Aligning Your Business to Your Soul Mission

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Are you tired of trying to build your business with pushy, outdated bro marketing tactics? Do you find that selling leaves you feeling stressed out? When you sell in a way that is energetically unaligned with your Soul Mission, it not only feels bad, it’s also unlikely to attract the people you’re meant to serve! What if you could connect with your dreamiest soul clients with more ease – in a way that doesn’t leave you feeling like a sleazy used car salesman?

This episode of Soul Guide Radio is the first in a super-powerful, five-episode deep dive exploring Energetic Soul Client Attraction, an energetic alignment process that will allow you to send out just the right energetic signals in your business in order to attract your soul clients! Make no mistake, THIS is the future of business for soul-guided entrepreneurs. Bonus: this process will also help you attract the right people in your personal life! 

In this juicy episode, I unpack the first (and most vital) energetic alignment of the Energetic Soul Client Attraction process – aligning your business to your Soul Mission. Let’s begin!

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • A guided step-by-step process for identifying your Soul Mission 
  • How to deeply connect to the soul of your business and align it with your Soul Mission
  • An invitation that will have you taking inspired action that is aligned with your Soul Mission and sparks MASSIVE business growth!


Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

Be in the heart. Do random stream of consciousness and ask yourself these questions: What is my soul mission? What have been some of the biggest challenges in my life?

[00:00:00] Hello, Allyson Scammell here. And this is the first episode I’m recording in the new year. And I’ve got some amazing nuggets to share. I’m going to be honest with you right out of the gate. I have been sick. Many, many lightworkers have been physically ill over the last few weeks. It really is our, you know, our physical body is our God pod.

[00:00:28] Your physical body holds your soul. Imagine what an important role our physical body is so sophisticated and it’s. Many of us are feeling symptoms of physical illness because we are elevating, we are expanding, and it’s such a rapid expansion that our physical container cannot keep up with it. And so it’s going to break down and slow down, and sickness is a way to force us to slow down.

[00:01:03] Otherwise, most of us won’t. Right. So that it can catch up with all the energetic growth. You can actually hear my voice is a little funky. I’ve actually been sick for about three, maybe four weeks now, and I’m someone who normally does not get sick. So it is part of our spiritual growth and evolution. And as part of me being sick, I was like, I don’t feel like recording podcast episodes.

[00:01:36] You know, we are always taught in the spiritual discourse to be in the flow and wait for the right to find timing and Don’t force it. Allow it to flow out of you and then there’s something called deadlines And I have a podcast editor and she’s got a lot of clients and I am very respectful of her time.

[00:01:59] And I also want to show up consistently for you. So I was, just yesterday, I was like, I’m sick. I don’t, my content feels empty, even though I have an amazing five part series to kick off, which I’m going to do in just a minute. But I just wanted to share with you where I was yesterday, which was like I don’t want to do it.

[00:02:22] So maybe I just call Emily and say, Hey, look, I’m just going to sit this batch out. She might’ve liked that because of course I would have still paid her. But then listen, you guys, I had a discovery call yesterday with someone and she said, listen, Alison, I found you from a Facebook ad. And then I watched one of your videos where you were talking about how your daughter was bullied.

[00:02:53] And I connected so deeply to your story. And then I started binging your podcast and she ignited something in me. She filled my well. And so this was a moment where yesterday I was like, it’s really hard for me to record a podcast when I’m not in flow. It’s like it comes out in staccato. Like if I’m forcing myself.

[00:03:23] My podcast editor knows when I flub up when recording, I’ll say, taking that again. And the more forced an episode is, I’m like, taking that again, taking that again, taking that again. But when I have an episode in flow, I almost never say taking that again. The whole thing flows out in one take. Bam. And I think Emily edits for sound, but she doesn’t edit out too many hems and haws and ums.

[00:03:50] Cause I’m just in a flow state and that woman I spoke to yesterday, you put me back in the flow state. And I just want to say thank you from my heart to yours. I know that I ignited something in you and you ignited something back in me. And then like this series that I hadn’t planned, but I just felt stuck on.

[00:04:16] It just came to life. Boom. Now I’m back in flow. And this is getting to be a very long intro. So I want to get to it. We’re actually talking about, well, flow is a super, actually it is what we’re talking about today and we’re talking about, well, first I want to say I’m kicking off a five part series that is so powerful whenever I do like series, which I.

[00:04:40] Plan to do more of this year. They always have my highest downloads because I feel like you have something to look forward to for next week. And this is part one of a five part, powerful, powerful series. You all, where I’m going to be deep diving into my process that I call energetic soul client attraction.

[00:05:01] An energetic soul client attraction is the process. It’s really a whole energetic alignment process of putting out the right energetic signals in your business, also in your personal life, so that just the right, perfect, ideal, dream soul clients and customers find you with ease. And flow. Okay. This is the future of business.

[00:05:27] It’s been the past, it’s the present. And it really, really, really is the future of business for soul guided entrepreneurs who aren’t interested in outdated, heavy, yucky bro marketing tactics. This is where you wanna be, and this is where you wanna grow too. And these five parts are really energetic alignments.

[00:05:49] And this episode today is going to be unpacking the first part, the first energetic alignment, which in many ways is the most important, especially for the year ahead. And that is aligning your business to your soul mission, to your purpose, because having a business in alignment to your soul mission is the only pathway to both abundance.

[00:06:20] And joy. So you can come up with an amazing business idea that will make you all sorts of money, but if it is not in alignment to your soul mission, it will only bring you a marginal amount of joy. You will eventually get tapped out of joy. The money will eventually no longer give you joy. And then you will be looking, your heart will be.

[00:06:48] Yearning for that new thing that gives you both abundance and joy. So why don’t we go ahead and get right to it in today’s episode, I reveal how to identify your soul mission, how to connect to the soul of your business and how to align the two. I’ll end on an invitation that will have you taking inspired action.

[00:07:14] That is in complete alignment of your soul mission in a way that sparks massive business growth. So please stay with me until the end. Welcome to soul guide radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a mass. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts, and clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business.

[00:07:51] I’m Alison Scammell, your host and soul guide.

[00:08:00] Hello there soul guide circle. That is the name of this global community of soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs. In the Soul Guide circle, we are growing prosperous heart led businesses that are on the leading edge of consciousness. Find a link to join our close Facebook [email protected] or in the show notes.

[00:08:21] Okay, you guys, today we’re talking about aligning your business to your soul mission. Why is this so incredibly important this year? It really is because. We are evolving to a place where we can no longer rely on forced will power to get things done. It’s no longer going to serve us. It’s no longer going to work.

[00:08:52] It’s going to feel bad and you won’t be able to force yourself to the results you hope to experience. We are evolving to a place where we are being asked. to rely on alignment, alignment to purpose, alignment to soul mission. And I picked up a copy of Karen Curry Parker’s quantum human design evolution guide for 2024.

[00:09:20] And it’s about using your solar transits to design your year. And there’s something about her, and we’ll leave a link to this book in the show notes. And there’s something, a couple of things she wrote that I was. Feeling powerfully for 2024 and I like the way she said it and she says 2024 is a year that we need to draw our energy from the spark that is ignited by our, by our alignment and not.

[00:09:52] Harnessing our willpower. We need to draw our energy from the spark that is ignited from our alignment and not harnessing willpower. Well, alignment at its essence comes from alignment to purpose, soul mission, highest why. And we need to be in this alignment in all areas of our life, but maybe I can say especially, but maybe that’s not fair.

[00:10:26] But I really feel like, especially in our business, because this is where we show up in many ways, most creatively, most in service to others. This is the thing we’re trying to grow. And so let’s start with how do we identify our soul mission? Identifying your soul mission starts with your pain. Reflect back.

[00:10:57] What are some core challenges? Or wounds you’ve had in your life. What are those challenges that keep coming back? What is that pain that you say to yourself when it shows up? Why is this still here? I have done so much work on this thing. I should be over it by now. Well, I want to say no, you shouldn’t.

[00:11:24] Because our core wounds stay with us for Either an entire lifetime or often nearly a lifetime or half of a lifetime. Our core wounds are our friends because inside of those core wounds is our unique genius. And our soul mission, because we are here on a soul level to overcome those challenges. And when we overcome them, heal from them, learn from them, we come out more powerful, expand, expanded, evolved, and it is how we help others who are experiencing some sort of similar challenge.

[00:12:09] Even if the people you serve, they might have. The challenges might be different, they might look different in the outer reality, but the essence of the challenge that you overcome is really how you serve others. And this is true whether you’re a coach or an artist or you design blenders, you know, this shows up when we’re in alignment, we bring all of our gifts, all of our learning, all of the ways we’ve survived.

[00:12:46] We’ve brought, we’ve brought cope, we bring our coping skills, right? When you go through a big challenge, we have coping skills. Some of those are low expression coping skills, you know, like alcohol or drugs and no judgment. We’ve all been, we’ve all been in the low expression coping skills, but some of them are high expression coping skills, like finding the courage, discovering spirituality.

[00:13:17] Doing the healing. And so it’s, it’s an all of that, that we learn and grow and evolve. So reflect back, what is a core wound? I always like to use the example for me, it’s overworking and underneath that is a wound of I’m not worthy to just experience success from a place of ease, joy, and flow. And so how does that inform my soul mission?

[00:13:51] I am here to help you understand your energy. I am here to help you get into flow. I am here to help you never overwork. I am here to help you find the ease and the flow, and I’m in a really good position to do that because I’ve been, I’ve been so out of alignment in the past in my life. I’ve been in the pain of it, deep pain with this.

[00:14:18] This has really been a painful part of my life, even though it’s like, ah, overworking. It’s not. that big of a deal. Well, in a way it’s not, it’s not big T trauma, but it really has brought a lot of pain in my life in many different ways. So, you know, your sole mission, when you reflect back, if you do have big T trauma, yep, your sole mission is going to be found in there and how you coped, how you survived, but it’s also most definitely going to be found in your little T trauma.

[00:15:00] And so how then do we take this information and tap into the soul of our business? You want to start by asking, how is my business a vehicle for me to be in full expression of my soul mission? How is my business an extension? Of my soul mission. So for example, when you look back at my soul mission, I’m really here.

[00:15:39] Like, I feel like my highest why is to bring you the truth. I am all about truth, truth of how the universe really works, how we’re really supposed to live and be. And really at the core of that, how our energy works, how our spiritual gifts work, how to use this, these energetic and intuitive abilities in your business.

[00:16:05] So when I tap into the heart, the soul of my business, it really gets into that, how to use energy and intuition to grow a prosperous business. Now I could. In my business, just teach people, any person, how to use energy and intuition, call it a day. And in fact, I tried to do that and it just didn’t. feel 100 percent right.

[00:16:38] Some of you guys who have been with me for a while, you might have noticed that I started out focusing on spiritual entrepreneurs, and then I changed my focus for a while to be just on spiritual people or soul guided leaders. And now I’m back to a newly evolved focus on spiritual entrepreneurs. Do I have?

[00:16:59] Uh, clients who work in government and corporate and nonprofit a hundred percent, but in my marketing and the way I show up in my business, I’m very now back to a laser beam focus on soul guided entrepreneurs because I realized that was my soul of soul clients. And I realized the type of work that I’m doing.

[00:17:19] I’m looking to teach light workers who are on the leading edge of consciousness.

[00:17:28] In a way, I see myself as serving the, I’m a trainer of trainers. I’m training the trainers and you are a trainer and you are going to take the works that I’m doing and you are going to spread it out the stuff that you’re meant to receive from me. You’re going to take it, add your own energy to it and spread it out and pass it on to your people.

[00:17:52] And in my work, my signature program, soul blueprint, which is about activating. and aligning your five spiritual gifts to create the blueprint of your soul. I really want to get that to as many light workers and soul guided leaders as possible so you can incorporate it in your work. Whether you’re a coach or a healer or not.

[00:18:15] You incorporate it in your work, no matter what you do. And you know, you really don’t need to be an entrepreneur to take on the work of soul blueprint and pass that on. But I really feel like at its core, like if I really chose the soul of soul client, these are soul guided entrepreneurs who I feel most called to serve.

[00:18:36] But when I’m in real alignment of my energy, I still attract all sorts of other people too. So the soul of my business at this point, and this does evolve and it does change as you saw it, it’s changed in my business in the last years. Now it’s evolving again. The soul of my business is really about.

[00:19:00] Teaching and training those who are on the leading edge of consciousness, how to use their energy, how to use their spiritual gifts with their clients and in their business so they can be earning. really, really good revenue and that enables them to serve even more people be in a joy state in their business and really serve their clients and customers at a higher level.

[00:19:29] I want to help these people birth new methodologies, new ways of doing things. We’re on the cutting edge of consciousness, tapping into the next level of the unknown. This is the soul of my business and you can see how much alignment I have to soul mission and it hasn’t always been that way. You guys. I started out with career coaching.

[00:19:54] Oh my God. I was too afraid to be a spiritual person in the world. So I was masking that. And so to mask that I started out with career coaching and I was reviewing people’s resumes. And it just felt bad in my body. I was pretty good at it because I had actually a lot of experience. So I was good at it and I was serving my clients, but it felt bad to me because I was not in alignment to my sole mission.

[00:20:23] So I was getting clients, I was making money, I was serving clients, but there was no joy there. It wasn’t unhappiness. Well, I shouldn’t say that. It started out okay. I was just so happy to be getting clients. But then after a while, I was like, this is not the coach that I’m being tapped to be. So finding this alignment is a journey.

[00:20:48] It doesn’t come overnight. And there’s always, always, always another layer of alignment to unlock. So we never arrive, which is the beauty, I think, of this. All right. So let’s talk about how you can then align your soul mission to the soul of your business. So you don’t have to have the perfect words to describe your soul mission.

[00:21:22] For me, I just go to truth. I just have a couple words and they just trigger an energetic expansion in me. Your soul mission is a feeling. How do you feel? When you feel into it, if you are expanding out, if you are feeling elevated, freeing, joyful, if you’re in your human design signature, so if you are a manifester, that’s peace.

[00:21:53] If you are a manifesting generator, that’s freedom. If you are a generator, that’s satisfaction. If you are a projector, that’s success. If you are a reflector, that’s harmony. If you are feeling those emotions, you’re tapped into something that’s right. So when I just call up the words truth, energy, spiritual gifts, you know, connection to, you know, I bring truth and how we connect to and co create with the spiritual realm.

[00:22:26] I bring truth to how we manipulate our energy. Manipulate is the word that’s coming through. It’s a healing. It’s a connecting. It’s evolving. Like we have the power to change our energy, our energy body. We are at the end of the day, but energy. Let’s say you took your finger. And you put it under a microscope, the most powerful microscope in the world.

[00:22:55] And you just kept, you know, digging down, digging down, what, what is the finger at its essence? You’re going to, actually not in too much time, you’re going to get to energy. There’s going to be no physic, physical thing to look at. It’s going to be an energetic thing that you’re going to get to. That is your.

[00:23:17] Essence. That’s who you are. Our god pod is an important, our body, our physical body is important. It plays a very important function as we are having our human experience, but at our essence of who we are, we are nonphysical. We are energy. We are a soul. We have a soul experience. We live many lifetimes and we are connected to source and I am here to help.

[00:23:47] You understand that higher. So at its essence, our soul mission is how we feel and getting into these high vibrational emotions. And so when you think about aligning that to the soul of your business, it’s really that feeling. Um, following the feelings of alignment and expansion and signature and learning ever so more what your core valued feeling states are because everybody has a different core valued feeling state of what alignment really truly feels like.

[00:24:27] And it changes. Throughout the journey of our lifetime, you know, when I was in my 20s, I would definitely say I was a thrill seeker. I was an adrenaline junkie. And so for me, it would have been exhilaration. A lot of that was low expression stuff, though. But now I’m in my late 40s. It’s still exhilaration, but it’s a totally different kind of exhilaration.

[00:24:55] It’s a high expression exhilaration. Where I can feel exhilarated just lying in a sauna, feeling intense heat, which is something I really enjoy. But I do also like to have my exhilaration itched scratched in a more classical definition of the word. So I like to do things, go on trips and vacations and discover new parts of the planet.

[00:25:22] And that really helps me to feel exhilarated, a core valued feeling state that helps put me in to alignment. So in this alignment, business and soul mission, it really comes down to offers people and your gifts. So when you think about what do I most feel called to offer people, let’s say this year, how do I most feel called to share my gifts?

[00:25:57] And that should be really infused in your offers. And then who do I feel most called to serve? And how can I be in alignment to my mission with these three things? Your gifts. Your ideal clients and customers and your offers. There’s a feeling of alignment. And when you think about offering, infusing your gifts and your offers and offering to these people, what brings you the highest joy state?

[00:26:36] Brings you the highest signature of your human design type. This is the alignment process. This is what this year is asking of us before we do take any action. Before we take any action, is this alignment there or are, you know, and it might not be there yet, but are we on the path of it? Are we seeking it?

[00:27:06] Or are we just marching out, doing what we think we should be doing, doing what others are doing, doing what we’ve been told to do, without the alignment or without considering the alignment. So I gave this year a real hard look. And I was like, and I really started doing that at the end of last year. What is my soul really calling me to do?

[00:27:34] This year, and because my signature offer is soul blueprint, I said to myself, do I also need a membership? Maybe all roads just need to lead to soul blueprint and the membership just distracts me. And this was a question I really asked. I want to be in alignment in my business and if I have the wrong offers out there, too many offers, not enough officer offers, not the right offers, it’s going to take me out of this alignment.

[00:28:10] And my soul kept saying, higher self kept saying, keep the membership, but revamp the membership. So that’s what I’m going to be doing for this year. I’m going to be revamping my membership. I’m calling it the Soul’d Out Circle, and I’m going to be targeting in this membership soul guided entrepreneurs that are looking to grow a prosperous heart led business using Energetic Soul Client Attraction, using everything I’m sharing in this episode and over the next five episodes.

[00:28:51] So if you are interested in joining that. amazing circle of soul guided entrepreneurs who are doing leading edge things in the world. And if you’re looking for a mentor like me to help support you on your path, there’s a link in the show notes where you can learn more about enrolling in this membership.

[00:29:14] But I really landed after a lot of Hemming and hawing and exploration. I landed on a big yes for the membership and I didn’t take any action, not any real action. I tipped my toe a little bit here or there, but I didn’t take any real action towards actually revamping the membership, actually offering it, you know, like.

[00:29:38] Putting action behind this membership until I knew I was just, I felt sure and aligned and big, full heart yes to, I want to do this this year. And then once I kind of felt that alignment, that to me felt like success, joy, expansion, abundant exhilaration, then I said, all right, move out. I’m going to start taking inspired action to revamp, sort of relaunch the whole thing, reorganize all the content, redo the whole landing page, design a whole launch.

[00:30:18] I mean, there’s a lot of, you know, inspired action into making this decision. And it just feels right. And it feels like flow. It feels like I’m working from the sparks of inspired action. It doesn’t feel like forced willpower. And this is how I know I’m in alignment and I’m exactly where I need to be on my path.

[00:30:50] Okay. So my invitation for you this week is to. Ask the question, what is my soul mission? Just ask it. Be in the heart. Do some random stream of consciousness journaling. And you can also ask, what have been some of the biggest challenges in my life? Those challenges that keep coming back. How did I use my gifts?

[00:31:26] What did I do to overcome those challenges? And how is this helping to inform my soul mission? And in terms of tapping into the soul of your business, aligning it to your soul mission. And aligning your offers, your soul client avatar, and your gifts all together. If you would like my help, I have a way to support you to bring all these different pieces together to one harmonious, energetic frequency.

[00:31:58] This is exactly what we’ll be doing in sold out circle. This is my new and improved monthly membership. For soul guided entrepreneurs and a year’s time, you’re going to get access to 24 live classes. You’ll have access to a course library, a guided meditation library, a community. You’re going to get monthly psychic readings or a call readings.

[00:32:22] There’s going to be human design Q and a. I’m packing so much value into this membership. It is going to knock your socks right off. And it has a very low monthly investment as well as no minimum commitment. You can join for a month and you can leave. So I do invite you to check it out. You can find more information and find that join now button in a link in the show notes.

[00:32:50] I would love to welcome you to the circle. All right, that’s a wrap for this week. And next week, we will continue on with this five part series. And I would say part one and two are sort of tied for the most important aspects of Energetic Soul Client Attraction. And this is all about removing those barriers.

[00:33:12] That stand in the way of our soul line success. So you’re going to want to check that episode out. And as always, until next time, may your soul guide the way.

[00:33:27] Are you ready to deepen your connection to your intuitive gifts? Then it’s time for 10 high five minutes. The ultimate. Daily mindfulness practice for a soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs in only 10 minutes per day. You’ll keep your energy high vibe and align to your highest dreams while transforming your daily practice into a powerful tool to manifest big wealth and abundance.

[00:33:52] Get free access now on my website, or in the show notes.


00:01  Intro

08:32  Evolution & alignment 

10:58  Identify your Soul Mission

15:14  Tap into the soul of your business

19:54  Journey to alignment

21:19  Align your Soul Mission to your business

26:32  Highest joy & SOUL-ed Out Circle

31:03  Invitation & conclusion

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Discover the power of soul-guided planning so you can get CLEAR on what your heart is calling you towards and craft your SOUL PLAN for the next 12 months to help you get there.

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