Even take it a step further to put some numbers to it, because I feel like sometimes we can shy away from the numbers and this just is just one example of how we can start to crystallize things into physical form.

[00:16:23] You know, whether it’s getting really clear and visualizing. Exactly your dream client that you would love to work with. You know, these are certain ways that we can kind of begin to with clarity call in that which we’re creating. Yes, and you’re just helping by getting clearer. You’re helping the universe to help you.

[00:16:49] You know, you’re putting your order into the quantum field, so it may respond and give you what what you need and what you want. And yeah, this is brilliant. And that’s actually something I’ve not done, like written down my multiple revenue sources and. Checked in with hire Solve. Is there something I’m not seeing?

[00:17:07] Are there opportunities out there that I’m not, you know, taking full advantage of? So I’m totally going to do that and thank you for that tip. Oh my Ghosh, Emily, I could literally just chat with you for hours on this. Like, I mean, there’s just, there’s so much, so much. Explore One question. I’d love to go back.

[00:17:25] Too is that you kind of started and you were saying, I actually love the building of the funnels and the sales page, and you know, and that’s a, a area that sometimes people shy away from and get overwhelmed with, and I was just wondering if you could share some of those, you know, practices that have been really meaningful and valuable for you.

[00:17:47] Yeah, so that’s a really good question. So like, I. I think about the journey. I’m a traveler and I love to travel, so I think about the journey. Someone goes on from not knowing me at all to investing in one of my V I P offerings, and I want that journey to be as like just, I want it to be results producing.

[00:18:11] And maybe that’s sort of masculine energy, but that is really coming from my heart. That’s just something like that gets me excited to get outta bed in the morning. I can help people produce results, and the results are more money, more happiness, richer relationships, feeling healed, like the results can be everything, not just, you know, money results.

[00:18:33] All the results gets me fired up, and I think that that’s what makes it joyful for me is I, I always have my why. Why do I do this? I love helping people get results and yeah, I could, I could sp talk an hour about what that means to get results cause it’s quite deep. But the chapeau statement, you know, the, the bottom line is I love to get people results.

[00:18:57] So I think about how can I create a journey that every step of the way I like to call them. Another way I like to call results are snippets of transformation. How can I get them? Just a little snippet here and a little snippet there? And before you know it, they’ve had so many snippets that they’re associating with me and my offerings and my content with, oh, my life is better.

[00:19:19] I, I get results, I get, I’m happier, I’m healthier, I’m richer, whatever it is. And that, and I, I follow that excitement. There are some things about, you know, creating a funnel I don’t like to do. And so I am to the point in my business where I can hire help and the second I was able to outsource the stuff I didn’t like to do, I did.

[00:19:40] And I recommend you do that once you, you know, once you have the, you know, you feel like you’re, you have some extra revenue in your business to hire help, you absolutely should because nobody loves to do all parts of it. I mean that, that that’s a rare person who loves to do, like if you’re building a funnel, everything from soup to nuts, that person I don’t really think is out there.

[00:20:02] But finding those things that you really love to do and kind of doubling down on that. So for me, it’s like thinking about the journey and Divi designing the email automation and creating. The content for the email automation, like that’s stuff I love to do. I don’t really love so much sales emails and actually drafting the, the, the language of the landing page.

[00:20:25] So what I do on those things that I don’t love, I do have a copywriter help me, but she just does the first draft. She doesn’t do it all. She does the first draft just to get me going. Sometimes I feel like I just can’t even start with, like, for me, a landing page and a, and a blank sheet of paper is like really hard.

[00:20:43] It’s like, oh, it feels difficult. So I have her do the first draft and then I infuse my energy into it. My personal stories, my like, oh, I was working with this one client and this magical thing happened. So I, I, I insert my energy at certain points. But she does help me get started because otherwise it just feels too hard.

[00:21:03] So just noticing those places where you get naturally excited, always remembering your why. Why do you do this? Why do you care so much? And then when you can hiring help, you can always barter services. You know, if you, if you know someone else, barter services, um, you know, be creative about how you can get help.

[00:21:20] And you’ll find that you’re all of a sudden really finding yourself loving sales and marketing and funnels and all those things. That is such amazing advice. I love that. Because it’s so true. We, we, we literally can’t do all the things and it’s so helpful to know that which is outside of our zone of genius so that we can get help, you know?

[00:21:44] And I love that because I’m the same way with creating, you know, sales pages. It’s like, seems daunting and it ends up like being just pushed down as, you know, something on the to-do list. And so to have that inspiration or that start where you can like infuse your energy that is. Such a great practice.

[00:22:03] So yeah, and what I can say on that is I, you know, you can spend a lot of money on copywriters, and especially like the sales marketing copywriters tend to charge a lot, but if you don’t have a big budget for this, which I don’t have a big copywriting budget, you know, people who are just good solid copywriters charge more normal prices, I would say.

[00:22:27] And if you can, if you just ha have them help you to get started and then you add your own flare to it, you can find, you can get copywriting help that doesn’t break your bank. Yeah, that’s so, that’s so good. Yeah. And, and that goes with anything, you know, like you can get the top of the line thing and yeah, it’s gonna be expensive, but there’s ways, you know, there’s always ways to get the help you need in your budget, I would say yes.

[00:22:53] So what I’m hearing from you is know the things that are outside of your Arizona genius. Get help. Be resourceful, whether it’s barter or trade, or just finding those people that you love working with, that you’re able to, you know, gel with and create the magic with. And that way you’re able to really be of service, you know, to be able to, to share your gifts and to reach people with.

[00:23:21] With your message in a meaningful way. So I love that. I wanna, you know, kind of as we like wrap up this, this episode, ask you what has been like the game changer in your business or in your energy? Like where have you seen sort of like the quantum leaps occur? To be honest, I just have to say human design.

[00:23:44] I got to know, I I, I hired a coach. Was it 2020 already? Like three years ago? I hired a coach and a, as her bonus, she offered a bon bonus human design reading. And I said, what’s human design? And I got my bonus reading. I was like, oh my Ghosh, I’m doing everything against my design type in my business.

[00:24:05] I was working against my natural energy every step of the turn, and my human design just pointed it out. Here, here, here, and here. And I really went on a journey. I’ve been on a journey since then, and I’m not, I do not call myself a human design coach. I mean, I’m studying it more for me. To be a happier person to understand my clients better, not necessarily as part of my coaching, but I really believe human design and business is a match made in heaven, and you can learn the absolute basics of human design.

[00:24:39] If you start aligning your business to your strategy and your authority, you will start to see results. That’s it. Just start there. Get to know your strategy. Oh, obviously get to know your type. That’s the first thing, right? Your type, your strategy, your authority. You can Google it. You can get loads and loads and loads and loads of information for free from the interwebs.

[00:25:00] Type strategy, authority and start aligning your business to those three things. And I, I have a very strong feeling you’re gonna start to see results quite soon. Hmm. I love that. And that’s something that is so, you know, in my area of just passion is understand and exploring your own divine blueprint and really looking at it from, A multi-layered, multi-dimensional perspective.

[00:25:25] I think human design is such a powerful modality and tool to help us to understand our energy and how to work with that. Because, you know, sometimes I’ve, I’ve, I’ve seen this as like, we’re looking outside and it’s like, oh, I love the way this person is doing it, and it’s like, They’re a manifesting generator, for example, and you’re a projector or you know, a reflector and it’s like the way that your energy wants to flow is in a completely different way.

[00:25:54] And so I feel like I just, you know, kind of a thread of, of value that I love to just share is to honor your own. Unique energy and your own unique rhythms and cycles. And also too, one thing that I really would love to share is the. Opportunities that we have to go deeply within, because there are those moments I feel in the journey.

[00:26:25] I feel like being an entrepreneur is such an chemical journey because it accelerates often the process of. Healing of, of transformation because we have a mirror to really look at some of those places and spaces and shadows. And so when there is a, a moment where you’re feeling stuck, where you’re feeling great resistance, where you’re feeling like things are not flowing, what I would recommend is to go deeply into that energy and explore, get really.

[00:26:59] Curious without judgment, but just really just being the neutral observer and witness and what is it that is desiring to perhaps shift to be known, to be healed, to be alchemized. Because when we allow the invitation to go deeply into those spaces and places, That for me has provided the greatest transformative leaps in my life, in my business because something is wanting to transform, you know?

[00:27:33] And we’re able to bring that forward in a new way and honor the energy that’s arising. Oh my Ghosh. That is amazing and brilliant. Ugh, this has been such a cool, cool conversation. So, Emily, I always, I wanna ask you in one second how our listeners can connect with you, because I know they will want to get into your world if they’re not already.

[00:27:54] But before I do that, I would love you to leave my listeners with an invitation that’s really inviting them anywhere you wish them to go. Some inspiration, some homework, something. Well, wherever you wish to invite them. Hmm. I would love to invite listeners to really spend some time going within to connect with your own internal voice, your own divine wisdom, and some of the things that we talked about in this episode.

[00:28:24] I feel like. It would be really fun to do some automatic writing on. And automatic writing is just such a helpful practice to really connect us with our higher selves, with our own intuitive guidance and wisdom. So maybe just spending some time to connect with the soul of your business or what is desiring to come through, and really just allowing that energy to flow.

[00:28:47] Brilliant. I love it. I love it so much. And please tell our listeners how they can connect with you. So my website is Emily Ghosh harris.com. This episode will be coming out on the Soul Collective Podcast as well. And also I am on Instagram, Emily. Ghosh, Harris, that’s probably the easiest way to connect. I’d love to hear from you if.

[00:29:12] This conversation resonated. Send me a, a DM and really looking forward to connecting. Alison, thank you so much for your heart, your wisdom, for all the love and service that you offer the world. This has been an amazing conversation. Oh my Gosh, I right back at you. Thank you so much. And I noticed that we do have a similar message and similar content and I just feel such energetic synergies with you.

[00:29:40] So keep doing the brilliant work you’re doing in the world.

[00:29:54] And I wanna thank you dear one, so much for tuning in and listening. I hope you received as much from this dialogue as I did. I’m so grateful for you tuning in each and every week. And if you did really receive something from this conversation, head over to the show notes and you’ll find a link to leave a podcast review.

[00:30:13] Let us know specifically what you heard that shifted for you or gave you an aha or gave you a little snippet of transformation. Alright, that’s all I have for you for this week, and as always, Until next time, may your soul guide the way. Are you ready to deepen your connection to your intuitive gifts?

[00:30:35] Then it’s time for 10 high five minutes. The ultimate daily mindfulness practice for soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs. In only 10 minutes per day, you’ll keep your energy high vibe and align to your highest dreams while transforming your daily practice into a powerful tool to manifest big wealth.

[00:30:56] Health and abundance. Get free access now on my website, allysonscammell.com or in the show notes.


00:01  5-week experiment & intro

06:17  Unplugging from collective fear

10:12  Super-abundance & limiting beliefs

12:44  Multiple streams of revenue

17:23  Joy & the customer journey

23:24  Human Design & honoring your energy

27:47  Invitation & conclusion

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