Energetic Trends for 2023 with Emily Ghosh – Part 1

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You may have noticed that your appetite for being in alignment has grown more powerful lately, as the energy of the collective is gradually shifting into a very high vibrational frequency. As we move into the latter half of 2023, what can we expect energetically? How can we best tune into the fifth-dimensional energy that will allow us to build more authentic, aligned, easeful, and intuitive businesses and lives? 

Emily Ghosh is an intuitive guide, sound alchemist, and multidimensional business mentor. She helps her clients take quantum leaps in their lives and businesses by bringing forward their Highest, most authentic, and creative expression, and gaining clarity and confidence around visibility, creating abundance, and fully shining their light in the world!

In this fascinating Part 1 episode of a 2-part series on Soul Guide Radio, we deeply discuss the energetic trends of 2023, reveal how to rewrite the program around productivity to create space for BEING rather than just doing, and explore how to bridge the gap between third-dimensional and fifth-dimensional energy as we ascend.

Guest bio: Emily Ghosh Harris is the founder of Soul Media, a company that serves as a portal of expansion and elevation for heart-centered entrepreneurs, lightworkers, starseeds, and conscious companies through digital marketing, holistic consulting, and intuitive business practices. She has a Masters Degree in Business from the University of Tampa and a diverse background working with businesses of all sizes — startups to Fortune 500 companies — for close to two decades.

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • Why so many of us are experiencing a lower tolerance for being out of alignment 
  • The beautiful art of waiting for the divine timing to arrive — and an invitation that will help you align to it
  • How to call in your multidimensional support team to help you grow a THRIVING life and business

Emily’s Resources: 

Allyson’s Resources: 

This Week’s Invitation:

Notice where you are feeling impatient for your results to arrive. Then take some deep breaths, and ask your higher self if the divine timing for this dream now.

[00:00:00] Hey, how dear ones, I’m so excited cause I just said goodbye to my gardeners, my lovely gardeners who have just done a spring cleanup in our front and back gardens and we have a very low maintenance garden. And it is good cuz even though I grew up on a farm, I’m not really the greenest thumb in the world, but I love to have a nice outdoor space.

[00:00:27] And so I have to say I manifested the absolute perfect outdoor space for me because it’s low maintenance and it’s small on the smaller side, but cozy, and I’ve really set the intention to create an outdoor oasis for me. I got a new chair that gets direct sunlight, but I have my umbrella for when it’s, the sun is too hot.

[00:00:51] You know, we bought this place, it had hydroponics, so once in the morning and once in the evening, the water sprinkler system just turns on automatically. So I only really have to water a few flowers that are in pots that sometimes, yeah, I kind of get behind on and they get a little thirsty, but then I always catch up.

[00:01:13] I always resuscitate them and then give them love and then they come back. So it just really is so wonderful to have a space. That is just an oasis to just go to and just feel good in your home, near your home, inside outside. It doesn’t matter, and I really set the intention to create that space in our back garden, and I feel like I’m well on my way.

[00:01:38] I’m still working on it. And it didn’t take that much effort. It didn’t take that much money, and it’s just a place where I go and I wanna feel relaxed and high vibe. And that’s such a good segue into today’s episode because we’re talking about energetic trends for 2023, and I had the absolute pleasure to have a conversation about this with Emily.

[00:02:07] Ghosh. Who she and I had this interview scheduled for some time ago, and then she had to cancel. Then I had to cancel, and then when we finally got to the day that we were recording, we both were like, what did we say we were gonna record on? We had forgotten our topic. So we were really energetically in sync with each other and agreed to just let it flow.

[00:02:33] What wants to come out and what wanted to come out was really fantastic, and the interview went way longer than we had anticipated cuz it just kept flowing. And I decided this content was so good. I needed to make it into a two part series, which I’ve literally never done on the podcast before with an interview of a guest.

[00:03:01] But today’s interview is just that good. So let’s go ahead and get to it where Emily and I are gonna be talking about energetic trends for 2023, and in part one episode we’ll explore how to bridge the gap. Between third dimensional and fifth dimensional energy as we ascend the beautiful art of waiting for the divine timing to arrive and calling in your team of multi-dimensional support to help you grow a thriving life and business.

[00:03:40] We’ll end on an invitation that will have you aligning to the divine timing of how it’s meant to unfold in awe inspiring ways. So be sure to stay with us until the end. Welcome to Soul Guide Radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level.

[00:04:05] We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission. Amplify your spiritual gifts. And clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business. I’m Allison Scammel, your host and soul guide.

[00:04:28] Hello Soul Guide Circle. That is the name of this global community of soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs. In the Soul Guide Circle, we are pursuing our soul guided dreams while lifting up humanity. Find a link to join our closed Facebook [email protected] or in the show notes. Today’s guest is Emily Ghosh.

[00:04:50] Emily is an intuitive guide, sound alchemist, and multi-dimensional business mentor. She is founder of Soul Media. A company that serves as a portal of expansion and elevation for heart-centered entrepreneurs, light workers, star seeds, and conscious companies through digital marketing, holistic consulting, and intuitive business practices.

[00:05:16] I had such an amazing time exploring the energetic trends of 2023 with Emily that I decided to make it a two-part series. Here is part one, please enjoy.

[00:05:39] Hi, Emily. Hey Alison. How are you? I am fantastic. I’m really excited that we’re chatting and what we’re gonna unpack, and I kind of feel like I don’t even know where this conversation’s gonna go. I’m so excited to explore and just see where Spirit wants to take us today. I am so with you. So we’re talking about the bridge.

[00:06:03] It’s the word you use, which I think is so good between, you know, in our businesses, in our marketing, how we show up. You know, we’re evolving to. Some people call it five D marketing and that fifth dimensional, very high vibrational operating on intuition and energetics and magnetism and all those things.

[00:06:25] That’s where we’re growing to, but we’re not quite there yet. You know, as a collective, even I’m not there every day personally, you know, we’re evolving towards it. So what does it look like now that we’re in that third dimensional world, which is more kind of a push out energy, more of a masculine pushing stuff out.

[00:06:44] You know, getting content out on your social media feeds. It’s a real heavy energy of doing right. And. As we move up to that fifth dimensional higher vibration, which is more about a being energy, being in your gifts, being in your in service to the people you feel called to serve, and you start magnetizing, it’s a pull in energy, magnetizing them to you.

[00:07:07] So what is it? What is the current landscape of this year look like as we’re sort of not quite there yet, but we’re going there and I think this is just such a timely and powerful conversation to be having. It is, you know, I feel like this is such a potent, transformational alchemical year that we’re moving through and it’s really, I feel opening us up to share in a different way, share from such a place of authenticity.

[00:07:37] And I’m just curious. For you and all that you’re sharing and bringing forward, you know, and, and, and really envisioning this bridge, which is like the harmonization, the integration of these energies, of, of being, of magnetism, of really kind of also having the structure to enable us to flow, enable us to, to share our gifts.

[00:08:01] You know, one thing that I am just noticing, As we take a step back and just look at the energy of this year is just. Anything and everything that is not in alignment feels even more palpable. Even more cumbersome. Or just tiresome. Or tedious. And I’m noticing that. I’m noticing that. Come up in, you know, coaching sessions and I’m just curious, you know, what your experience of this has been, because I feel like this kind of segues into, you know, this idea of us really being in our full power and our full authenticity to share our gifts in a unique way.

[00:08:47] And I feel like it’s that unique place of. Being in authentic alignment and sharing from our own unique frequency that allows us to really magnetize that which we’re calling into creation. Beautifully said, and I am so with you. It is fascinating to me how the more aligned you get, the more you feel it with even a slight bit of out of alignment.

[00:09:17] It like really things that I would’ve just sort of powered through a year ago, two years ago were just sort of ignored or said, oh, it’s good enough. I can’t do that anymore. Sort power through. It’s not good enough. You know, I, I want to make those shifts, those adjustments that show up, that different way.

[00:09:37] Take those things off my to-do list and, and if it means less revenue, I am perfectly at, I would, I would take alignment over more revenue any day of the week. Yeah. It’s so interesting how, how spirit, how the universe is just sort of like guiding us, just sort of like this gentle way of further opening us up to even greater alignment because it’s, it’s the simple things, you know, as you’re sharing, it’s like I am seeing like how, you know, if I’m not sleeping enough, you know, or if I’m just feeling like.

[00:10:11] Even though I love the work that I do, even if I feel like I’m a little bit burnt out or there’s, it’s a little bit too external and not enough of the yin receptive energy, I will feel that and it shows up for me and it’s a reminder like, oh, you need to take some time off and just be in the creative flow.

[00:10:30] Like right now I’m at the beach and what’s. Fascinating as just through this experience of taking almost a month now and being in a different environment and being in more of like a relaxed, peaceful, almost like, you know, just respite state so much has opened up for me and it’s kind of counterintuitive of what we’ve been told and kind of like this old model of you need to.

[00:10:57] Work more. You need to do more of the things and it’s like really being in the flow and having that pleasure reactivated and that creativity, it’s like all of a sudden all these ideas coming through and this excitement and you know, energization, I know you were talking about like taking a trip before and it’s like, yes.

[00:11:15] Like we’re being invited, I feel to like go on these adventures, whether it’s inner adventures or whether it’s actually traveling somewhere so that we’re able to. Bring that and be a conduit of that joy, of that pleasure, and sharing that with our community, with the world. Yes, and I can see where you are right now.

[00:11:36] You have something behind you that looks like a gong and it’s got a microphone up to it, and it looks very fantastic. Whatever it is, it is. It’s a gong. Yeah, a sound setup, and that’s something that I’ve been playing with a lot is just like music, the voice, you know, prayer. And seeing what wants to come through during this time.

[00:12:00] I love it. I love it. Yeah. You just got me thinking about something we were chatting about before we hit record was Human design and Emily and I are both students of Karen Curry Parker’s Quantum Human Design, which I’m loving, and I’m halfway through level three right now and I’m learning about I, I’m kind of like.

[00:12:22] Almost in awe by how much waiting I have on my, my particular, every, everybody has got a waiting element. Waiting for the right time to create the thing. Launch the thing, be the thing, right? Talk about the thing. And we all have it. And our, that third dimensional masculine do, do, do, go, go, go, has no time for wedding.

[00:12:50] Like don’t, don’t wait for the idea to percolate. Don’t wait for your audience to be ready for it. Go. Right. And I’m just, and from like, human design will tell you, it just doesn’t work like that. It’s gonna fall flat. It’s not gonna be successful. You won’t be heard. It’s not gonna grow. And because I have layered upon, layered upon, layered in my chart waiting, and I have to wait, you know, from wa from my strategy, waiting for the invitation to my open throat center, waiting to be invited to speak to like LA layered upon layer.

[00:13:22] I have a channel, I have a defined channel that’s the channel about learning how to wait. It’s the channel of patience, the right, you know, the right timing. And I’ve really been exploring that. Idea of awaiting waiting for the right time, and what do you do while you wait? Right? That 3D paradigm would say, go, go, go, do, do, do.

[00:13:49] But the real thing to do while you wait for the clarity, for the launch, for the whatever it is you’re waiting for, for the relationship to arrive, for the collaboration, is to do exactly what you’re doing. Getting outta your routine, going to a new space, whether it be away from your house or you know, a five minute walk away into a a park, just being in sound.

[00:14:17] Playing with music, you know, engaging our right brain, doing these things that get us in a high vibrational space. And this is really the most beautiful, beautiful thing to do while you wait, and that really helps you with what I can experience sometimes is this impatience. Like, come on already. I’m ready to go.

[00:14:35] I’m ready to. Launch the thing, but there is this divine timing, which I think when you’re really in alignment, you really are aligned also to the divine timing of when things are supposed to happen. I love what you’re sharing so much because it’s really rewriting the program around productivity. You know, we’re not taught culturally how to be patient and how to just be in the, in the being.

[00:15:06] And you know, there can even be like this program or this limiting belief. I know this is something in my personal journey that I really had to work through and still working through is like just, you know, that overworking tendency and I feel like it is such a virtue to work hard. And at the same time, there’s a way that we can, I feel, share our gifts that is in the full flow of honoring our own rhythms and cycles and our body’s divine wisdom, and to really be in our full flow and joy.

[00:15:44] And I feel like you are such an invitation and sharing about how we can be patient, how that actually this time before we. Launch the thing or before, you know, our dream clients arrive. It is what is that process look like? Because, you know, we, we both know and, and, and all those, you know, likely listening as well is that, you know, cultivating anything of substance doesn’t happen overnight.

[00:16:13] You know, especially when it’s, you know, creating a business or something like this that you’re birthing into the world. It takes time for the. Vision to crystallize into form. And I feel like as we’re talking about, you know, sort of like fifth dimensional energetics of, of business, it’s like, yes, we’re seeing that materialization much faster.

[00:16:31] But I think one of the reasons why we see that quickening that acceleration is because we’re allowing it. That to occur. We’re magnetizing that and we’re in that state of creation. You know, whether it’s sound or whether it’s we’re singing something into existence or we’re speaking things into existence, we’re praying, we’re visualizing, we’re using all of our multi-sensory, multi-dimensional gifts in order to magnetize something into being, like making a vision board or literally, you know, waking up.

[00:17:03] Great, grateful. Because you’d know, you can actually see in your mind’s eye those dream clients that you are so deeply desiring to work with. You know, your artwork being for, for sale in, you know, those places and spaces that you’ve always dreamed of, you know, whatever it is. Like you sharing the gift of the medicine, of of sound, whatever that is for you.

[00:17:30] It’s like really being in that energy. Yes, yes, yes. I love that you got me thinking, Emily, about, you know, dream clients arriving, and I’m wondering, I’ve had some, I’ve had a shift with that, and I’m wondering if you have experienced something similar in how it is showing up for you. I am a business coach and I actually do find a lot of joy out of.

[00:17:58] Marketing strategies that feel good for me and my energy and creating marketing products. And I, I find joy out of running my business. And so I, you know, I get, I get excited about creating an email automation and like a funnel. So, so if you’re new to the journey and all that sounds very unfun and daunting, I’m here to say that there’s a way to find ways to love those parts of your business so they feel like fun and enjoy.

[00:18:26] That said, I have been doing this, this trend started a couple years ago, but this year it has been so pronounced, and that is, I come up with, and all of my stuff is heart led. So you know what? It’s coming from higher south. Like, hey, an idea to do a masterclass. So I’m like, oh yeah, that sounds great. That sounds like fun.

[00:18:50] I wanna do that masterclass. And I do the marketing and I do the thing and I get a good turnout and I show up in my gifts and I really light it on fire. And then I’m offering the thing, whatever it is, the I do a, you know, offer a something as part of the masterclass if people wanna go deeper in the content and then, The results just don’t show up the way I anticipate them or the way they have in the past.

[00:19:19] So in the past, I can do some math and say, all right, you know, I’m gonna do a masterclass. I can expect this many people to show up of those PE or to sign up. I can expect this many people to show up live. I can expect this many people to sign up because I’ve done it so many times. I just kind of follow the numbers.

[00:19:36] Well, I can’t follow the numbers anymore like I used to. And because I think we’re evolving to this fifth dimensional energetics where, okay, I do all the things, but instead of me getting X percentage of signups, You know, investing in my offering, the people who invest in the offering are coming from all sorts of different places that I just didn’t expect.

[00:20:03] And it’s like this person coming out of the woodworks and nobody’s coming from the masterclass. Not nobody, but fewer people are coming from the place where I expect them to come. And the more I can still see myself as. In alignment, in success, and it’s not a sign of failure. It just means that the, the energy wants to come in from different places.

[00:20:28] The greater my results are, and, and it’s so extraordinary, in fact, like the, the sole of clients that are arriving to me are coming with a sort of like a magical ease. The way they’re arriving into my experience. But I have to like really watch my mindset that I’m not like, oh, I did that masterclass and I didn’t get as many signups in the next 48 hours, you know, as I used to, or as I should, or as I wanted to.

[00:21:00] You know, if, if I get into that mindset, then it kind of shuts off that energy to all those other places that people wanna come up. And I also feel that had I not done the masterclass at all, I wouldn’t have gotten those magical people falling outta the sky to sign up as well. So it’s like this funny energy where it’s not arriving the way you expect it to, but it’s still arriving.

[00:21:25] And I was wondering if you experienced something sort of similar and how it’s showing up for you. That’s, that is such a powerful share and I just wanna honor you. And just the excitement of like seeing that shift of like soul aligned clients and showing up in such a easeful way, you know? And I feel like that’s so exciting to, to see that and to receive that and to know that.

[00:21:52] You know, when I show up, when I listen to my intuition, when I act on ins, you know, when I take inspired action that you know, those that are needing my gifts, my medicine are going to hear the call in some way, shape or form, and trust in kind of the universe to help support. You know, I really do believe in.

[00:22:15] Marketing Angels, I believe in, you know, calling in our team of multi-dimensional support to help us to, you know, kind of sprinkle this energy through the ether to deliver to those who are really in need. Our searching for, you know, the unique gifts that we share because, you know, there’s so many different ways for people to hear a message and.

[00:22:43] You know, it’s, I feel it’s not the traditional one thing correlates, you know, a correlates to B like I’m noticing and I’m observing the same thing. It’s like, huh, you know, I put out this video, but, you know, and all of a sudden, you know, I’m, I’m, I’m seeing these inquiries come in to work together and, you know, they’re coming from a, you know, a different video over here, but somehow it’s just this synergy of showing up and being visible.

[00:23:12] And I feel like that is one of those common threads that go, goes back to that, you know, authenticity of, you know, people really need to see you. They need to feel you. They need to connect with your energy. I. In, you know, a deeper way. And so, and when we allow for these opportunities for people to really see us, to, you know, to share our own personal journey, to share with vulnerability, it’s like people can see themselves.

[00:23:43] We, we see ourselves in each other. I mean, we are, you know, one. And so when we are, you know, in that full expression and that honest sharing, I feel like we’re able to, you know, set forth this ripple effect of magnetizing those who are really a match. Brilliant, brilliant. I, I love the way you just described that and this ripple effect, which I so believe in, and I, I really believe that when we show up in our gifts, just as you’re describing, You know, we’re showing up in front of five people, maybe we do a Facebook Live, and five people are turning up.

[00:24:27] And again, your brain could go into, oh, it’s not enough. Or, you know, I wanted 25 and I only have five. If you can quiet your mind, release any sort of resistance around that, you know, get into the body, feel release, take some deep breaths. Sink back into the body, connect to that heart space, and then just be your brilliant self.

[00:24:48] And there’s five people showing up live that will have a ripple effect. You know, release the idea that the, the signup or the conversion or the fill in the blank has to come from those five people, right? It, it will ripple out. And I’m seeing this ripple effect phenomenon in, in greater and more powerful ways than I ever have.

[00:25:09] Yeah. I just wanna add because I love that so much. One of my favorite quotes is like, how you do one thing is how you do everything. And I feel there’s so much truth in this. And one of the best pieces of advice that I ever received is, you know, if you show up and there’s one person there, you know, give the same energy, enthusiasm, love as if you are speaking in front of a thousand people.

[00:25:38] And who are we to judge? You know? I mean if we are able to touch, if we’re able to help one person, I mean, what a gift that is. I couldn’t agree more. And just to share a perspective from a client of mine who is brand new to her coaching journey, and she was gonna do her first master class and she had like 10 signups and then she went.

[00:26:02] On the, you know, the day to go live. And there was no one there live, but she did it and she showed up and she gave her all, and then she shared the replay. And Emily, she ended up getting like three clients from that. And I don’t know about you, I know at the beginning of my business, outa been like, oh, you know, master Masterclass is canceled.

[00:26:24] Like I, I don’t know if I would’ve had the courage. To show up and do it exactly as you just said, like you’re talking to a thousand people, which clearly she did because she got three clients from it. I, I just thought that that takes a lot of courage and guts and, you know, determination and that’s really what it is.

[00:26:43] And you will get rewarded for showing up in that way, in that way. Yeah, that’s, that is such a beautiful example and I feel like when we, when we kind of talk about business wounds or kind of the, the areas, the limiting beliefs that show up, that, that really block our fullest, truest expression in life and, and in business.

[00:27:02] I feel like that that is something as like the fear of. Failure that can even stop us from even putting out the masterclass or putting out the thing because it’s like, well, what if I do this and nobody shows up? So what tremendous courage to not only put that out there, but then also, you know, when nobody shows up to, you know, be in your fullest expression and to, you know, share from the heart.

[00:27:30] Love it. Love it. Another little trend I’m noticing as well. And these clients coming out of places, I’m not expect from places I’m not expecting them to come, are people who, like, say for example, I’ve been on my mailing list for a while and I didn’t, I didn’t really, I didn’t really know who they were. And they’re like, yeah, I joined your mailing list for, you know, you know, four or five years ago and I, I’m ready to hire you now.

[00:28:02] And I feel like all those seeds that I planted, All those years ago, which back then I wanted those seeds to grow right away. Right. And when they did, when it didn’t grow right away, I was like, oh, well that failed. You know? That was my mindset back then. But over the years, I’ve healed those wounds and I, I’m now in the energy of.

[00:28:23] Everything I do in my business gets me something good either for my life, for my energy, for my business, for my revenue, for my ability to serve others. I’m really like full in every little step I take, especially when my highest office calling me to do it. It’s gonna get me some massive return that’s gonna knock my own socks right off.

[00:28:44] Right. And the return is gonna come in a lot of different ways, not just revenue. It’s gonna come in in all sorts of magical ways, and I feel like the more I get into that energy, it almost activates those atten intentions, those seeds I planted four and five and six years ago that. After I planted them, I kind of ignored them or I, I labeled them failure so they didn’t get the chance to grow.

[00:29:09] But now I’m going back and going back to those old seeds and I’m saying, Hey, you’re not a failure. I’m gonna put some water on you and I’m gonna get the sun on you. And, and, and I’m seeing those old seeds now really start to flourish and so beautiful. You know, I’m like witnessing and seeing this beautiful inner imagery as you’re describing it.

[00:29:27] It’s of, you know, one standing in the garden and really just being in the energy of. Of being a gardener for the sheer love of, of cultivating, of connecting with the earth. You know, and you know, when we plant those seeds and just trust that they are being watered, that they’re taking root. And I love that analogy and often share it as well because it’s like we can’t see the, the roots that are growing and.

[00:29:56] Taking place underground. You know, we just have to deeply trust that they’re there and they will bloom when ready, when it’s, you know, divine timing. And so even better to kind of like forget and just to trust, you know, those seeds are there. They will sprout when ready and to be in that flow of just.

[00:30:18] Dropping in scenes of, of being in our flow, just for the sheer love of, of sharing and showing up. Mm, I think you just said the secret. You just shared the secret to really, truly aligning to today’s energy. And that’s trust and that’s another. Aha. I’ve received from going deeper into my human design type A, how much I’ve got a lot of waiting and I’ve got a lot of trust like learning to trust.

[00:30:46] And I think that’s part of waiting for divine timing is trusting that it will arrive, you know? And I think it is so important. It can be really challenging, again, in the old energy to trust, cuz we need to see results now. And so just cultivating that trust is about one of the most powerful things you can put your awareness on that if you keep going, you keep taking that inspired action coming from your heart and showing up as that person, that state of being that you feel called to be, and trusting that those returns that you want, those dreams, those intentions you’ve set.

[00:31:28] Will return back to you. They may look different than has you envisioned, but it’s gonna return back. I think that that trust is about, that’s like the secret sauce to all of this.

[00:31:50] All right, my dear ones, that’s all we have for part one. I did leave it on a little bit of a cliff hanger, so you’re sure to come back next week for part two where we reveal. How exactly you can cultivate trust even when you have bills to pay and you’re not really sure how things are gonna pan out. So please come back and tune in to us next week as we conclude this interview.

[00:32:14] And my invitation for you this week is to notice where you are feeling impatient for the results you desire to arrive. There is an intention. You’ve set a goal, a dream, a wish, and you feel antsy and impatient and outta sorts because it hasn’t arrived yet. When you identify that thing, just spend some time feeling any resistance or lack or outta sorts energy around it.

[00:32:46] Take some deep breaths and ask your higher self is the divine timing for this dream now. And if you get a yes, that means there’s something that wants to shift. There’s a wound, there’s some action required. So ask what needs to happen for this dream to arrive. If you get a no, the divine timing is not.

[00:33:09] Now. See how you can release the impatient and go back into the flow and trust that it’ll arrive when the divine timing is right. All right, my dear ones. That’s all I have for you this week. And as always, until next time, may your soul guide the way. Are you ready to deepen your connection to your intuitive gifts?

[00:33:37] Then it’s time for 10 high five minutes. The ultimate daily mindfulness practice for a soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs. In only 10 minutes per day, you’ll keep your energy, high vibe, and aligned to your highest dreams while transforming your daily practice into a po. Powerful tool to manifest big wealth and abundance.

[00:33:59] Get free access now on my website, allison scam.com or in the show notes.


00:01  Intro

05:39  Meet Emily Ghosh

07:08  Being in authentic alignment

12:02  Human Design & divine timing

14:50  Rewriting productivity

17:39  Unexpected results & magnetizing

24:18  Releasing blocks & watering old seeds

29:21  Invitation & conclusion

Discover the power of soul-guided planning so you can get CLEAR on what your heart is calling you towards and craft your Soul Plan for the next 12 months to help you get there.

With this 3-day Workshop, you get:

✅ 2 Classes to help you get clarity on your soul mission and long- and short-term visions of highest soul-aligned success
✅ A master-level video training showing you step-by-step how to complete the 10-page planning template, and
✅ The 2025 planning template with insights into the energetic themes for 2025

Discover the power of soul-guided planning so you can get CLEAR on what your heart is calling you towards and craft your SOUL PLAN for the next 12 months to help you get there.

With this 3-day Workshop, you get:
✅ 2 Classes to clarify your soul mission and visions of highest soul-aligned success
✅ A master-level video training revealing the energetics of soul-guided planning, and
✅ The 2025 10-page planning template with insights into the energetic themes for 2025