Introducing Soul Guide Sunday

“Had I not made the choice to go on the retreat, I would have NEVER received this insight. I had to leave my everyday routine to get the clarity.”

Introducing Soul Guide Sunday

I’m SOO excited to introduce my new series called, Soul Guide Sunday.

You can expect to receive an email from me on (most) Sundays sharing a soul-guided message or insight of love and light that’s in highest service to you.

And today is our very first installment of Soul Guide Sunday!!

I’m writing this message on an airplane from Amsterdam to Marrakech, Morocco.

I’m on my way to a 7-day retreat.

What kind of retreat, you may ask?

I honestly don’t know (more on that in a second)….

So…as I was waiting to board my flight, my eyes were teary, and I felt sad.

I missed my husband and daughter and was thinking, “Why the heck did I sign up for this retreat? I should be home. This was a bad idea.”

Then, I realized that I had two choices.

Either I could let the resistance have its way with me. Allowing waves of thoughts like, “Good moms wait until their children are older before they take such trips,” to pummel me along with feelings of sadness, guilt, and regret.

OR…I could empower myself to take control of the situation and explore what was really going on.

So I opted to empower myself and started with the worst case scenario: What was the WORST thing that could happen by going on this trip?

The reason why I started with the worst case scenario is because our thinking mind is always looking for ways to keep us safe, and in doing so, it quietly searches for “what if” worst case scenarios.

What if this bad thing happens? Or what if that terrible thing occurred?

So I went straight to the heart of my resistance: What was the worst case scenario of me going on this retreat?

The answer I received back was clear: I might die, and Freya would grow up without a mother.

That was the truth of what was inside of me. And I only got that clarity because I stopped, looked within, and asked the tough question.

Then, I identified the emotions that were triggered when the thought felt 100% truth.

Fear, panic, guilt, regret, and sadness.

So I felt the feels – fully and completely until I couldn’t feel any more (this is how we release our blocks). I took deep breaths, went to my heartspace and asked my Higher Self:

Am I on track? Is going on this retreat in my highest and greatest good?

The clear, unquestionable answer from Higher Self was: YES.

Then, I asked: Did I make the right choice in saying “yes” to this retreat?

Higher Self: YES.

Me: Is there any other part of my life that’s out of alignment in this moment?

Higher Self: YES.

Me: What is that?

Higher Self: You don’t sing enough. You don’t dance enough. You don’t play enough.

Tears came to my eyes as I realized how right my Higher Self was, but then I realized there was more to the message.

You also don’t sign enough, dance enough, or play enough…with your children.

Then, I saw visions of going to dance classes with Freya, on hikes with Sophie to chat about spirituality (her favorite topic), and on bike rides with Alexander.

And it hit me so hard…

Had I not made the choice to go on the retreat, I would have NEVER received this insight. I had to leave my everyday routine to get the clarity.

Then, emotions of joy washed over me. I was so excited to play more with both myself and my kids.

I felt enlivened by the adventure that awaited me. I turned giddy with anticipation about the people I was about to meet, the sights I would see, and the big juicy creative sparks that were ready to grab me.

So my question for you is…Do you have a worst case scenario inside of you that wants to be released that you’ve been avoiding?

My invitation for you is to name it. Feel the feels it triggers, and then ask your Higher Self for a message of truth….

I have a hunch, you’ll find a heavy dose of freedom in the response.

Getting back to what the retreat is about….

Right now, I still don’t know. I think it’s part luxury, adventure travel, personal growth, connecting with other amazing souls. Perhaps?

My Higher Self called me to sign up, and when I’m in alignment – and not letting my resistance get in the way – that’s all I need to know.

And in 7 days, when I’m on my return flight home, I know with certainty that I’ll be able to tell you exactly what the retreat was about.

So stay tuned…

Have a beautiful Sunday!

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Join the 3-day LIVE Soul-Guided Planning Workshop in January 14-16 and discover how 2025’s key energetic themes will play out each quarter, so you’ll know EXACTLY how to map out your year to get your best results!
You get:
✅ two 90-minute live sessions, 
✅ an expert-led training video, and 
✅ a 10-page Soul Plan Template incorporating 2025’s energetic themes!