Sales Secrets for Soulpreneurs with Kristen Lynch

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Struggling with the notion of niching down? You’re not alone. Kristen Lynch joins me to unravel this conundrum, offering a breath of fresh air for all of you soulful entrepreneurs out there. 

Our conversation is packed with insights on how to infuse your sales strategies with integrity, ensuring that every transaction resonates with the core of who you are. We’re discovering how to connect with your ideal clients in a way that’s genuine and creates ethical urgency—all while staying true to your values.

Guest bio: Kristen is a soulful marketing + mindset coach for early-stage women entrepreneurs, helping them own their unique gifts, take up unapologetic space online, & get paid to change lives doing what they love (on their terms – burnout free). She also hosts the internationally-charted Goddess Talk Podcast.

As soulful entrepreneurs, recognizing our worth is pivotal, and this episode will inspire you to charge fairly for the extraordinary, long-term impact your work has on individuals and their legacies. Join us for an enlightening discussion that promises to shift your perspective on sales and empower you to step into your full potential.

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • The art of connecting authentically with your ideal client avatar and creating a sense of ethical urgency without compromising your values
  • How to detach from sales outcomes and embracing abundance, all while trusting in a higher source to guide your journey
  • Pricing strategies that reflect the true transformation you offer

Kristen’s Resources:

Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

Work through your sales and marketing tactics you currently use and review what does and doesn’t feel aligned. When you find what feels aligned, use ethical urgency that feels good in your business. 

[00:00:00] Hey, dear ones, how are you doing today? I think one of the biggest things I see with my clients who are soul guided entrepreneurs is that they resist classic sales strategies and techniques. Oh, man, I’ve had very spiritual clients who just resist them altogether. I’ve had clients get mad at me for really urging them to consider some sales strategies because here’s the deal.

[00:00:30] At the end of the day, we’re entrepreneurs. We’re business owners. We’re running a business and there are certain out, dare I say it, non spiritual clients. sales tactics that’s in your highest and greatest good to know, but not the strategies that feel horrible to you. And I promise there are marketing and sales strategies and techniques that you can find that actually really work for you and your business and enable you to be in your genius and be in energetic alignment.

[00:01:04] And sometimes it just takes some trial and error and giving yourself permission to learn and experiment for you to land on those strategies. And I’m super excited to share a conversation I had with the amazing Kristen Lynch. Where she reveals really potent sales secrets that work for solepreneurs. And when you can find the tactics and strategies that really work for you and your business, you will see income arriving into your business with a consistency.

[00:01:43] You will have a structure in place that works for you. And your business, and this enables you, this structure actually enables you to be able to focus in on the things that you love doing the most that lead to the biggest results. So why don’t we go ahead and get right to it in today’s episode.

[00:02:05] Christian reveals several powerful sales secrets that truly work for soul guided entrepreneurs like you. We talk about how to stay in integrity using sales techniques that do work and you probably typically resist. And we reveal a powerful way for you to identify those sales strategies that actually work and feel good for your unique energy.

[00:02:31] We’ll end on an invitation that will have you boosting sales in ways that truly work for your purpose. Purpose driven style. So please stay with us until the end. Welcome to soul guide radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level.

[00:02:54] We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts, and And clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business. I’m Alison Scammell, your host and Soul Guide.

[00:03:16] Hello, Soul Guide Circle. That is the name of this global and growing community of Soul Guided leaders and entrepreneurs. In the soul guide circle, we are growing prosperous heart led businesses that are on the leading edge of consciousness. Find a link to join our closed Facebook group at

[00:03:34] are in the show notes. Today’s guest is Kristen Lynch. Kristen is a soulful marketing and mindset coach for early stage women entrepreneurs, helping them own their unique gifts, take up unapologetic space online and get paid to change lives doing what they love. She hosts the internationally charted Goddess Talk podcast.

[00:03:58] I was lucky enough to also be a guest on her podcast and we’ll leave a link to that episode in the show notes as well. I really received so much from Kristen’s wisdom. Please enjoy.

[00:04:20] Welcome Kristen to Soul Guide Radio. Hi, Allyson. I am so excited to be here. I am super thrilled. We’re going to be talking about sales secrets. I love that. I love me a sales secret geared towards soulpreneurs. Soulpreneurs can have some of the most crunchy experience with sales that I’ve seen. And I’m speaking from experience.

[00:04:46] I certainly had a big resistance to sales. I had a period in my business where I struggled with sales. And a lot of my clients struggle with sales as well as, as spiritual entrepreneurs. So I have a few things that I see commonly that holds soulful entrepreneurs back or make sales feel really uncomfortable for them or make sales just kind of a source thought in their business.

[00:05:10] And so I can share what I, what I see. I would love that. I see it as well. And my clients tend to be extremely passionate about Their art or their writing or their coaching or their healing or what it is that they sell. They’re so passionate about it. It is their sole mission. But then when it comes to selling that thing, it’s almost like the resistance can be for some folks so strong that it’s almost that they resist all parts of the sales part of their business.

[00:05:48] You know, it’s like they resist the business themselves. And it really is like when we are, whatever it is that we feel called to sell, we are part of that creator, that coach, that healer, that writer, that artist, that fill in the blank, and we are part of Business owners, salesperson, marketer. And yes, when we get big enough, we can hire help and we can offload all the stuff that we don’t feel like doing.

[00:06:15] But until we get to that point, we really got to embrace that business owner, that sales person inside of us. So maybe you can speak us through a little bit about why you think that it’s so hard to embrace the salesperson inside of us as a soulful entrepreneur. And then what we can do to start embracing it.

[00:06:36] Yeah. Oh, I love this question. And I think one, a lot of us just kind of assume that in order to be good at sales, we have to just be this natural born salesperson and some people have it and some people don’t. And so if sales feel uncomfortable for us, it must just be not meant for us. It must just be something that’s never going to feel good for us.

[00:06:54] And so we just want to avoid it until we get to a point in our business where we can hire it out. But I also think for spiritual entrepreneurs specifically, a lot of us have taken on this conditioning, this programming. Sometimes it’s from culture. Sometimes it could be from religion or from our spiritual, our spiritual background.

[00:07:12] It could be something that’s been passed down through family where we just kind of had these blanket beliefs around business, around sales, around marketing in general, that these, these practices are always bad, that they’re like inherently evil or they’re inherently icky. There’s something that’s manipulative about these.

[00:07:31] about these things. And so, as spiritual people, as people who care so deeply about the work that we do, and we’re so close to it, and we have such big hearts, we just, we want to avoid anything that feels like it is icky, or it is evil, or it’s not ethical in some way. And so, we just kind of have this blanket belief around it, and that makes us resistant in general.

[00:07:49] And so I think we really want to question like, where is that belief coming from? Where did we pick that up? When was the first time that we took that on? How long have we been operating in this way? How is this impacting our business? Like when we assume that business is always bad or that people that are selling are always wrong, like how does that show up in our business and how does that actually limit the amount of impact that we’re able to make the amount of people that we’re able to reach?

[00:08:14] And what if we started to see sales marketing business as just Neutral, neutral vehicles, neutral practices that are ultimately determined based on the person behind, behind them, their intention, their heart, their mission, and if we have an offering that’s been built with so much purity and that we love so much and that we know has the potential to move forward.

[00:08:38] Transform relationships to heal bodies, to bring clarity, to bring purpose into people’s lives. Why would we not want to share that with them? Why would we not want to get that out into as many people, as many souls, as many hearts in the world as we possibly can. And we can see that sales, marketing, business are just tools for us to be able to reach more people with work that we really believe in.

[00:08:59] Yes. And I love that you said About this idea of manipulate sales, this manipulation, because sadly, I think in many ways it is, and that’s icky, icky, icky, cold pitching. You know, everybody gets the, you know, like the worst is I’ll get a DM. Hi, Alison. Are you accepting new clients? And then, okay, so I go ahead and bite, yes, I’m accepting new clients.

[00:09:26] Would you like to book a discovery call? And then they go in and pitch me their client accelerator kit. I mean, that drives me bananas. That’s the worst one I’ve seen. Yeah, that was the worst. Yeah. And then I went once on a trip to Morocco. And I, I promise this as a point to what you just said, this is the other type of manipulation might not be the wrong word, but let’s call it not sales that are not a good fit.

[00:09:54] So we went, I went on this, this tour with, uh, with, with a group of people. And so part of the. This is not something that I would have chose to do, but I was on a, a group tour, and so one of it, we were gonna go to this organic, all natural oils, teas, face creams type store to get like the Moroc the, you know, essential Moroccan oils, all that stuff was sold at this shop.

[00:10:22] And so we were all seated there for like an hour. Where this very, very skillful salesperson did this amazing job selling us all these products. And I ended up buying 300 euro worth of teas and face creams and essential oils. And he wasn’t Manipulating me, but I was a captive audience and he was very good at sales, but I got home and I didn’t take anything out of the packaging because I realized it, it was all stuff that I really didn’t want or need.

[00:10:57] So then I was like, Oh, I felt like, what, what’s that feeling? That’s a feeling of like, Oh, I didn’t need that. Like, Oh, I shouldn’t have bought that. Why did I do that? But it was really, really good sales. And I was. Sat there for an hour without any place to go. So I bought, so I think that’s another way. We soulfulpreneur, you know, soulpreneurs, we don’t want to manipulate and we don’t want to sell our stuff to people who don’t need it or want it.

[00:11:29] I think, I think that second thing also shows up in our resistance. Yes, I see this a lot as well. And I think, so I think there’s a couple of things here. I think one is. When we kind of get into this, like, I’ve got to prove, I’ve got to convince, usually when I hear clients are in that energy, to me, that signals, we’re not tethering to our best clients.

[00:11:49] We’re not tethering to actually our ideal clients, our soulmate clients or customers. We are trying to convince people who don’t actually desire what it, who, who don’t naturally desire what it is that we’re offering, who aren’t intrinsically motivated to the transformation that we’re offering, who don’t actually feel In alignment or a call, a calling towards the work that we’re doing.

[00:12:09] And so then we’ve got to, we’ve got to sell you on it rather than inviting people who are already on their own sold, who already feel a pull or a draw to the work that we’re doing. So I think that’s the first, the first piece to this. The other piece is as marketers, as, as the sales person, as the CEO of our business, I think what we can do as heart centered leaders, as soulful entrepreneurs, as people who really, really care about being ethically based in our, in our business practices is in our marketing.

[00:12:40] We want to think about using our marketing to remove fear, to remove lack rather than adding those things. And I think when, when sales feels really manipulative, it’s because the marketer is trying to create fear in the person, fear of missing out, create urgency, create lack. If you don’t buy this, you’re going to be screwed without me, like disempowering people.

[00:12:58] But what if we use our marketing to empower people. To help them move beyond fear, to help them move beyond lack. Then what is their answer? Then what do they feel when they tune into our, to our offering? If it’s still a yes, then to me, that’s an aligned sale. Does that resonate with you as well? It does.

[00:13:16] It does. And I’m going to ask you because one thing I actually tell my clients is to use FOMO and to use scarcity. But not in that way, because I really do feel on the flip side of the coin. I agree with what you just said and on the flip side of the coin, because we live in this really saturated market where people are getting pitched all the time, hadn’t be, if you don’t introduce some sort of deadline or some sort of this magnificent offer ends in like 24 hours, people will just scroll on.

[00:13:55] And I think that’s a real thing. But I agree with you that we don’t want to sell from a place of lack and scarcity. So how can you push those buttons to get people really motivated and, and knowing that they, if they don’t act now, the offer may be off the table without coming from a scarcity and lack energy, if that makes sense.

[00:14:17] Yeah, it definitely makes sense. So I think there’s a way to draw on what I call ethical urgency. So this is like, I think when it feels really gross and icky is when we can feel that people are like, are creating this like false urgency. So they’re like, I only have two spots when really they have 10 and their calendar and they’re doing stuff or they’re like, Oh yeah, it’s not going to be sold live ever again, but really they know it is going to be sold in another year or something like that feels really gross.

[00:14:46] But I think there’s a way to use, so one is just making sure that when you are using urgency in your business, it’s actually true. It’s an integrous urgency. You actually only do have two spots if you’re saying there’s only two spots. That’s one thing. And then I think we, FOMO can be used when it’s, I think there’s a way to, to speak to people from a place that leaves them more empowered.

[00:15:08] Like if You could, you could maybe address like where people are getting in their own way, where people have a pattern of procrastinating their dreams or sleeping on themselves, but it’s not this, it’s not the same energy as like, without this program, there’s no way for you to move forward, or it’s like this exaggerated urgency that’s, that makes people feel really disempowered versus like, yeah.

[00:15:28] I guess that is like versus calling out maybe where they’re getting in their own way or calling out their patterns or calling out how they’re, they’re delaying things that they say are important to them. Does that, does that feel clear how there’s a difference there in, in the energy and in the intention and in how people are left to feel?

[00:15:43] I love ethical urgency. I think that’s brilliant. And I totally agree. If you don’t have just two spots left, do not say that. I think, I think urgency really works. And I think that it is like, it is. the invitation for us all to figure out how to Be in the energy of urgency and do it ethically and be honest about the urgency And then with the FOMO, I think yeah, I hear what you’re saying that fear of missing out is more like I thought, here’s how I view it.

[00:16:17] You’re you imagine that you are talking to your sole client avatar, right? In your marketing, right? You’re always speaking to your sole client avatar. And what would you say to her or him or them? I mean, you love, Hey, when you’re talking soul client avatar, there’s love there. All right. You’ve designed an offer for you’re presenting it, this offer for her, you know, in your heart, you’re owning your value.

[00:16:42] It’s going to change her life. And you’re just in that energy of, if you, here’s what you leave on the table. If you don’t listen to that, yes, coming from your heart kind of thing. Yeah. Yeah. I think the difference is we’re, we’re tuning into someone who, when they drop, when the fear is removed. They, they do have a yes towards the offer.

[00:17:06] And then one of my favorite questions to ask is why, why is this actually, why is it urgent for this person? Why is it urgent for them? Not why is it urgent for me as the salesperson? Why do I need this sale? What can I get? But why is it urgent for them? Why is it actually important that they don’t keep sleeping on the stream or that they don’t keep ignoring this issue or that they don’t keep bypassing their own potential?

[00:17:26] And what comes to mind there. And so I think we can, we can illuminate that for people. Like, why is this important? Why is this a priority? Why is this urgent for you? But also, we also want to be detached to that particular person, to that sale as salespeople. We’re not, we’re not in a place of why is this urgent for me?

[00:17:41] Why do I need this? Why do I need this to happen? And so that’s, that feels very different energetically to receive as the potential client or customer. And it feels very different for us. As the, as the business owner, as a person doing the selling, very different energetics there. Yeah. Even though maybe the words are the same.

[00:17:58] Yeah, totally. So we have ethical urgency and we also have, why is it urgent for them? Always being in that energy of, Hey, I’m in this for you. I’m detached from the outcome of this. This is not about the sale. This is about in service to you. And it is that energy I think of always. And I think that’s a sales secret.

[00:18:19] You’re probably going to be revealing here in a sec, but that always being in service to your sole client avatar, right? Not just when they buy from you and you’re delivering the product to them, but in the sales and marketing, you’re always, always, always in service. And if you truly are an You know, I think it takes practice to be in that energy of service.

[00:18:39] And you might sometimes feel like you’re, I mean, I sometimes in my. career have been attached to the sale and I’ve gotten out of alignment with my service and I had to like, re evaluate and heal and release stuff and get back into my authenticity. So it is a journey, but I think eventually getting that place where you’re just always in service.

[00:19:01] And so that actually automatically alleviates a icky, salesy, markety, feely stuff, because you know, in your heart, you’re actually in service to the people you feel called to serve. Yep, and when you are showing up and serving and you’re creating your free content, your free materials, you’re in a place of abundance where you’re not like, I need every single action to convert and every single thing that I have to have that I do has to lead to something and every connection that I make has to lead to a client because that’s all going to be felt as well.

[00:19:29] But when we’re truly in a place of service, we, we find joy in the process of serving our community and we are not in that, in that grippy, like, please pay me. This has to work energy. We’re just like, I trust everything that I’m putting forward through the law of reciprocity is going to come back to me.

[00:19:46] And when I truly lead with my heart, my efforts are going to be, are going to come back my way. Beautiful, beautiful. And just being in that abundant energy, just as you said, when you’re offering something free, when you’re in the sales process, when you’re actually In the, you know, giving someone what they bought for, what, what they paid for.

[00:20:05] I think, I think that’s so powerful. You know, you talking about really surrendering to the process today, as we record this interview in the human design wheel, we’re aligned to gate 25, which I actually have to find. It’s one of my important gates, the gate of spirit, which is called in quantum human design, which is all about surrender and trust the source.

[00:20:30] Surrendering and trusting the source. And I really feel like soul align sales. You have to have a bit of surrender and trust and higher self and source to really maintain that abundant energy, even when the sales aren’t coming in. Right. It’s just like, Hey, sources got my back. I’m being called towards this.

[00:20:52] I surrender. I surrender to what the results may be. I’m being called to put these messages out there, do these marketing things, create this content. And I just surrendered to the idea that it’s gonna produce results. Absolutely. And I think we also get to use marketing again as a vehicle to help our message reach more people and more humans and get our Get our message, get our message into into the world more, more broadly, more widely.

[00:21:24] So I always like to encourage and we can talk about this in the secrets as well. But I do like to encourage spiritual entrepreneurs to really embrace strategy as well to support them and question where that resistance might be coming from. Because It is, yes, partly surrender. And we also get to be really intentional on the way that we’re showing up and where we’re directing our efforts.

[00:21:41] And we don’t have to feel like we’re just flinging spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks. We can also lean on really sound, solid business strategy. Yes, I agree to that. And I believe that, well, my relationship to source, when I need sound strategy, source actually guides me too. Yeah. The strategy.

[00:22:00] I mean, that’s really what surrender to source means. Yeah. It, yes, it’s surrendering in the process and trusting, but it’s also if there is a strategy or a skill that you really need, your higher self is going to guide you to that skill. It’s going to hot guide you to the strategy. So let’s talk about some of your more sales marketing focused sales secrets that really work for soul guided entrepreneurs.

[00:22:26] Okay. Yes, this is my jam. Okay. So a couple of things that I will highlight. So one of the things that I see a lot is with heart centered leaders, we are, we, we care so deeply and we will, we just, we want to help as many people as we can. And so something that I see happening is. There can be this resistance to niching down and getting really specific about who it is that we’re helping.

[00:22:48] We’re like, I help everyone. I can help with relationships. I can help people heal their bodies. I can help people find their purpose and their businesses. And what ends up happening, I know there’s a larger conversation about niching and some people love niching down. And some people say, screw the niche.

[00:23:00] You’re the niche. You can help everyone. But what I find ends up happening is when we try to help everyone, our messaging and our content ends up getting a little bit vague. Vague, anic, icc. Our ideal clients or customers can have a hard time really, really knowing exactly how it is that we can help them and seeing themselves in our offerings and understanding the tangible value that they’ll receive from our offerings.

[00:23:24] So there could be a little bit of a disconnection there. And, you know, what we say is often a confused mind just says, no, if we’re confused about how this offer relates to us or how it’s going to serve us, we’re We just say no. And so as, as the salesperson marketer in our business, I think specificity is always a really great idea, especially if we’re maybe in the earlier stages of our business, or if we are struggling to sell our offerings.

[00:23:47] I think I say specificity is your friend in that season of business. And so I think really, Really clarifying exactly who the person is that you are most fit to serve and the results, the transformations that you 100 percent know you can own and facilitate and deliver on for that person. And then learning the art of capturing that through language and really, really clearly and specifically conveying that in your content and your bio on your social platforms is a really, really great idea and a really great way to help people understand.

[00:24:23] Capture the value of what it is that you do. And so that’s the first sort of strategic piece here. Yeah, so how do you help people get more specific? Because I know a lot of my clients, I often am telling them, I, I believe, I definitely believe in getting specific. I know I’ve heard people say, be like, yeah, you have to niche.

[00:24:43] And I’ve heard people say, ah, niching is an old fashioned construct. For me, it’s like, okay, I mean, I guess I’m more of a pro nicher myself, but whether it’s niche or not, it’s, I really believe, again, with the saturated markets, being specific is the coin of the realm. And the more specific you can, if you feel like you serve everybody, if you can get, then okay, that’s fine.

[00:25:09] You, like, if you don’t want a niche, that’s fine. But I really believe if we do not get very, very specific, About this specific pain point. That’s very unique to your soul client avatar, the result that’s unique to your soul client avatar, the result she wants and, or the process you knew you use, right?

[00:25:30] Like, do you have a unique process? What is it about your. Whatever that’s unique. It’s fresh. It’s different. This is the stuff that gets people’s attention. So I’m totally with you. So what do you have an exercise or something that you do to help clients when they’re not sure how to get more specific?

[00:25:50] Yeah. So this is a really good question. So I, I always like people to be thinking about. Number one, how would, how would the client that you want to serve, like this person that you really want to serve, how would they be describing what they’re going through right now? Like what’s their, what is their language?

[00:26:10] How are they talking about their problems with like, it? Their best friend over coffee. Because sometimes what can happen as well is we’re so close to our work as the facilitators of it that we might use really like jargony language when we’re trying to describe it or define it. Or if we are, if we have kind of unconventional work and we work in the spiritual space, we might kind of have like this very flowery, artistic, maybe perhaps a woo woo language that.

[00:26:33] That someone who’s not familiar with our work wouldn’t necessarily understand. And so we want to think about how can we, how can we cross that bridge between how much we know and how immersed we are in our work? And then someone that might be just entering this space, what’s the language that they’re using to describe what they’re going through?

[00:26:49] And then I also, I also think I love questions that really allow us to kind of tap into, into someone’s experience. So like, what is, what is happening for this person that we want to serve at like 2 p. m. on a Tuesday afternoon? Like what’s going on in their daily life? What are the problems that they’re having then?

[00:27:08] And when we can speak more into like the specific ins and out of someone’s daily experience, then we, then we can understand exactly what it is that we’re helping people with versus like, I help you live your best life. Like that’s kind of, that’s like a vague, broad. Broad issue, but when we tune into like, okay, at Tuesday on a Tuesday at 2 p.

[00:27:25] m. This person is like sitting at their desk drained from their job. They’re craving more purpose. They’re, they’re wanting to serve. They’re wanting to make an impact. That’s what I’m going to speak to in my marketing. Not I help you find purpose, but like this experience of you sitting at your desk and being frustrated.

[00:27:39] Does that make sense? It’s like really tapping into this person’s daily, the daily ins and outs of this person’s experience. I love that inquiry. Putting it in those terms, like Tuesday 2 p. m. What is he or she doing? And what, how are they uniquely struggling in that moment in ways other people aren’t struggling or in ways that you’re not hearing a lot of people talking about the struggle, right?

[00:28:04] And I think when you really think about that, like she’s sitting at her desk and she’s, I’m working with a client now who has really broad messaging and I’m trying to help her do exactly what we’re talking about. Hone in that message, get more specific. So she was just talking stuff through, and she said something about how her sole client avatar is depressed, but not, but she’s successful and she’s driven and she has the house and she has the career.

[00:28:33] So it’s almost like she’s depressed and she doesn’t realize she’s depressed. And I was like, Whoa, that’s it. And putting it in your framework here, it’s two o’clock. She’s sitting at her desk and she’s. Um, she doesn’t feel like eating lunch, you know, she she’s got these depressive feelings, but yet she’s on a deadline.

[00:28:54] So she just sort of works through it and doesn’t even stop to say, like, what’s going on. So it was like. Like, it’s the process of kind of like talking it through like you’re talking about. And then, I don’t know, for me, when, when my client said she’s depressed, like this light bulb went on inside of me, I was like, yes, that’s it.

[00:29:16] And it’s, it’s not that she’s just depressed. It’s like kind of, it’s a unique kind of depression. It’s subtle, it’s nuanced. And then when we started working on that, my client was like, yes, that’s her. And like, all came to light. Yeah. Yeah. And so this, this is important to, I think, whether we’re, I do think getting some, some kind of like witness or a listener that we can riff with is very helpful, whether it’s a coach or a mentor, or it’s just someone in your personal life that can just sit with you while you share and risk.

[00:29:46] Because what also happens is, again, we as practitioners, as coaches, healers, teachers, like we are so close to our work and for us, it’s become so normalized in our own minds that we’re like, Oh yeah, but everyone’s doing this, but everyone knows this. And yet. That’s just a blind spot that we have because we’re so close to it.

[00:30:01] But when, when an outsider can hear us talk and share, they can pick out those like golden threads that are like, Wait, actually, that’s different. I’ve never heard that before. That’s your special sauce right there. Those are your gifts. That’s your genius. And you’re not seeing it because you’re so deeply embodied in it.

[00:30:17] But that’s your genius. So having some kind of outside party to hear you and witness you and help you get there is so incredibly valuable. Yes. Yes. I couldn’t agree more. And for some of you human design types, especially projectors, some of your different parts of your energy of your chart, you need that safe sounding board actually to even get to it.

[00:30:38] So it’s just, you’re the process of talking it through and then you can, you almost, you can hear it. It’s like a ding, ding, ding, the light bulbs on and then you know you’re onto something. And a lot of this stuff doesn’t come overnight actually. So it’s a process, right? And you just keep going at it. You keep going at it.

[00:30:57] For some of you in your human design, it’s actually putting stuff out there, right? You generators and manifesting generators to get that response, right? So it’s lots of trial and error and experimentation to get there. All right. Give us one more juicy sales secret that we can. Yeah. Okay. So actually what we were just talking about leads me right into, into this next one.

[00:31:21] So this is another reason that I see soulpreneurs in particular and just really deeply like naturally gifted, intuitive women specifically struggling with their sales. And it’s because of what we were just talking about, which is, um, You are so likely so close to your work or you are so naturally gifted in what it is that you do that it’s become so normalized in your own brain.

[00:31:42] And to you, you’re like, everyone knows this, nothing special to see here. And so you actually have a hard time really understanding and knowing your own value. And so when it comes to promoting your offers, talking about your work, you’re like, I don’t really, I don’t really feel the conviction here. I don’t really know why someone should buy this offer.

[00:32:00] It feels really basic. I’m, I’m sure they already know this. It’s, what is this going to bring to someone’s life? Or we, we might have this, if, if what we do does come so naturally to us, we might have this resistance to receiving for that because we’ve picked up conditioning along the way that says I have to work really, really, really hard.

[00:32:18] In order to be worthy of receiving. And so then we’ll either avoid, we’ll avoid sales or we’ll like maybe under charge or we’ll find ourselves discounting or we’ll just find ourselves like, maybe there’s people that want to work with us, but we find ourselves just blocking or, or like rejecting clients.

[00:32:32] And it feels like, why do I keep sabotaging myself? But it’s because we don’t feel safe to really receive for what comes so naturally to us. We think that we have to work really hard. And so what I would say here is. A couple of things. So if you see yourself in the first piece of this where you just, yeah, you’re like, I have a hard time getting really sold on what it is that I do, then I think for you, the practice is getting yourself fully sold first and really connecting to the value of what you’re doing and, and how that would impact another.

[00:33:03] If they, if, if an ideal client or customer, someone who’s truly meant to receive what it is that you’re here to do, if they were to take. Your, your message, your wisdom, your teachings, the skills that you have, the expertise that you have, they were to be fully open to it. They were to take it in, learn it, implement it into their lives, integrate it with them.

[00:33:24] How would that impact them over the course of a year, five years, a lifetime, and even beyond their own lifetime, even in the next generations, if they’re, if they’re, if they have their own kids or they’re planning on, on the ripple effect of the people that they reach. And can you connect with that value?

[00:33:42] And for most of my clients, when they do, they’re like, I can’t even put a number on it. Like I can’t even put a price on this. It is invaluable. There’s no number that could quantify this. And so of course I can sell this for 200 or 000 or whatever level that you’re at. So I think that’s part of it. It’s not about, that’s how you want to charge is the value.

[00:34:00] And, and, and same thing if you’re like in this place that I’ve got to, I’ve got to charge by how much, how much I’m working and how much I’m depleting and burning myself out and how much I’m giving. That’s not how you want to be charging your offers either. It’s you want to be charging based on the value to another.

[00:34:15] And can you come more from that place versus how hard it is for you? Yes. I think for me, when it comes to pricing, I go to the energy. It’s just energetics and it’s how much you truly own. The worth, how much is the value you’re creating in the world, right? That’s the first, what is the value of what your offer is creating?

[00:34:40] And then how much can you own that value? And you really can only successfully charge what it is you’re owning. So if it’s, you’re creating 200 worth of value. And you’re owning a hundred of that. I would say charge a hundred go to what you’re owning and it’s okay. If you’re not owning a hundred percent of it, it’s a journey.

[00:35:00] All right. And you were taking down those layers and owning our confidence and, and, and getting out of imposter syndrome. If that’s something we suffer from. Yeah, but follow the energy. I hear it a lot in the market today. You know, there’s like kind of a backlash right now against coaches charging really high prices, like that bubble burst.

[00:35:19] And it’s a good thing because it sort of corrected the coaching industry. But now I see some of my clients saying, well, I don’t want to, you know, I don’t want to charge too much and be associated with those coaches that were charging. And same prices that that wasn’t worth what they’re offering. And I said, I get that, you know, let’s get back to what you were talking about being that ethical entrepreneur and being in your ethics, but let the energy guide you.

[00:35:48] The energy will tell the truth. What is the energy? Just feel it in your body. When you just go through the process you went through. Of course, when you go through that process, which I highly recommend people do, you are going to get a massive number because it is that much what you’re doing, but start with that massive number, right?

[00:36:08] My offer is going to create 5 million worth of value in the world, right? Just go with that. Okay. So if it’s, if I’m creating 5 million worth of value, then what does it feel right that I should charge for that? Okay. So maybe it is 10, 000 if it’s a higher end program or hired offer. And then of that 10, 000, what can I truly own today?

[00:36:31] And that what you can really own from your heart is what, where you’re, you’re being guided to for the energy. But it’s for me, it’s not like I always say with pricing, let the energy guide you to what, what, what it wants to be. Yeah. Yeah. I love everything that you just said. And the only thing that I’ll add to it is I, I think another thing that we want to practice is really allowing ourselves to be seen in that ownership and to show up whether it’s on socials, on sales calls and conversations, wherever we are doing our selling.

[00:37:06] Can we also practice being really seen in the ownership of our value and in the transformation that we can deliver? What I see a lot as well is we kind of want to tiptoe around the results that we can promise. I don’t, Oh, I don’t want to promise too much. I don’t want to disappoint people. I don’t want to seem like I’m cocky or full of myself or arrogant.

[00:37:24] What we want to also see here is like, this is actually really in service when we fully own what is possible through our work. And we advocate for that. We take a stand for that through our selling. We share what is, what is possible for our client. That is really in service to them. We’re inviting them into Into into their potential versus like, Oh, maybe you could, maybe you could change your life.

[00:37:46] Maybe you could get better relationships. Maybe you could turn your your life around. Maybe you could heal your body instead of really advocating for seeing our clients in an empowered way and really advocating for their full transformation. Yes, we get to lean into. Beautifully said, beautifully said. Oh my gosh.

[00:38:02] So I could just keep talking to you forever about this stuff. I love it. I love these sales secrets and I really do believe like. Soulpreneurs, we have to do a lot of that sales and marketing that other people who own businesses that, you know, online businesses, whatever, what, what they have to do, but we do.

[00:38:22] We do just, you know, like I, I believe that soulpreneurs just come at things from a different energy, a different flavor. We tend to be intuitives, empaths, we’re all in service. So we do require a different approach. And I really feel like you. Nailed that different approach that soulpreneurs need to, yes, be doing those sales strategies, but doing it in a way that really works for a soul guided entrepreneur.

[00:38:51] So thank you so much for sharing your wisdom. And Kristen, I would love for you to leave our listeners with an invitation. Yes. Okay. I think what I would say for everyone who’s listening is if you haven’t liked the way that sales and marketing have felt for you, or you haven’t liked what you’ve been seeing you if you’re listening to soul guide radio, I’m willing to bet you probably are a visionary.

[00:39:17] And so you get to be the visionary in what you want to see. In sales and marketing. And so if something, if, if what you’re seeing is not resonating, doesn’t feel authentic, doesn’t feel aligned, then you get to be a way shower and do things differently. You don’t have to follow the rules of marketing. You don’t have to copy what everyone else is doing.

[00:39:34] If you want to sell an offering that feels like an intuitive, yes, even though people around you are saying, that’s not the way that you should be selling in this stage in your business, follow that nudge. Or if you’re seeing everyone else, everyone else is using really icky urgency and you’re like, I don’t want to do that.

[00:39:49] Use, use urgency that feels ethical and feels aligned with you. If you’re seeing people that are selling in a way that just feels really disempowering to clients, find a way that feels like you get to lift the people up in your world. You really get to be a way shower and you get to, you get to sell in a way that feels good for you.

[00:40:06] And also that feels really beautiful for your clients to receive. It feels like a sacred invitation rather than like this grippy, icky. manipulative tactic that you’re throwing at them. It feels like a genuine, heartfelt, detached invitation in their highest good. Beautiful. Lovely invitation. Thank you so much.

[00:40:27] I’m going to be taking that invitation on myself. Oh, yeah. I love it. I always, I always follow through on the invitations of my guests and it always leads to very magical results. So Hey, listeners, you know, give those invitations a try. And I know my, some of my listeners are going to want to connect to you deeper, Kristen.

[00:40:46] How can they find you? Yes. Thank you so much. So I am, I hang out the most on Instagram. I’m at, I am Kristen Lynch. I also have a podcast. Allison will be a guest on my podcast as well. It is called goddess talk podcast, so you can search for it anywhere you listen to podcasts. Come check out our conversation over there.

[00:41:06] And then all my offerings are on my website, goddessbrandco. com. That is where you can find me. That’s where I hang out the most. Perfect. And we, we will leave all those links in the show notes. Kristen, thank you so much for sharing your wisdom today on Soul Guide Radio. Thank you, Allison, for having me.

[00:41:24] It’s been a pleasure.

[00:41:34] All right, my dear ones, that’s a wrap for this week. I hope you received so much from this episode. If you did, head over to the show notes. You will find a link for leave a review. There are four different possibilities, four different platforms. Hey, you can leave more than one review. to let me know exactly what you received from this episode and I will read your inspiring words on the air.

[00:41:59] And as always, until next time, may your soul guide the way.

[00:42:08] Are you ready to deepen your connection to your intuitive gifts? Then it’s time for 10 high vibe minutes, the ultimate daily mindfulness practice for soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs in only 10 minutes per day, you’ll keep your energy high vibe and align to your highest dreams while transforming your daily practice into a powerful tool to manifest big wealth and abundance.

[00:42:34] Get free access now on my website, or in the show notes.


00:01  Intro

03:37  Meet Kristen Lynch

06:36  Embracing the salesperson inside us

11:34  Resistance in selling

14:17  Ethical urgency

19:13 Using abundant energy

21:52 Marketing focused sales secrets

24:51 An Invitation to do things differently


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