Alignment vs Will Power

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Are you tired of pushing through life with relentless willpower, only to find yourself exhausted and unfulfilled? When we get stuck in the throes of pain or emotional turmoil, the instinct may be to push through with raw determination. Yet, in this episode, I urge a different approach—slowing down to align with one’s true self for accelerated growth.

By embracing present-moment awareness, letting go of resistance, and surrendering outcomes to our Higher Self, we tap into a profound source of abundance that transcends financial rewards. 

Finding your alignment is the #1 energetic theme of 2024, and today’s episode will put you in a transformative state of flow.

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • How to recognize when you’re operating on willpower and how to gently guide yourself back into a state of flow
  • Strategies for staying aligned even when facing physical or emotional pain
  • An easy technique to boost your alignment and move into accelerated results


Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

For the next 48 hours, be hyper mindful about anything on your to-do list. And before you do it, ask your higher self: Am I in alignment with this to do?Or am I in willpower? 

[00:00:00] Hello, dear ones. How are we doing on this fine, fine day? It is spring here in the Netherlands, and it is cold! Whoo! I walked Freya to school this morning, and I’m like, Man! I am not sensing spring weather in the air today! So, I am wrapped up as I normally am, in my thick wool pashmina. Ha ha ha! Hot cup of tea in front of me.

[00:00:27] And I’m really excited to talk to you today about alignment versus will power. This is a concept that came to me early in 2024 from my divine guidance team that this would be a number one energetic theme for 2024. And I’m going to explain in a sec exactly what it means. But I also want to say early on that the exact words, alignment versus willpower, I actually got from Karen Curry Parker, and I just liked the way she said it.

[00:01:02] I was using other ways to describe it, but this is something that she also has identified to be a number one theme for 2024, and I’m getting the exact words from her, and I want to give her credit for that. But I received the same divine insight from my divine guidance team that this is the number one thing that we’re being called to essentially surrender to.

[00:01:32] In 2024, this idea of choosing alignment over willpower, and we are so unbelievably socially conditioned to always go to willpower, always go to willpower. If we’re trying to lose weight, it’s like, do I have the willpower to not eat that chocolate cake? You know, willpower is rewarded. In our modern society, those who have the most willpower, those who work the hardest succeed.

[00:02:15] And this is really 2024 is saying, please rewrite this, please decondition this conditioning, because it’s not about forcing yourself to get to a goal. And if you have, and I’m sure you have, Forced yourself to achieve a goal. How good does it actually feel when you achieve the goal? Does that feel good?

[00:02:45] Are you like, yeah, I just killed myself to get this and now I have it. Mwah. I’m so happy. There might be some satisfaction and it’s okay. I achieved my dream and I did it and I worked really hard and I’m proud of myself. And those are all valid things, right? Giving yourself credit for working hard. Is something I totally think you should do, but I’m wondering how joyful was the journey for you?

[00:03:17] How joyful was the journey to force yourself burn the midnight oil, whatever it was when you were relying on forced willpower over alignment? How much joy did you experience on that journey? And this is what we’re going to be unwrapping and unpacking in today’s very, very powerful episode of Soul Guide Radio, really unpacking the number one energetic theme for this year, alignment versus willpower.

[00:03:53] Let’s get to it. In today’s episode, I reveal why forced willpower will no longer work, how to always be shifting back into alignment, and how to boost your alignment to move into accelerated growth and results. I’ll end on an invitation that’ll have you ditching the heaviness of forced action so you can welcome in the ease, flow, and abundance that comes from beautiful, powerful.

[00:04:23] Energetic alignment So please stay with me until the end. Welcome to soul guide radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts and clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business.

[00:04:55] I’m Allyson Scammell, your host and soul guide.

[00:05:05] Hello, soul guide circle. That is the name of this global community of soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs in the soul guide circle. We are growing prosperous, heart led businesses. that are on the leading edge of consciousness. Find a link to join our closed Facebook group at or in the show notes.

[00:05:25] Today we’re talking alignment versus willpower. What is the difference? Alignment is the word we use when we are being led by the heart towards a dream, an outcome, a goal, a desire, and our energy. is in alignment to the dream. So that means, A, it’s the right dream coming from the heart space and we’ve double checked because our intentions do shift and change.

[00:06:00] And so we know, yep, this is my dream intention. And then we ask our higher self, what inspired action Are you calling me towards to align to this dream? Inspired action is a states of doing and states of being. And then noticing on your path, is there any resistance that needs to be released? So alignment means you’ve also spent a couple minutes releasing the resistance that you’re feeling towards your dream.

[00:06:40] And there will always be resistance. So this is super important here. Hear me now. You will feel resistance. There is a 100 percent chance that you will experience resistance on your pathway. to achieving your dreams. But that doesn’t mean you’re out of alignment per se. That doesn’t mean you’re going into willpower unless you ignore the resistance.

[00:07:11] And I’m going to get to that in a sec. It just means so in a sense, yes, you’re out of alignment because there’s resistance that needs to be released, but it doesn’t mean you’re out of alignment. to the dream intention. It doesn’t mean you’re on the wrong path. So we want to look at as alignment as this fluid thing.

[00:07:34] We’re in it one second and we’re out of it the next. So the goal is never, how can I be in alignment? 100 percent of the time that is setting yourself up for failure. The intention should be, how can I be open, mindful and awake to be in alignment? Ever shifting my energy back into alignment. And when you are in alignment, can you just be, enjoy it, be in the blissful energy of alignment.

[00:08:13] I’m feeling aligned in this moment as I’m recording this podcast episode. This morning, I had a crazy day. Freya had a big event at school and I was preparing and getting her ready. And it was a flurry activity. And so that was not a painful situation, but it was just a frenetic energy and that was just a couple hours ago.

[00:08:37] But then I got home, I had my coffee, I did my AM soul ritual, I relaxed, I got ready for this podcast and now I’m back in alignment and I know I’m a hundred percent in knowing that it’s not going to last. So I, I’m enjoying it. I’m in the moment. I’m being, when you’re in alignment, there’s nothing to do.

[00:09:03] You just be, I’m just being right now. Now I have a microphone in front of me. I’m talking, I had to push record. I’m going to have to upload this when I’m done and do some admin to get this podcast episode to my editor and get it out the door and get it published so it can get in your earbuds. Yes, that’s all doing, but when you’re really in alignment, really you’re being, there’s an effortlessness to it.

[00:09:33] Your energy is not draining. Usually, you’re getting energy deposits. It’s just being. So let’s talk about why willpower will no longer work. So what’s willpower? Willpower is when you’re just forging ahead. You say, I have a goal and I’m going to do whatever it takes to reach that goal. Even if I feel bad, I feel resistance, I feel tired, I feel out of alignment.

[00:09:58] I don’t even know why I’m doing it anymore. It’s gonna happen. I have a lot of this in my human design chart. You know, if you have left facing arrows, you’re going to kind of get into this. You can fall into willpower. If you have elements in your chart that have caused you to feel unseen, you’re going to get into willpower to push yourself to be seen instead of waiting for divine timing, which is what?

[00:10:28] Alignment. Waiting for the divine timing is part of alignment. And I want to say a quick word here about the difference between willpower and Healing. So when you’re relying on willpower and that’s, you’ve got a goal and you’re doing whatever it takes to achieve the goal versus you have a heart led intention and you’re being mindful to stay in alignment whilst you consciously create that intention in your manifest reality and you receive resistance on the way.

[00:11:05] There is a difference between those two things, and it gets to more mindset, because on either path, if you’re in the aligned path or the willpower path, there’s going to be resistance that pops up. It always pops up. When you’re in willpower, you’re going to drive through the resistance. and ignore it.

[00:11:30] You’ll get to it later. Heal it later. In the alignment path, you’re going to notice when it arrives and release it in the moment. And if you want some more information on how to do just that, I just recorded an episode titled how to do self healing, and we’ll leave a link to that in the show notes. Do check that episode out if you haven’t yet, because it’s a super powerful one.

[00:11:57] And I’m going to say more in just a sec about this difference between healing on your path and being in the energy of willpower. But getting back to why willpower will no longer work, we are ascending to higher energetic frequencies. Relying on willpower often has us in low vibrational frequencies of overworking, exhaustion, fear, unworthiness, right?

[00:12:24] Often when we’re pushing ourselves for something, there’s some unworthiness there because we think when we get the goal, then we’ll be worthy. So you can see the pathway of willpower is very low in vibration. So let’s say I want to have my first 10 K month and I’m killing myself. I could still reach it to 10k.

[00:12:46] I can reach my goal, but I won’t be in a high vibe joy state. The 10k that I think is going to make me feel validated and worthy and abundant, and it’s going to help me grow to the next level, I’ve just taken my dream and I put a low vibrational outcome on it. Because I promise you, if you kill yourself to get your first 10k, it’s not going to feel joyful.

[00:13:14] You’re going to feel tired. You’re going to, at a certain point, say, I’ve lost my way. I forgot why I got into this. This is not what I had signed up for. And I think a lot of us who start a business, because there is such a learning curve there, it is so really hard to get that energetic momentum going. So you’re actually making consistent income.

[00:13:37] So many of us have experienced that on our path. Trust me, friends, I’ve experienced it a whole heck of a lot, and it’s really, really not gonna work anymore, this forced low vibe pushing as we ascend to higher and higher frequencies. The high vibe frequencies will just be going too fast for you to push through a goal at such a lower vibrational resonance.

[00:14:09] To push, to get a goal from an energy of exhaustion and fear, vice, the energy of joy, creativity, connection, love, that’s a high vibrational. Accelerated energy that puts us into a flow. So then this gets us nicely to how do we get into that alignment and how are we always shifting back into alignment?

[00:14:39] Well it starts friends with higher self, higher self, higher self, higher self, and your emotional compass. emotional compass, human design cues, all these. tools that we have to know when we’re in and when we’re out of alignment. And I believe it always starts with rechecking in on your intent intention. If your intention has shifted and you ha you don’t realize it and you’re going after the old intention, because you don’t realize that it’s shifted, that’s going to feel bad and that’s going to eventually put you into willpower.

[00:15:25] So double check as part of your morning. Soul ritual. Has my intention shifted? What is my intention? Has it shifted? Am I still intending for a six figure business year? Am I still intending to launch a book this year? Am I still intending to try to get 10, 000 followers on social media? Has my intention shifted?

[00:15:53] No. Okay. Good. Great. Now, how do I feel about my intention? Here’s your good old emotional compass. Do I feel good? Do I feel high vibe? Great. Another sign of alignment. I don’t feel great. Is there any resistance? Even if it’s really subtle, can I pull it up from deep inside? Oh, there’s a little resistance. Oh, that’s putting me slightly out of alignment.

[00:16:20] Or if there’s a lot of resistance, that’s putting me quite a lot out of alignment to my attention. Let me do some self healing. Or let me hire Allison to hold the space for me and do some de peeling. Then, what is the inspired action that I’m being called to? Who am I being called to be? What am I being called to do?

[00:16:43] And if you’re in the middle of the inspired action, double check. Is this really the inspired action? Those higher self yeses are putting you back to your path of alignment. You’re looking for those yeses from the higher self. Yes, this is the thing. Yes, this is the being. Yes, this is the doing. Yes, this is the intention.

[00:17:08] Yes. And here’s the most important thing. I can share with you, so well done for you for staying with me here into the 20th minute of this episode, because this is the secret sauce to all of this. Your higher self is here to make things easeful for you and to be your guide, but higher self is not here to make it easy.

[00:17:32] Your divine guidance team is not here to make it easy, because when it’s easy, you’re not growing. You’re in your comfort zone. In fact, usually when it’s easy, you’re kind of stagnant. What we want to always be doing is looking into the ease, leaning into the ease. And so as part of this alignment, Your higher self is gonna, one, guide you to really unknown spaces.

[00:18:01] And you’re like, I don’t know where this is going. I don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. I don’t see results paying off. This is when you really need to trust into the alignment and do a lot of healing about that fear response, unplugging from collective fear, not listening to. The people who are in fear around you saying, I don’t know, it’s kind of risky, better play it safe.

[00:18:28] This is when your higher self is saying, listen to me, I got your back. And if you keep unplugging, deconditioning, releasing the fear, going back to the heart space, you’re gonna find your alignment. Even when you’re in the midst of something very risky. Or even scary because you’ve never done it before.

[00:18:55] The alignment is going to feel like, oh, this is on the edge of my comfort zone, but it’s also going to have like an exhilaration to it, an expansion, a growth. It’s gonna feel right. Likewise, let’s say life is just really difficult. You’re in a lot of pain, emotional pain, physical pain. Maybe you’re saying to yourself, I can’t find my alignment no matter how hard I try.

[00:19:23] Bye. I’m just in a lot of pain. Well, this is the time to slow down. Certainly if you’re in physical pain, if you’re sick, give yourself permission to be sick. Give yourself permission to rest. This is definitely when we need to throw willpower out the window and allow life to get very local. What do I need to know for this hour?

[00:19:50] What do I need to know for this minute? Don’t think about tomorrow or next week or next month or next year. Think about this minute. What do I need in this moment? And you will be able to lean into a little bit of ease. Sometimes you can find a lot of ease and it’s just feeling the feels when you can, if it’s not too painful.

[00:20:17] This is again when you might want to hire some help to support you. We’re not meant to go through this alone and just be with that. Voice of the higher self guiding you to your next moment and give yourself permission to just not have to worry about what’s going to happen tomorrow.

[00:20:43] All right, let’s spend a minute or two talking about how to boost your alignment to move into accelerated results. Boosting your alignment comes from things that aren’t that fun. Boosted alignment comes from you being hyper mindful to your resistance and clearing it on the way. You being hyper surrendered to the voice of your higher self and you being hyper non attached by the outcome.

[00:21:21] Cause this is what often happens. We 10K month. and we want to be in the energetic vibration of abundance. So we start vibrating today at the vibrations of our dreams of tomorrow, which is how we consciously create it into our manifest reality. So in today’s energy, you’re vibrating at abundance and you’re doing all the work.

[00:21:48] You’re following the nudges of the higher self, but you don’t get a 10K month, but you do get two new, really amazing friends. And. If you’re single, maybe you find a romantic partnership, maybe you shift into a hyper focus on your health and you start working out and eating well and you’re losing weight and you have more energy.

[00:22:12] So you’re getting an abundance of friendship, health, romantic partnership, but it’s not necessarily an abundance of specific, that specific financial amount you are hoping to attract into your business. Be mindful that your brain doesn’t come in and say, your efforts aren’t paying off. You want a 10K? You didn’t get it.

[00:22:40] Therefore, it’s not paying off. Because in the world of energetic attraction, You are in alignment and the universe gives you everything you need in a given moment, even if it’s not everything you want or everything you think it should be. So can you stay in the energy of hyper non attachment to, I’m focused in this moment on vibrating at abundance and I’m looking for all the different ways, financial or otherwise, That abundance is coming into my life and I’m noticing that evidence.

[00:23:21] There’s abundance, there’s abundance, there’s abundance, abundance where I least expected it. And when you really start to get into the energy of abundance without attachment, while watching that resistance along the way, releasing anything that needs to be released, surrender to that guidance from the higher self, you will find yourself in a sharp alignment.

[00:23:48] To your energy and your intentions, and this will move you into a period of accelerated growth. I call this time a quantum leap, a quantum leap in growth. It won’t last forever because growth cycles aren’t meant to, but you will kick off an accelerated growth process. And the more you can be unattached in the moment, in the flow, identifying all the ways, love, abundance, connection, wealth.

[00:24:18] contribution, creativity, exhilaration, peace, harmony is coming back into your experience. You’re just gonna continue to attract more and more of it. More and more of those high vibrational motions that are only a result of energetic alignment. My invitation for you is for The next 48 hours. Listen here. I really want you to do this.

[00:24:52] For the next 48 hours, I want you to be hyper mindful about your to do list. For your work, for your personal life, anything that’s on your to do list, And before you do it, I want you to ask your higher self, am I in alignment with this to do or am I in willpower? You should be doing it. You got this goal.

[00:25:14] You got to do this. Do it. Is it alignment or willpower? If you get willpower, I want you to ask your higher self, what is the aligned action that you’re calling me to instead? If you get alignment. Then that’s your cue to go ahead and follow through. That’s the, that’s your focus for the day, right? That’s the important inspired action that wants to happen.

[00:25:40] So you can start getting really amazing, juicy, energetic momentum on your highest dreams and intentions. I have really, really been aligning https: otter. ai I, this mindset, really, it’s an energy set, a mindset, it’s, it’s all the sets, right? Of really choosing alignment over willpower, it’s, it’s brought me a whole level of, the word coming to me is alignment, like, it has shifted me into something that’s just so much higher.

[00:26:21] And it’s putting, put me in a state of flow. It’s put me in a state of ease. And I really, really invite you to embrace this very key and critical energetic theme for this year, because this is a foundational theme. This is a shift. Our higher self, our divine guidance team is asking us to shift to for good.

[00:26:42] And it’s going to serve as a very powerful and foundational platform for the higher and higher vibrational living. That’s on the horizon. All right, my dear ones, that’s a wrap for this week. Thank you so much for tuning in. Did you receive something good for this, from this episode? I know you did. I feel it in my heart.

[00:27:03] I know you’ve been thinking about giving me a rating and review. Today’s the day to do it. Head over to the show notes. There’s four different places you can leave a review in the show notes. If you listen on Apple, go ahead and head to your app. On your smartphone and you’ll find a link for ratings and reviews.

[00:27:20] Give me a rating, give me a review, and I will read your words on the air. And as always, until next time, may your soul guide the way. Are you ready to deepen your connection to your intuitive gifts? Then it’s time for 10 high vibe minutes. The ultimate. Daily mindfulness practice for soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs in only 10 minutes per day.

[00:27:48] You’ll keep your energy high vibe and align to your highest dreams while transforming your daily practice into a powerful tool to manifest big wealth and abundance. Get free access now on my website, or in the show notes.


00:01  Intro

05:25  What is alignment?

07:29  Alignment intentions

09:41  Why Willpower won’t work

14:05  Checking in on intentions

17:13 Higher self and divine guidance team

24:51 An Invitation to be hyper mindful

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