Psychic Guidance for December

“Spending time in your Inner Cave will help you be MORE PRODUCTIVE so you can reach your highest dreams and aspirations.”

Time for your inner cave.

In the psychic readings I’ve been doing for my private clients, I am noticing a big theme lately.

Their Divine Guidance Teams are calling them to spend time in their inner caves in December.

Your inner cave is a space for quiet, solitude, reflection, connection to your Higher Self, rest, relaxation, and dreaming about your highest desires.

The message for each client is the same:

Find time this month to get still, connect to your inner voice, reflect on the past year, and dream for next.

At the same time, my clients are resisting. They’re saying:

Allyson, I have so much work to do, but I’m procrastinating, and I cannot get myself going.


Allyson, I have all these ideas, but I’m so tired. I’m finding it hard to get motivated.”

I tell them: It only makes sense that you’re feeling tired and like procrastinating. Your Higher Self is calling you to your inner cave.

If you’re relating to this, then I have an important message for you:

This month, I give you permission to go into your inner reflection cave.

The reason why carving out time for our inner cave can be challenging is because our social conditioning on “being productive” and “working hard” runs deep.

This conditioning tells us that the only pathway to success is the one that has us working HARD….All. The. Time.

I notice it in the children’s movies I watch with Freya. There are a lot of underdog films where the protagonist finds a way to rise up over difficult circumstances to win a coveted prize.

And in each movie, the pathway to the trophy is working SUPER HARD. And the message is: To win you have to WORK HARDER than everyone else.

There’s never a scene about honoring your energy. You never hear the coach say: “Listen up Generators, Projectors and Reflectors, carve out periods of rest, so you don’t burn out. And you Generators and Manifesting Generators, make sure the work you do is lighting you up, otherwise, you’ll be wiped out.”

And yes, there is a time to ride a natural wave of adrenaline when you feel inspired to create or launch something, and do “work.”

But we also need time to retreat and rest to fill our wells. And that is the energy for December: Inviting us to rest and reflect.

Spending time in your inner cave will help you be MORE PRODUCTIVE in 2023 so you can reach your highest dreams and aspirations.

Because the aligned pathway to soul-aligned success ALWAYS includes stops along the way for time in the inner cave.

And as you reflect on 2022, here are some powerful questions to consider:

  • What were my biggest wins and lessons?
  • What surprised me the most?
  • What didn’t go as planned and how was that in my highest and greatest good?
  • What is one thing I want to stop doing and start doing in 2023?

I also invite you to watch the replay a powerful Inner Cave ceremony I led in the Soul Guide Circle.  Join HERE, if you’re not already a member, and find the replay under the “Featured” tab.

Have a beautiful Sunday!

Watch the replay of the Inner Cave Ceremony, which can be found in the Soul Guide Circle – our closed Facebook Group for soul-guided leaders and influencers.