My Biggest Wins and Lessons from 2023

“From creating content to teaching live classes to serving clients, my state of being was consistently that of JOY.”

The word of the year is: Alignment

Happy New Year!

I feel so excited for 2024.

But before we step into the new year, I’d love to offer my annual reflections of my 
3 biggest wins and lessons from 2023….

My #1 win was: The level of JOY I experienced in my business.

It was a new level of JOY that I had never experienced before.

This joy stemmed from the level of alignment I had reached in my business – especially regarding my signature program: 
Soul Blueprint.

Running Soul Blueprint allowed me to be in full expression of my spiritual gifts, unique genius, and Human Design Type.

From creating content to teaching live classes to serving clients, my state of being was consistently that of JOY.

This alignment also led
 to even more ideal clients arriving who were a perfect fit for what I was offering.

My #2 win was: The level of alignment I experienced in my personal life

In 2023, I stepped up my level of alignment to my Human Design Type. My biggest breakthrough as part of that was starting to work at coffee shops and co-working spaces.

With my right-facing environmental arrow, I work best in a variety of different environments. Before that, I was working only from my home office, which is a place I love, but it started to feel like a cage.

This past year, I revamped my whole work routine to be in alignment to my unique energy. Doing this has left me wondering: 
“Why didn’t I do this sooner?” and “How can it get even better than this?”

My #3 win was the level to which I nurtured myself:
My “year of the word” for 2018, 2019, and 2020 was nurture, because I was consistently neglecting my own self-nurture. The word kept reappearing because I wasn’t taking the action it was asking me to…until now.

This past year, I monitored the exact number of hours I worked per day and per week. As Projectors are designed for only 4 concentrated hours of work per day, I noticed when my tank was empty and took the necessary rest breaks I’m designed to experience.

I took a big leap in healing the deep conditioning and wounding telling me: 
“The only pathway to success is OVER-working.”

In fact, after years (and years) of healing this wound, I can tell you that I honor my energy in ways I never have before.

OK, let’s get to those lessons…

My #1 lesson for 2023 was to stop talking myself into feeling pain that wasn’t there.

Like a lot of coaches, my revenue was down in both 2022 and 2023. So of course, I have adjusted my expenses accordingly.

But as a Projector, I enjoy having extra help, AND my Higher Self called me to return to running ads.

So between paying for staff support, ads, and ads management, my expenses were still pretty high. So that has meant a smaller profit.

The smaller profit made me feel uncomfortable but it has not been painful. And if there’s no pain present, then there’s no wound present.

I kept asking my Higher Self: “Should I decrease my expenses. Should I stop running ads? Should I have less team members?”

And my Higher Self kept saying, “No, no, and no.”

As the months went by, I noticed a thought cropping up – telling me: 
“You should be worried that your profit isn’t higher.”

But when I connected to my heart, I knew the thought wasn’t true and that it was coming from social conditioning.

So I started paying close attention to when the thought appeared, 
“You should be worried.”

When it arrived, I sunk into the body, felt and released any resistance, took some deep breaths, and asked my Higher Self for a message of truth – such as:

“You are in complete alignment. You are setting your business up now for big soul-aligned success.”

My #2 biggest lesson was that my circle of loved ones and friends will just look different…and that’s OK

I live in the Netherlands and have lived abroad for most of my adult life. I love where I live, and for a long time now, Europe has felt more like home for me than the United States.

BUT…all the people I love most in the world are in the U.S. That has always been a hard riddle to solve.

It has had me asking…
How can I live where I want to live in the world and still remain connected to the people I love the most?

I’ve come to realize that my relationship circles are not going to look 
how I think they should or how others have it…and that’s OK.

Also, there is something to be said for QUALITY TIME together over quantity. 
So when I’m visiting loved ones, I try to be fully present for them, and I ask them a lot of questions about themselves (most people love this).

I have also made amazing connections to people all over the world. And even though I’d love for them all to live in my neighborhood, chatting via FaceTime or Voxer and having fun occasional in-person meetups can be just as connecting.

My #3 biggest lesson was to bring the level of alignment I was experiencing in my business to my personal life.
I did say the my #2 biggest win was the level of alignment I experienced in my personal life and that was true, but I’m still not quite where I want to be.

This past year, I still found myself giving my best, sharpest hours of the day to my business, so that at the end of the day when my family wanted my attention or there were personal priorities, I was more tired than I wanted to be.

There were still times that I neglected to make doctors’ appointments for myself (routine stuff, but it’s still important) and other things to make the household run well.

There were evenings that I was too tired to make a healthy dinner so we ordered take out, which is totally OK, but it’s important to me to eat a healthy, home-cooked meal with my family in the evenings. So I want (and I choose) to prioritize having the energy for it.

To shift this, I started prioritizing 2-3 personal items on my to-do list BEFORE I started my business day, and I started making dinner at lunchtime so that when evening rolled around, all I had to do was heat it up.

These two small shifts made a huge difference to enabling me to experience greater alignment and harmony – for all parts of my day.

Soooo….that was my year in review 2023. May it serve you on your path.

As we look forward to 2024, my word for the year is: Limitless (which feels so exhilarating).

I’m excited for what’s to come. I feel potent growth in the collective energy – and in your life and business!!

I wish you the happiest of new years, and here’s to a limitless 2024!!

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