A Tale of 2 Sales Conversations

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Many heart-led business owners find sales to be the most intimidating, confusing, or frustrating part of their business. While they LOVE serving their clients, they don’t love selling their services! It may not feel easy and natural at first, but having frequent sales conversations (and honing that skill) is absolutely crucial to getting the results you want. 

In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, I share two sales conversations I’ve had recently and explore exactly where they went wrong, what they got right, and what would have made them perfect! You’ll learn how to approach sales conversations in a way that feels far more aligned and easeful – and will lead you to your first six-figure (or multi-six-figure) year!

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • How to MASSIVELY uplevel your sales in a way that works for you, your business, and your energy 
  • How to leave the door open to a future sale when one isn’t in the cards that day (and the #1 rule for sales calls!)
  • An invitation that will have you approaching your sales conversations in just the right energy, resulting in a full-body YES from your prospective clients!


Soul Guide Radio #156: Ghosted 1,000 Times

Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

Reflect on the last two or three sales conversations you’ve had and do a little reflection from a place of love and self compassion checking in on how it went.

[00:00:00] Hey ho, dear ones, I have a really fun episode for you that is Going to give you what you need to run a successful sales conversation. I like to talk about things that I feel like are in my zone of genius. Last week’s episode, we talked about creating a CRM system that really works for you and your business or client relationship management.

[00:00:30] We will put a link in the show notes to that episode. If you haven’t had a chance to check it out, maybe that doesn’t seem very fun for you. But what I, I can say about CRM and sales conversations, even if you’re like, Oh, this is not why I launched my business. What I can say is that they are the two things that will lead you to the results you want.

[00:00:56] And that is having a CRM that works for you, your business, and your energy, and knowing the right way to approach a sales conversation that works for you, your business, and your energy that will lead you to your first six figure year, your first multi six figure year, and certainly the This is absolutely necessary.

[00:01:18] If you ever plan to scale to the higher multi sixes and into the seven figures, you must, I mean, it is a requirement in today’s business world to have some sort of CRM and some sort of. Sales conversation system that works for you, not to drag your energy down and make you feel horrible because Allison is recommending you focus on these business things that you don’t feel good about, but it’s about approaching it to how can I approach these two important aspects of being in a business in a way that works for me.

[00:01:58] And I’m very excited to share with you a tale of two Sales conversations I’ve had recently. And we are going to extract a lot of really juicy lessons around what to do and what not to do in a sales conversation using these combos as an example. But before we get into all of that, I would love to share with you a listener review, and this is coming from Dom1116.

[00:02:33] Who gives five stars and says loving the vibes here. Thank you so much. Allison is a great host and provides some amazing insights and gems. I’m so glad to have found this podcast. Thank you so much, Dom1116. I am so grateful for you. And if you, dear listener, have received a nugget from this podcast, and I know you have, head over to those show notes.

[00:02:58] You’ll find a link to leave a review. There’s four different platforms you can choose from. And if you’ve already given me a review in one platform, you can actually give a review in a second platform. And I would be so grateful for your feedback. I’ll read your words on the air. If you can get specific about what episodes spoke to you to the most, or what insights, you I’m going to be talking about how I curated bespoke content for you and your needs.

[00:03:33] And again, I will read your beautiful words on the air. Now, let’s get into today’s episode about sales conversations. I am so excited. So, in today’s episode, I share a tale of two sales conversations I’ve recently had. Where they both went wrong, and where one went almost perfectly right. We’ll end on an invitation that will have you approaching your sales conversations in just the right energy so that each convo ends in a full body yes for your prospective clients.

[00:04:12] So please stay with me until the end.

[00:04:17] Welcome to Soul Guide Radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts, and clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business.

[00:04:42] I’m Allyson Scammell, your host. And soul guide,

[00:04:50] hello, soul guide circle. That is the name of this global community of soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs in the soul guide circle. We are using our spiritual gifts to grow prosperous heart led businesses that are on the leading edge of consciousness. Find a link to join our closed Facebook group at allysonscammell.com

[00:05:10] Or in the show notes. Today, I’m going to share with you a tale of two sales conversations I’ve recently had. They both, in my opinion, had some things that I would really have recommended they do differently. One of them, to me, went completely wrong. And one of them could have gone amazingly Like super amazingly, but she made some missteps and had she cleaned up those missteps, it would have been a really successful sales conversation.

[00:05:48] And those missteps are the same ones I see often with my clients. With those soul guided heart led entrepreneurs. So that’s what became the inspiration behind this episode. And I felt really, really called to share these missteps with you so that you can approach your sales conversation the right way.

[00:06:14] Okay. The first sales conversation I had recently. Was with a seven, maybe even eight figure coach. She has run a very, very successful business. And I was thinking about hiring her for a high end mastermind. She is very focused on business coaching. She has a really masculine energy. She is not a spiritual business coach, which is something I would typically hire, but I was attracted to her Facebook ads, her systems, everything was very clear, clean and sharp.

[00:06:55] And from her marketing, she left me with the impression that she knows everything. How to sell things in today’s market. So that’s a really good little nugget she left with me in her marketing. So her marketing did well. And I was thinking, wow, maybe I could really learn from this woman, some of these more 3D sales tactics and procedures that really work in today’s market.

[00:07:22] So I can help myself in my own business, but I can also share these tips. tactics that are working with my own clients in my own business coaching. So we get on the phone and the first thing she did right out of the blocks was she had noticed I had inadvertently sent her an email from my yahoo email address and not my work email address which is [email protected]

[00:07:50] and the first thing she said Was how that was not professional and even if you don’t have a work email address You should use like gmail because it’s more of a it works better and yahoo’s not as reliable And so for right out of the box, she sort of it didn’t feel like constructive feedback It felt more like a criticism And I was like, okay, well, that was a mistake.

[00:08:18] I meant to email you from my business account, but okay. So I didn’t, you know, I was just like, okay, thank you for the feedback. But that already left me in sort of a, I, I don’t like starting a sales conversation with that feeling of being criticized. Then she went on to tell me how I’m appear not to be a fit for her high end Mastermind and that was the thing I was interested in the smaller group of high end business owners, you know that she caps it around 12 people and that I was a better fit for her cast of thousands.

[00:08:58] There’s probably a 1000 people in it. Membership type concept where I get very little access to her and basically everything is just evergreen content. On her course portal, plus I get some access to the coaches she hires. Now that’s not a bad model. It’s not a bad coaching model, and it’s a way to keep the investment costs down so more people can access it.

[00:09:26] But I specifically said I wanted something more bespoke with more access to her. And so I said to her, yeah, you know, I’m really looking for something with more of coaching from you, live coaching from you, but not with a hundred people on the line. More like, you know, 10 to 12 other people on the line.

[00:09:49] And she said, Oh, well, you don’t understand my coaches that I train and hire or are as good as I am. So if you are working with one of my trained coaches, it’s the same as working with me. And that’s where she absolutely didn’t get me because here’s the deal. I have been. Tune in to her on social media, and I enrolled in her mailing list, so I’ve been getting emails from her, and guess who I’ve developed a relationship with?

[00:10:22] I developed a relationship with her. She gave me some nice nuggets that I incorporated into my business and I started to see some results. So guess what? I started to trust her. This is what led me to getting on a phone call with her and considering investing a lot of money in her. I don’t have that relationship with these coaches that work for her.

[00:10:46] I don’t know who they are. So if she really wanted to use that as a talking point, it doesn’t matter if you’re talking to me, talking to one of my coaches is just as good, then she should have Those coaches on her social feeds more and in her mailing list, she should introduce them. She should talk about them.

[00:11:10] They should do Facebook lives or whatever. So I can start building a relationship with them. So I have some trust in them, but I had zero trust in these people who I didn’t know. I had built a little bit of trust with her. So by the end of the call. It was clear that I wanted to enroll in her high end, bespoke, 10 to 12 person mastermind.

[00:11:39] And she felt like my business wasn’t big enough. And I wasn’t at that league because that was more for like seven figure business owners. So she said I wasn’t there yet, essentially. And she was trying to get me into this membership, which had like a thousand people enrolled in it. And I wasn’t interested in that.

[00:11:58] So we were at kind of an impasse. I was interested in the offer that she wasn’t interested in offering to me. So this is where she went wrong and right. I’m now realizing that she did do something right, but, and I’m going to explain what that something right was in a sec, but here’s where she went horribly wrong, I believe.

[00:12:20] So when she realized that there wasn’t going to be a sale that day, she basically wanted to get off the line. And she really gave me the energy of, I don’t want you. She didn’t say that, but she also didn’t say, Hey, I can see you’re a committed business owner. You know, when your business grows to the next level and you’re getting ready to go into those seven figures.

[00:12:48] Come back to me then. Maybe at that point, you’ll be a better fit for my high end mastermind. She did not say that. She basically, when she realized that I wasn’t going to invest today, she basically said goodbye. And she really left me with the energy that she didn’t want me. She didn’t want me! And if I’m gonna hire a Any coach, any coach for something that’s a high end offer, I want to know that they want me.

[00:13:19] Even if today I’m not a good fit, if they feel that I’m eventually a good fit for their offer, which she did say I was, I want them to fight for me. I want them to be passionate. I want to have that feeling of they want me and she left me with the feeling of I don’t want you and we left the phone conversation very flat and then what did I do after the phone conversation?

[00:13:50] I went and unsubscribed from her mailing list. I wasn’t angry. I wasn’t really hurt. I was just kind of surprised. Like I’ve never been in a sales conversation where I didn’t feel really wanted by the person who was selling something to me. They always made me feel like, Oh, Allyson, I want you. So it was the first time that I’d ever been in a sales conversation where I didn’t feel wanted, but then I really said, I don’t want to continue with this person at all.

[00:14:22] I don’t want to reach out to her again in a year or two to see where things stand. I basically. Concluded that this person isn’t for me and I’m going to move on. And so it made me realize just how important it is that when we are in a sales conversation with other people, we make them feel wanted. Like I want you and not from a desperation.

[00:14:45] Like I need to make the sale. Definitely not. But from that. Passion and enthusiasm. And if somebody isn’t a fit for a program you offer now, but you feel like they could be down the line, let them know that and let them know that you’re in it for the long haul, that you’ll be there for them when they’re ready.

[00:15:06] And really, no matter how big your business gets, it is just the number one Rule of a sales conversation is to be in real genuine passion and enthusiasm for that potential client and rolling into your offer, especially if you feel like they are a fit. And make them feel wanted. Make them feel like you are so committed to helping them get the results you want.

[00:15:33] And you’re all in and you want them, you choose them. Make them feel important. Make them feel special. Make them feel like serving them is a privilege that you take very seriously. And it’s just a passion for you to be able to get to serve them. And if you feel like that is a very difficult energy for you to get into in a sales conversation, that probably means something wants to tweak and refine in your business.

[00:16:07] That probably means you might be serving the wrong sole client avatar or offering the wrong offer. If you are in alignment in your business, sales conversations should be an opportunity for you to be in your full passion about your offer and about your commitment to be in service to those who enroll in your offers.

[00:16:33] But here’s where this coach did go right. She was in a very. Clean energy of it’s you or someone else. She was very just clean in her energy that she didn’t need the sale that day. If I passed, which I did, there were 10 other people behind me who were going to say yes. That’s a very powerful, clean energy to be in, in a sales conversation.

[00:17:05] There was no part of her who felt needy, like she needed it. Like she was relying on it. That needy energy often repels perspective clients away. So even if you are in a position in a sales conversation where you really do need the sale financially. Try your level best to clean that up as much as possible before the call.

[00:17:32] Release the neediness and just get into the energy of the transformation. You can get this client and owning the value of your offer and owning the value of that transformation. Because that’s what people invest in. The value of the transformation, you’re going to get them in your life. And if you’re owning that value, that gets them in a yes energy.

[00:17:59] This offer is for me. This person is for me. I feel this value, so it feels safe. Investing in this offer. Okay, let’s get to the second sales conversation. Oh my gosh. They were two totally different styles of sales conversations. And the second one was just so much more connecting and loving and just trust building.

[00:18:30] It was really the energy of love. Whilst the first conversation was purely transactional, it was almost robotic. And so that’s another pillar of a good sales conversation, infuse it with the energy of love. And service and transformation. Okay. This second sales conversation that I’m referring to took place with my facialist.

[00:19:00] I’ve never had a facialist before, but a couple of years ago, my husband got me a gift certificate for a facial with her for my birthday. And I went one time and I just like totally connected with her. And she is just magic. Every time I leave. Her chair, my skin just glows. So I probably see her once every two months.

[00:19:24] And I used to buy this skincare product in the United States that you could only get in the U. S. And it was very annoying because I’d have to fill my suitcases with it every time I was home visiting my parents. So I said to myself, I am going to get a new brand of makeup and skincare that I can get in Europe, where I live in the Netherlands, and it’s just easier for me.

[00:19:47] So, the last time I was getting a facial, I told her, hey look, I’m getting running out of certain products. I’m wondering, what do you have for a night cream? What do you have for foundation? I’m looking to get some new products. And so what do you recommend? I mean, I was asking her, I need stuff. I trust you.

[00:20:11] I need makeup. I need skincare. What do you got? I was basically saying, please sell to me. I was about like a perfect primed perspective customer for her. And this is where she made a misstep in my opinion, but it makes me in many ways love her all the more. She felt really nervous about selling to me. And listen, she’s been a facialist for a long time and she sells a whole line.

[00:20:41] It’s not her own line, But she sells different lines of cosmetics and skin care. So this is not, she’s not at the start of her journey here, but she was so hesitant to sell me anything. She was like, well, there’s this beautiful night cream, but it’s just too expensive. I have something here that’s a bit cheaper.

[00:21:01] And I’m like, Hey, wait a minute. Hold up. When it comes to night cream and anti wrinkle, like, I’m willing to spend some money here. Like, hey, this is my face and I am ready to, like, invest some euros in making it look good and youthful. I don’t do Botox, so I rely on a good night cream, among other things, to stay youthful looking.

[00:21:26] So I said to her, no, tell me about the expensive cream. So she’s like, oh, well, this just came in and it’s amazing and it’s, It’s from Switzerland, but it’s really expensive. So what I’ll do instead is gift you a free trial and you can try it. And then if you like it, you can come back and you can get a really, really small bottle of it for a smaller price.

[00:21:51] And then if you like that smaller bottle, then you can come back again, like in six months and then maybe get the regular bottle. And I said, listen, I trust you. I want good night cream. Give me the big bottle now. And she told me how much it was and yes, it was a lot, but it wasn’t like shockingly expensive.

[00:22:16] And I was a primed and ready client. I was ready to drop some money that day on skincare. And she was so hesitant. Because she was so worried about selling me something expensive, selling me something I didn’t like. But here’s the thing, I wanted to spend a lot of money. I was ready. I’m like, I’m ready for new skin care.

[00:22:41] I have a bigger budget for skin care, because like I said, I don’t do cosmetic, like Botox surgery, anything like that. So I do spend more money on my makeup, on my skin care, that’s just me. Right. And it’s important to me. So there’s other things I don’t buy and I don’t invest in, but like I invest in skincare.

[00:23:04] And I said to her, just sell to me, what else do you have? Don’t hesitate. Don’t hold back. I want it. And I, I loved her that she was so worried about me not spending a lot of money. I knew, I already trusted her because I’ve been going to her for like two years. So I’ve already built like a big trust factor with her.

[00:23:27] So I already trusted her, but now I trust her even more. But I really had to tell her to sell to me because she was so hesitant. So this brings us nicely to where they broke up. Both went wrong where both sales conversations went wrong, which I’ve already said the first one. She didn’t make me feel like she wanted me.

[00:23:47] She didn’t make me feel like she cared. And in the second conversation, she made me feel like she really cared about me, but so much that it held her back from actually selling me the stuff that I wanted, that I was asking for, and that I really needed. So let’s stay with the second sales conversation, because this is more in the energy of what I recommend for you and how this sales conversation almost went.

[00:24:21] perfectly right. And it almost went perfectly right because for two years, she has been consistently getting me results with my skin. The first day I showed up, I didn’t know what to expect. It was a birthday gift. I thought, okay, I’ve had a facial before. It’s going to be just a facial. But she sat me down and said, Oh, I really, you have great skin, Allison, but here is some dryness.

[00:24:46] Here’s some redness. Here is what I recommend for you. Here is my plan for you over time. And she was not doing it from a place of sales. Let me tell you, it’s like I already said, she’s very hesitant to sell. So it was more like, Hey, you bought this one session. Let me try to get you as most value as possible for this one session.

[00:25:11] And then. If you come back, great, but I’m not doing this to get you to come back. I’m just doing this because I’m very committed for you to have beautiful skin. And so immediately I was like, wow, she’s got a plan for my skin. I’ve never been to a facialist before who had a plan for me. I don’t know what my plan for my skin is, so I’m sure glad somebody else has an idea.

[00:25:35] That got me really excited. So I immediately said to her, Like, like if I wanted to come to you consistently, how often would you recommend that I came so that I can, you know, really implement this plan? And she said every six to eight weeks. So that’s what it, how it began. I started coming every six to eight weeks.

[00:25:57] And we really developed a trust factor, like I could see she was getting me consistent results. I also could see she really loved having me as a client. And she was really excited to have me back every time I came back to her chair. She was always really excited to see me again. That is great energy. I really felt like, yes, she wants me.

[00:26:24] And then in, when we got to this last conversation where I was basically saying, please sell to me, tell me about all of the different lines you carry. Tell me about the makeup. Tell me about the skincare. She really was in this place of real integrity. She was clearly worried about my bank account and this stuff is expensive.

[00:26:48] It’s more expensive than a lot of people invest in for skincare. So she was really worried about me. Like she was worried that I would be investing in too much and something that didn’t knock my socks off. She was also very, very clear no matter what amount of money I spent on something. So the super expensive night cream, if I tried that for a period of time and I was not happy, she would give me a full refund on everything.

[00:27:17] And again, None of this felt like salesmanship. It all felt like authentic integrity. I am here to make sure you feel served. Where she really could have opened this up is to not have been so hesitant on the sale. She shouldn’t have assumed. that I was really worried about my budget, that I only wanted a small amount to try.

[00:27:52] That was an assumption. I actually didn’t want that. I wanted a big old jar to take home. I was ready to go all in. So she made a lot of assumptions. That I wanted to keep my budget low, that I only wanted small little testers, and then if I liked it, I could get the next size up. We often, we all do it. I see it with my clients all the time.

[00:28:16] I myself have been guilty of making assumptions in sales calls. I assume you can’t afford me. I assume this is too expensive. I assume that you only want a small sample and not the whole jar. Do not make assumptions in a sales call. Do not. And if someone is saying to you, Oh, I’m really interested in your offer, but times have been tough.

[00:28:46] I don’t know if I have the money. Yes, like I understand that financial choice, however, maybe your offer is exactly what they need to lift them out of the financial stress. If your heart is saying, yes, this person is a potential soul client. If your heart is saying, yes, I can serve this person and help her get results.

[00:29:17] It’s not. for us to assume what it is they need, or can, or can’t afford, or what it is they want. That’s for them to decide. Now, of course, if they have an objection, I want this offer, but I don’t know if I can afford it. If you still feel like your heart is in that yes energy, like yes, this person is still a soul client, Then, yes, it is really important to be able to talk clients through their objections in sales calls.

[00:29:56] Now, if they say to you, I really love this and I don’t feel like I can’t afford it. In that moment, and this is something that you can really practice in your sales conversations to be led by your intuition, drop into your body and just do a quick check in your body. Is it time to say, Like, do you feel like this person truly can’t afford it and it would truly put undue stress on them and it would actually make their life worse?

[00:30:26] I find I almost never get that. I almost never get that. But if I do, investing in my offer is going to make their life worse because of the financial strain or whatever it is. Then guess what I say? I say, Oh, I understand. I feel you. I’d love to check back in with you in three or six months to see how things are going.

[00:30:50] But usually I get the intuitive nudge that investing in my offer is exactly what they do need. And this is what is going to help them open up so they can start to bring in the abundance that they deserve and that is ready to arrive. To them, so to do a quick recap, here are some hallmarks of a really great sales conversation.

[00:31:18] Make the other person feel like you want them. You are excited to serve them. You choose them, right? And this is all, you know, presuming that they are a fit for your offer. Okay. Make them feel special. Two, do not make assumptions about what they want or don’t want or can or cannot afford. You be in your heart led energy of service and transformation, owning the value that you can potentially add to their life.

[00:31:58] And lastly, do not hesitate. When it gets to the sales part of the sales conversation, don’t hold back. Be all in. Bring out whatever your version is of the largest jar of the most expensive night cream. If you think that that is a good fit for the potential client you’re to, bring out that jar and sell it with passion.

[00:32:28] About what this offer can do for them and their lives, because that’s why they’re there. They signed up for this sales conversation so they could hear about your offers, so they could understand how you can help them. So don’t hold back in bringing all of that to life. My invitation for you this week is to consider, if you’ve been in business for a while, your last two to three sales conversations.

[00:33:01] How did you do? Do a little reflection on that from a place of love and self compassion and you’re getting the feedback. You’re not criticizing how it went. You’re just looking for feedback. Could you have dialed up the passion? Could you have been less hesitant? Could you have really owned the value? Of your offers and the transformation you provide your clients.

[00:33:26] Could you amp that up? Is there any healing that wants to be done? Telling you like, oh, those sales conversations were a failure or didn’t go well. Is there anything that needs to be released before your next conversation? And if you’re on the newer side to business, how do you want your sales conversations to look?

[00:33:47] Listen, for all of you, if you’re still listening to this, I’m going to give you a little reward for staying with me till the end of this episode. I have a sales conversation cheat sheet. It’s a template and it takes you through Some guidelines and the different ways to set up a sales conversation so that it gets all prospective customers who are a good fit for your offer to a full body.

[00:34:14] Yes. If you want that little cheat sheet, send me an email to allysonscammell.com and say, send me the cheat sheet or DM me on Instagram or Facebook, and we will leave all those links in the show notes and I will send you. This amazing little cheat sheet so that all of your sales conversations end in yeses.

[00:34:37] All right. That’s a wrap for this week. I look forward to hearing from you in my various inboxes. And as always, until next time, may your soul guide the way.

[00:34:50] Hi, dear ones. Listen here. The soul blueprint certification program is a road map to becoming a more powerful coach, healer, writer, artist, or entrepreneur, and then earning more money. It’s the only certification program that reveals how to. Activate your five unique spiritual gifts so you can create massive soul aligned success in life and business.

[00:35:15] Learn more and enroll at allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint or if enrollment is closed you can join the soul list so you’ll be the first to know when the next cohort is opening up and you’ll also be eligible to receive special high value bonuses. Again, that’s allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint.

00:01  Intro & listener review

06:15  Business coach conversation

10:07  What to do instead

14:38  #1 rule of sales conversations

16:33  Bringing clean energy to calls

18:09  Facialist conversation

23:38  What went wrong & right

28:12  Reframe the sale

31:09  Recap, invitation & conclusion

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