The Pure Power of KINDNESS

“The most amazing thing about passing on kindness is that it’s often the small and subtle acts of kindness that have the biggest impact.”

Kindess is potent…

Last week, I wrote a post about the importance of exploring what our energy needs to “feel full.”

The thing my energy needs is KINDNESS.

I’ve realized, in fact, that kindness is more important than most of us realize.

Yes, kindness is friendly, generous, empathetic, and warm-hearted.

But its real power lies in just how infectious it is.

When we receive a true act of kindness – one that touches our hearts – we will feel a strong urge to pass it on. This creates a POTENT Ripple Effect.

And the most amazing thing about passing on kindness is that it’s often the small and subtle acts of kindness that have the biggest impact.

Kindness also leaves a footprint that’s always remembered.

For example, years ago I was leaving a parking garage that charged a flat fee. As I was about to pay the parking attendant, he told me the car before me had paid my parking fee.

It was probably less than $10, but I felt so touched by this random act of kindness that I remember it to this day.

The parking attendant was smiling from ear to ear because HE was the one who got to deliver the good news to me (another act of kindness). 

Because the kindness was so infectious, I wanted to pass it on immediately. So I gave the parking attendant my money and told him I wanted to pay for the car behind me.

The energy of kindness is so potent that just recalling this memory gets me excited to pass on kindness.

But here’s the most important thing about kindness: It starts from within.

It starts with us being KIND to ourselves – the person we are often most UNKIND to.

So let me ask you…how can you be kind to yourself today?

If you’re feeling any resistance around this or sensing thoughts like, “I don’t deserve kindness,” then you have some blocked energy that’s ready to be released.

After you release, return to the question: How can I be kind to myself today?

Be sure to ask your heart this question. Your Higher Self will guide you to what you most need to fill your kindness well.

When I ask my heart this question, I receive: Spend some time alone out in nature.

Once you’ve done something kind for yourself, then (and only then) ask: How can I do or be kind for someone else?

Again, allow your heart to guide you. 

I’m going to the grocery store today, and I’m sensing that there will be someone there who really needs to receive the energy of kindness. So I’m going to allow my Higher Self to guide me to the right moment to pass on the kindness to the right person in the right way.

And when that happens, watch out, because kicking off one act of true kindness in this aligned way will create a ripple effect that will lift up humanity.

Ready to create some kindness ripples with me?

Until next Sunday, may your Soul Guide the way.

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