Connecting Deeply to Your Soul Client Avatar

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There’s a reason why creating your ideal client avatar is one of the first steps of any marketing course. When you have real insight into your dream clients, you can skip hours of market research and create powerful content that cuts to the core of what they want, need, and expect from you… but do you REALLY need to know their favourite ice cream flavour in order to sell to them?

If you’re tired of trying to figure out which reality TV show your ideal client prefers, this episode of Soul Guide Radio is for you! Tune in as I reveal how to create a deep, profound, and meaningful energetic connection to your soul client avatar that’s based on the insights that truly matter.

This is the fourth episode in my special five-part series exploring Energetic Soul Client Attraction. If you want to master this powerful energetic alignment process, make sure to tune into all five episodes!

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

    • The client insights that ACTUALLY make a difference to your marketing
    • How to create content for your soul client avatar that leaves your entire audience feeling like it was created just for them  
    • An invitation that will have you filling your pipeline with the soul clients that you were born to serve!


Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

Think of a one thing you want to create for your soul client avatar. A big thing, a little thing. Then go through the five step process.

[00:00:00] Hello, dear ones. We are in the middle of an amazing five part series. I hope you’ve been with me through it. We are exploring the five parts to energetic soul client attraction and energetic soul client attraction is the process of putting out just the right energetic signals in your business so that just the right clients and customers can find you.

[00:00:32] There are five parts, which are really energetic alignments. We explored the first energetic alignment, which was to align your business to your soul mission. The second part was releasing the energy blocks that are tethering you down. The third was to make your higher self. the CEO of your business. And there are links in the show notes to all of those episodes, which I highly recommend you check out.

[00:01:01] And today in part four, we’re exploring how to connect deeply, more deeply to your soul client avatar. This is a hugely important and powerful part of running a heart led business. It enables you to cut down hours and hours and hours of market research and get straight to the core of what your soul client avatar.

[00:01:31] Wants and needs from you on a soul level. So why don’t we go ahead and get right into it in today’s episode. I reveal why you don’t need to know your soul client avatars favorite ice cream flavor, the process of connecting to her energetically and how to create content for your soul client avatar that leaves your entire audience saying, I feel like you made that just for me.

[00:02:00] I’ll end on an invitation that will have you filling your pipeline with the soul clients that you were born to serve. So please stay with me until the end. Welcome to Soul Guide Radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts.

[00:02:30] And clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business. I’m Alison Scammell, your host and Soul Guide.

[00:02:47] Hello Soul Guide Circle. That is the name of this global community of soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs. In the soul guide circle, we are growing prosperous heart led businesses that are on the leading edge of consciousness. Find a link to join our closed Facebook group at or in the show notes.

[00:03:09] Today we’re talking about how to connect deeply to your soul client avatar. This is part four of the five part energetic soul client attraction process. If you have taken any sort of nuts and bolts business class, how to run an online business, how to run any kind of business, they will likely, the teachers, the coaches will tell you to know your ideal client avatar inside and out.

[00:03:42] This is the ideal, ideal, most ideal person to consume your product or service. If you go to a more 3D old school business class, they will likely ask you all sorts of questions about your sole client avatar. And I’m going to use the pronoun she. For that, but you may use the pronoun that works for you. He, she or they, and they will ask you what magazines she reads.

[00:04:18] Where does she eat for dinner? What does she eat for dinner? What is her favorite ice cream flavor? They’re trying to get you to know. Your ideal client avatar inside and out, and I never found that useful and it always felt very heavy and it always left me with the feeling of, I don’t know. I don’t know if she prefers a rocky road or Mint chocolate chip.

[00:04:46] I honestly don’t know, and I’m not really sure it matters. I’m not. A nutritionist. I don’t make ice cream. If I was in the business of making ice cream, I would want to know this. But it’s this push to get you to have this extremely holistic view of her. Her idiosyncrasies, her everyday. If you feel like you know that already, that’s great.

[00:05:18] I think you can never know your ideal client avatar too much. So it’s great. Wonderful. If you are like me and give the penguin salute with your hand, palms up facing the sky saying, I don’t know. Well, then you’re in the right place, because I’m here to say you don’t need to know. Because we are going to connect to the energy of her and get exactly what you do need to know.

[00:05:49] And if you do need to know that her favorite ice cream flavor is Rocky Road, then that is going to come through in the energetic connection. Okay? So. So, before I get into all that, just to say a quick word by what the heck do I mean by soul client avatar. A soul client is someone that you are literally born to serve.

[00:06:18] You agreed with this soul, with this person, but you agreed on a soul level before you came into this lifetime that you were going to serve her on your path because she needs something for you from you and she was going to help you back by investing in your offer. So there was going to be this exchange.

[00:06:42] Okay. You guys fit together like mosaic tiles. Your unique genius is a perfect fit for her wants, pains, and needs. Serving her may not be easy. You may have a conflict. It’s not to say that it’s all just Effortless. But when you are working with a true soul client, there will be an ease. There will be a deep connection.

[00:07:17] There will at its core be an effortlessness because the energetic connection is so profound. This is the person you want to attract into your offers, no matter what you offer. This holds true if you’re a coach, if you’re in the service sector, or if you offer goods, it is the same. And having this connection and getting to the heart of what she needs is how you are going to reach her.

[00:07:52] And it’s going to, it’s going to be how you stand out in the saturated markets. When everybody’s relying on AI, listen. I’m going to be recording a ton of episodes on AI. They’re coming, because I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about artificial intelligence. And a lot of people are using AI to write your copy.

[00:08:12] You might be using AI to write your copy, and it’s okay. AI does a good job, but AI on its own will never consistently get your So client avatars attention, she needs your energy, your perspective, your energy infused into it. You can use AI to get your template or to get your basic first draft. But then what you need to do is come in and fuse your genius, your energy, your gifts in there, speaking directly to her wants, pains, and needs.

[00:08:57] And nobody can do that, but you and your connection to source and higher self and your connection to her and her higher self. And that’s the process. of connecting energetically to your soul client avatar. So let’s get into that right now. Last week in the episode about how to make your. Hi, yourself, the CEO of your business.

[00:09:27] I revealed a five step process to connecting to the divine. This is the same process. I highly recommend you also listen to that episode more than once because there’s a lot of high value nuggets in there about how to deepen your connection to the spiritual realm. We’re going to use that process here, but instead of connecting to higher self, we are going to connect to your soul client avatar.

[00:10:00] You can, and you should do this process, whether you’ve been at it for 20 years and you feel like you know exactly who she is. Or you’re just getting started and you have no clue who she is. This will save you so much strain and struggle and second guessing about what her favorite ice cream flavor is.

[00:10:23] So it starts with the deep breathing, always step one. Starts with the breath, deep belly breathing. So again, I go through this five step process in greater detail in last week’s episode. There’s a link to that in the show notes, so I’m going to do it quickly now. Step one, deep belly breathing. Step two, pivot your awareness down, sink into the body and connect your heart space.

[00:10:47] Step three, and this is where it’s going to be different, set the intention to connect to the energy of your soul client avatar. You’re connecting to that most ideal person for you and your offerings, that person you were born to serve. Step four, you ask questions. Step five, you were perceive what you receive coming back in response.

[00:11:14] So I have a launch coming up for my membership, sold out circle. I’m going to be doing a three day heart led challenge. Followed by a masterclass and I want to get the topic nailed. I want to find a topic that penetrates my sole client avatar because she needs it so bad and it’s so much going to help her to get to her dreams and it’s going to alleviate a big pain of hers in her life and her business and it’s going to help her land to a full body.

[00:11:51] Yes. That sold out circle is the thing that she needs to help her business become a consistent source of revenue and joy. Okay. I know I’m going to do a three day challenge. I know I’m going to do a masterclass. I know because I’ve done this before many times. So again, this is not a one and done process.

[00:12:17] This is a process to be done ideally on the daily. And I go through this process before I create any content for you, which is why I consistently get the feedback. Allyson, I felt like you were talking just to me because I am because I connected to your energy before I started creating so I could get you just what you need on a soul level.

[00:12:42] That’s what this process does. That enables you to connect deeply to me. Get that full body yes and say, Oh my God, I need Allyson more deeply in my life. I want to be in your life more deeply, especially if you and I have a sole client relationship, we are made for each other. And I am like, just be on like, you have no idea.

[00:13:06] The level of enthusiasm I have to serve you and help you to experience and taste and be and revel in really juicy soul aligned results in your life from my heart. So getting back to the launch, I already got the messages from my higher self that there needs to be a heavy, heavy healing component in it and storytelling because what you receive In the sold out circle over a year’s time are three, five week live courses.

[00:13:43] The first live course starts in February and when the course is no longer live, gets added to a course library that members always have access to. And the first course is about using. Storytelling the right way to bring your content to life in your business, stand out in saturated markets and attract dream clients.

[00:14:15] So I know I want the launch to touch on healing and storytelling because secondly, a big energetic theme for this year. is starting to tell the stories about yourself that you want to be living. So if you are a person who wants to eat really healthy and exercise, but you’re having a hard time doing that and getting to the gym, how can you start rewiring the stories you tell about yourself in a way that they feel true and aligned and spacious and joyful?

[00:14:58] Um, inspirational that I am a person who prioritizes my health and goes to the gym on a routine basis. That is who I am. That is what I do. I prioritize my health first before other things. And if I find myself reaching too much for chips or fried food or ice cream, I’m going to pause and see if there’s something inside me wounding me that’s pushing me to comfort foods so that I can do the necessary healing.

[00:15:36] And this is all just for example. And so this is what I mean about telling the stories you want to be telling so that you can start living the life you want to be living. And it starts with this mindset. This mindset helps to set the energy, this energy. Is what creates the experience. Okay? So I know I want my topic of my launch to be about these things, but I need my soul client avatar to bring it all together for me.

[00:16:11] ’cause right now I’m not, I kind of feel the dots connecting, but I need her to bring it home. So I’m gonna connect to her energetically. And I’m going to do that by taking some deep breaths, pivoting my awareness down, connecting to my body, connecting to my heart space, step two. Step three, I’m going to set the intention to connect to her energetically.

[00:16:40] And you may feel that I’m connecting to you. I call my soul client avatar Aurora. And there’s a piece of you in Aurora. And so. I’m going to move to step four, which is asking her questions. I’m just going to double check because our soul client avatar shifts and morphs. So let me just check. Are you still Aurora?

[00:17:07] Yes. Okay. Aurora, I’m thinking of doing this three day heart led challenge followed by a masterclass. I want to do it on storytelling, getting people excited to take this storytelling class. But also giving them a snippet of transformation that they can take home with them right away upon consuming my, my classes.

[00:17:33] So they can really get a taste of results right away. And get them really excited to go deeper with me. I want it to be about storytelling, I want it to be about healing. Tell me what you most want from me in this launch. Now I’m going to go to step five and perceive what I receive coming back from her in response.

[00:18:03] I want you to do just that. I want you to show me how to rewrite the script of my life. For this year, so that these are the stories I’m telling about myself so that this is the life I start to live so that this is what I start to manifest into my experience, keep it about

[00:18:30] the stories, the stories that you tell about yourself and your business for 2024 so that that is the story that gets manifested. Okay. So client avatar, can I use the word manifest because some of my clients are reporting back to me that they don’t really like that word.

[00:18:56] No, she says, use the words consciously create, which are words that I’ve been moving away from manifestation and into conscious creation. And if you want to learn more about that, I recorded a whole episode about manifestation versus conscious creation. We’ll leave a link to that in the show notes. And so she is saying, use the words consciously create so you can consciously create the 2024 that you most want to experience.

[00:19:24] Okay. So client avatar. So what’s the one desire that you would wish that this launch event? You would walk away with what’s one wish fulfilled you would walk away with from this launch

[00:19:45] all the tools I need to write my script and tell my story Okay, very very good now soul client avatar. What’s the biggest pain point you have in? This moment that you would wish that this launch event would help you to alleviate.

[00:20:05] I really fear repeating the pains of the past I fear the pains of the past repeating themselves. So I fear that 2024 is just going to be a repeat of my pains of the past of all the work that I’ve put in and not getting the results that I wanted. I want this to be different. I want to write a new script.

[00:20:32] I want to live that new script. I want to shift out of whatever stuckness. and repetition that I’ve been in that hasn’t been giving me the results I want. Oh, beautiful SoulClan avatar. Thank you, Aurora. You are knocking my socks off right now. Okay, Aurora, what do you need from me on a soul level? What I need from you is to Give me the belief and inspiration that it’s possible.

[00:21:11] I have the ability to rewrite these scripts and for these scripts to become a true part of my being, of my inner knowing that I am this person and I’m a capable of achieving these things. So I believe in myself so fully that this script has to come to life. And it has to be consciously created. Oh, Aurora.

[00:21:36] I love it. I will give you that. I’m so excited too. And lastly, is there anything else you want me to know?

[00:21:46] Don’t hold back. Bring all of you, bring your uncorked untethered self to it. Make sure that you really fill your own tank up first during the launch so that when you’re in the live classes, you can just. Be alive because your well is so full and I’m so excited to connect to that untethered, uncorked energy.

[00:22:21] Oh, Aurora, thank you. So you guys, can you see the process I went through and this, like, this is the process I use. And some of you guys will have signed up for this launch and you will see I am living it to give it here. I’m going to take everything Aurora just gave me and I’m going to put it into my launch.

[00:22:46] So I focus the questions I ask of my soul client avatar on what she wants from me and whatever it is I’m offering. So it can be generally about your business. It can be about, uh, Blog post, a podcast episode, an offer, a launch. So in this example, I was using the launch. It’s what desire I’m going to help her achieve.

[00:23:08] It’s what pain point I’m going to help her to alleviate. What she needs from me in a soul level, and I always ask, is there anything else you want me to know? And usually I get some really juicy insight from that last question. Okay. All right. Let’s get into how to create content for your sole client avatar that leaves your entire audience saying, I feel like you made it just for me.

[00:23:33] Now I already took you through the process and showed you how to do it, but let’s take it to the next level. Because when you connect to that one energy that you are most aligned to create for, that is, that’s you putting out the strongest signal that you can put in your business. That’s going to be you at your most aligned, and that’s going to enable ultimately the most people who need your thing to find you.

[00:24:07] And maybe, so for example. I put out the signal to soul guided entrepreneurs, but I always attract clients who aren’t entrepreneurs because they need something from me. So if you’re someone who wants to work with moms and moms in corporate, but you also want to work with women in corporate who may not be moms, just keep your focus on moms and corporate and you’re going to attract.

[00:24:39] All the people that you’re meant to attract. So you go through the five step process. You gather all the insights and then you also want to infuse any of the feedback you are getting from your current audience. That is also really important. People are saying not just energetic. Insights. You want to marry the two.

[00:25:09] Do you need to go out and talk to 50 people in your audience? No. But for some of you who have a more research oriented fact finder energy to you, you’re going to want to talk to more people. I don’t have a lot of fact finder and research inside of me. I am very intuitive, so I really rely on this energetic process, but you have to go to that level that works for you.

[00:25:38] And some of you actually do need to have that process where you’re talking to more people, and that’s going to make you feel clearer. And when you’re talking to people, you want to look for repetition. If you have two different people both telling you, Hey, I would love it if you did a social media post on topic X, I would absolutely do a social media post on topic X.

[00:26:05] If someone asks you, asks you to create something that resonates, if they say that they’re really looking for, they really need something. If you ask people what their biggest pain point is and they’re telling you something that you’re getting really excited to create content around that, create content around that.

[00:26:26] Try to marry what you’re hearing from your audience with your creative sparks. If you’re a wellness and fitness coach and you have a bunch of people coming to you saying I want to lose weight and helping people to lose weight isn’t your thing and you’re more into helping people love their body, how can you turn that into that feedback you’re getting?

[00:26:52] How can you turn that into something you’d be excited to create content about? You know, how loving your body can lead to weight loss, for example. So always try to Mary, what you’re getting from your soul client avatar in the energetic intuitive process, what you’re hearing from real people, from your audience and from your clients and what you feel really called and excited to talk about.

[00:27:26] Getting back to my launch, I’ve been spent a lot of the past year really deep diving even deeper into my human design. And the thing that kind of struck me is how much storytelling is in my human design. I have so much storytelling, and I feel like I haven’t really stepped into my role fully as a storyteller.

[00:27:51] And I said to myself, I want to teach a class on storytelling and how you can use storytelling to connect to your sole client avatars in your business to get them excited to buy from you and hire you. And so that is what I’m doing. Okay. Another thing you can do as you create content for your sole client avatar is to leverage your human design type and just simply starting with strategy.

[00:28:20] So projectors. You want to wait for people to invite you to create content on something. I’m going to give you an example of this. Every year around December, I would do something about finding your word of the year. For the year ahead and this past year I made the decision not to really talk about it so much because I thought my brain Wrongly told me and I made the conclusion wrongly that oh too many other coaches are talking about this now So people are oversaturated with it.

[00:29:00] So I’m not gonna well then in the matter of like three or four days I literally had three different soul clients invite me in the form of asking me to talk about how you receive, how you choose your word of the year. And I even had someone ask me to do an event with them to talk about it, to be a guest instructor in her business.

[00:29:31] That my friends was repetition and me following my strategy to wait for the invitation. And you better believe. I’m taking that to mean I need to keep talking about this and I was talking with this woman who we were going to do an event together and we even came up with it doesn’t have to be word of the year.

[00:29:55] It could be the word of the moment. I mean, you can go to a word to be your anchor in any given moment. For example, my word of the year or my word for this moment is limitless. And I love that word so much that it just brings me inspiration. So these are just words that anchor you, bring you inspiration.

[00:30:22] I’ve been teaching about it. How to receive your word for years, and there’s no reason to stop teaching about it. And in fact, I don’t even need to just wait until the end of December, early January to talk about it. It’s something I can talk about at any time. So that is perfect strategy and alignment right there.

[00:30:39] And great feedback to a conclusion I made wrongly in my business. For you generators and manifesting generators, your strategy is to respond. This is actually a great way that you can interact with your audience, you know, get those energetic insights. From the five step process I taught and start to put those insights out there and just notice how it feels to create the insights you’re receiving and notice what your audience is saying.

[00:31:12] So if you get a new idea to create, maybe a new offer, start by talking about it in a social media post, just put it out there, tip your toe and see how your audience responds, see how it feels for you. To talk about it and see what kind of feedback you get from your audience and you get guidance and direction from that response.

[00:31:35] For manifestors, your strategy is to inform. So you want to get those creative insights, get those sparks and start informing your audience. This is what I plan to do, or this is what I’m thinking about doing and you just want to follow that.

[00:31:56] And so as you’re informing your audience, they’re going to come in and give you insights that will really help you in the creative process. So you just want to watch if you’re ever being too secretive and you’re not sharing your creative process, don’t be doing that. You want to get out there, inform your audience, and that’s going to help you to create really amazing content for them.

[00:32:22] And lastly, reflectors, you want to mirror back what you’re receiving, you are the mirror. You have a strategy of waiting one lunar cycle before you make decisions. So if you get a spark or an idea to create something, I would allow the idea to percolate. For a good month, if you can wait that long, and then if you still feel excited about it, start to share it with your audience.

[00:32:52] And then as your audience reacts, start to mirror back what you’re hearing from them. And that mirroring back what you’re hearing from them is really going to serve them on a soul level. So, taking these insights that you receive from the energetic process with comments and feedback you’re receiving from people in your network, and then on top of that, leveraging your human design strategy, just takes the process of creating content.

[00:33:22] Taylor made for your soul client avatar to the next level. All right, guys, let’s go ahead and get to the invitation for this week. I invite you to think of a one thing you want to create for your soul client avatar, anything, a big thing, a little thing, an offer, a blog post, a podcast episode, the mission for your business, whatever it is, big or small, just choose one thing and go through the five step process.

[00:33:55] Ask her questions about it. What’s a desire? What’s a need? What’s a pain that this thing is going to help her alleviate? Anything else she wants to share with you in this moment, perceive what you receive coming back in response and within the next 24 to 48 hours. I want you to use those insights to start to create something amazing for her that will knock her socks right off.

[00:34:22] And if you think this process is pretty cool, because guess what it is? We deep dive into it in my membership sold out. Circle is my monthly membership to serve soul guided entrepreneurs to help them make their business a consistent source of revenue and joy. And I would love for you to check it out. I would love for you to be a part of it.

[00:34:51] You can find more information to join at forward slash circle and that link will be In the show notes, I would love to welcome you into the community. And that is all I have for you this week. I cannot wait to wrap up this amazing five part series next week where we’ll be exploring soul client courtships.

[00:35:18] And I know you’re going to want to check that out. And of course, as always, until next time, may your soul guide the way. Are you ready to deepen your connection to your intuitive gifts? Then it’s time for 10 High Vibe Minutes, the ultimate daily mindfulness practice for soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs.

[00:35:42] In only 10 minutes per day, you’ll keep your energy high vibe and aligned to your highest dreams while transforming your daily practice into a powerful tool to manifest big wealth and abundance. Get free access now on my website, or in the show notes.


00:01  Intro

04:13  Head-based v. heart-based thinking

08:13  Heart-led businesses

10:29  Receiving clear guidance

12:56  5-step process

15:35  Different realms

16:13  Higher Self

18:38  Ask questions

20:10  Membership launch example

27:19  Bring in past experience

28:15  Recap & dealing with self doubt

32:32  Joy & revenue

34:34  Join SOUL-ed Out Circle!

36:29  Invitation & conclusion

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Discover the power of soul-guided planning so you can get CLEAR on what your heart is calling you towards and craft your SOUL PLAN for the next 12 months to help you get there.

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