Become an Explorer on the Leading Edge of Consciousness

“The simple act of approaching something as an “adventure” can instantly shift your emotions to excitement, joy, and anticipation.”

Transform your challenges into adventures…

Today, the Human Design Wheel is aligned to Gate 28 – the Gate of Adventure and Challenge.

The energy of this gate invites you to face life as a great ADVENTURE – and to not let challenge and struggle to cause you to feel as if you have failed.

I have this gate defined (and the channel 28-38 defined), so I know a thing or two about attracting struggle!

I used to feel as though life was SO UNFAIR, because what seemed to arrive so easily for others was a HUGE CHALLENGE for me.

But then I discovered Human Design and the Gate 28.

Because here’s the thing – the simple act of approaching something as an “adventure” can instantly shift your emotions to excitement, joy, and anticipation. 💕

So when we approach our challenges as adventures, it shifts the way that we feel about those challenges, which empowers us to handle these tough experiences with more ease and empowerment.

For example, about a year ago, I was feeling burned out by coaching, but I wasn’t overworking. In fact, I was being super mindful with my energy, but I still felt exhausted and couldn’t under why.

So I turned the exhaustion conundrum into an adventure to pinpoint exactly what was making me so tired??

I realized that I was longing to meet up and connect with clients in person. So I decided to offer VIP Days in Amsterdam and London as well as in person retreats in South Dakota and the Netherlands.

The VIP Day and retreat offers not only filled my energy well, it added an amazing sense of ADVENTURE to my life and business.

Because here’s the thing…

Challenges are a very necessary part of the journey to reach our big dreams – and they offer us powerful opportunities to identify and heal the wounds that are holding us back. 💖

So if we approach our challenges as daring explorers on the leading edge of consciousness, then not only do solutions arrive more ease-fully, the journey is a lot more fun.  🙌

Here’s an exercise to help you transform the challenges in your everyday life into a thrill-ride of adventure!

  • Take a few deep breathes, look within, and call up a challenge in your life or business that you feel stuck on.
  • Consider the challenge and identify a painful thought or story you’re telling yourself about it (i.e. I want more clients in my business, but I feel invisible.)
  • Identify the emotions that are triggered when the thought feels 100% true, feels those feels for 60-90 seconds, then deep breathe, and release on the exhale.
  • Then, privot your awareness down and connect to your heartspace at the center of your chest and set the intention to connect to your Higher Self
  • Ask your Higher Self the following questions (and approach these questions as free flowing journal prompts): How can I turn this challenge into an adventure? How can I make things easier? What would be fun? Where could I experiment?

What challenge are you transforming into an adventure? Be sure to post it HERE in the Soul Guide Circle – a closed Facebook Group for soul-guided entrepreneurs looking to earn more, serve more, and grow spiritually along the way.

Until next Sunday, may your Soul Guide the way.

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With a 90-Day Psychic Reading, you receive the insights you can expect to fold in your business over the next 90 days so you can seize the opportunities that will lead to the most sales and avoid the pitfalls that will slow you down.

With a reading, you get:
✅ A personalized psychic reading offering the insights you can expect to unfold in your business over the next 90 days
✅ A set of personalized journal prompts to explore so you can integrate the guidance and take the right inspired action
✅ The option to submit up to 3 follow-on questions