3 Steps to True Rest and Rejuvenation

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Trying to find new clients is tiring and stressful. While you may be tempted to shift into ‘hustle mode’ to speed up the process, pushing yourself harder can bring down your ability to get booked up! Often, the best thing you can do to attract new prospects is to SLOW DOWN.

When you’re exhausted and running on empty, you’re unconsciously signalling to the Universe that you’re NOT currently open to new opportunities. When you feel rested, this puts out the energetic signal that you’re ready for more – and that’s when it can feel as though dream clients are flowing to you effortlessly! This episode of Soul Guide Radio reveals 3 easy and powerful steps to true rest and rejuvenation, so you can invite amazing possibilities into your life and business!

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • Exactly why rest and rejuvenation is so important
  • A secret that will allow you to INSTANTLY fill your energy well
  • An invitation that will have you creating and serving from an overflowing tank (enabling you to attract an ever-growing number of dream clients!)  

Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

Give the 3 steps to rest and rejuvenation a try and DM me to report back on how it went.

[00:00:00] Hey ho, dear ones, I’d love you to check in right now. Take a deep breath, sink into the body, and just notice how rested do you really feel in this moment, how full is your well? Are you feeling high vibe and full of energy? Or, are you ready to curl up into a ball and lie on the couch? Okay, if you are in, somewhere in that ladder energy of the ball and the couch, and you right now walked over to your nearest couch, laid down, and closed your eyes, what do you think would happen?

[00:00:50] Would you feel yourself failing with rejuvenation and vitality? Do you feel like you would be recharging your batteries in a way that really lifts you up, enabling you to feel rested? Or would you lay on the couch with your mind racing? Or just a low simmer of anxiety or stress about all that you have to do?

[00:01:18] Would you feel mildly depressed because you’re not getting it done and you’re lying on the couch instead? This is a phenomenon I notice a lot with the clients I serve and so I felt really called to devote an episode to it because being in the energy of rest and rejuvenation has a direct impact on your ability to call in clients.

[00:01:48] If your tank is empty, you put out an inadvertent signal without even realizing it into the universe, not to send you anything that’s going to cost you more energy. And as part of that, anything it includes, don’t send me clients. And if you do, We are Soul Guided business owners. So of course we want clients, but we want clients with a full tank so we can serve them at our best.

[00:02:19] So how can we make this all happen? It is the topic of today’s amazing episode of Soul Guide Radio. You’re in the right place. If you are multitasking, I invite you to stop. I invite you to. Be with me in my words and really be present for this episode, really hearing what I’m offering, because it will lead to results.

[00:02:46] In today’s episode, I reveal why rest and rejuvenation is so darn important. The three simple, easy steps, no matter how busy your agenda is, to true R& R. And a secret tip to instantly fill your energy well. We’ll end on an invitation that will have you creating and serving your clients from an overflowing tank.

[00:03:11] enabling you to attract an ever growing number of dream clients. So please stay with me until the end. Welcome to soul guide radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive scale. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts, and clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business.

[00:03:46] I’m Allyon Scammell, your host and soul guide.

[00:03:54] Hello, Soul Guide Circle. That is the name of this global community of soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs. In the Soul Guide Circle, we are using our spiritual gifts to grow prosperous heart led businesses that are on the leading edge of consciousness. Find a link to join our closed Facebook group at allysonscammell.com

[00:04:13]or in the show notes. Today we’re talking about the three easy steps to true consciousness. Rest and rejuvenation. And the reason why I say true is because so many of us do things to rest and it ends up not being restful because we can’t turn our racing thoughts off. But beyond the obvious, we need rest for health and vitality and to feel good and to be present for others and not to be a snapping turtle, you know, when you’re When you’re tired, you’re irritable, you know, you’re not creating at your best, you’re not your best.

[00:04:52] Okay, so all those obvious things we know, right? Why does it matter if you’re well rested? You know, like, how does that negatively affect your business? Well, I revealed it already in the intro. If your tank is on empty, You put that signal out into the quantum field. I am empty. I don’t have room for anything else.

[00:05:19] And when our energy well is on. Empty, it’s usually because we’re too full of other things, right? We’re too full in our agenda. So we’re tired. We’re too full in our racing thoughts. So we’re tired. We’re too full taking care of the needs of others. So we’re tired. So the empty well typically points to too much fullness.

[00:05:48] on our agenda, on our thoughts, in our energetic space. So we really want to think about how can I start taking some of that fullness out, so I can start instead filling up and making my energy well a place of fullness. And that’s an easy thing for me to say. And I know perfectly well When you are trying to get your business off the ground and you have family responsibilities and a household to run.

[00:06:24] It is a lot more challenging to put into practice real techniques and strategies to ensure that your well stays full, your energy well stays full, and you maintain a rested and rejuvenated energetic space. That can be a challenging proposition when you have So much fullness in the other categories of to do’s, agenda, racing thoughts.

[00:06:56] So this episode is really for you. If you’re having a really hard time slowing down. Or, listen, maybe you’re in a place right now when you’re, where you’re in a good flow. Chances are high you’re going to land at that space and time, and it may be when you felt called to push play on this episode, but even if it’s not, I’m going to offer you some stuff that even if you feel like, oh, I’m not sure I need this in this moment because I’m giving myself permission for rest and rejuvenation and it’s working and if that’s you, wonderful gold star.

[00:07:32] Then file this away for when you need it, when you’re going through a life crisis, when, you know, things just get kind of tough and you put yourself at the bottom of the priority list. What I’m revealing today is a simple, instant technique to fill your well. And you can rely, you can go to these three steps.

[00:07:58] When you’re in an energetic flow and things are moving along with relative ease or you’re feeling like you’re just in tired all the time, burnt out, things are just feeling flat, there’s a lot of challenges in your experience that is draining you of energy. Okay. So what are these three steps? Now, Now, the first one’s not going to surprise you, but again, I want you to hear me.

[00:08:28] Hear me, because you’ve heard it before and you’ve listened to other people say this before, maybe even listen to yourself, tell it to your own clients, but hear me now, because this is going to help you actually do this in the time when you need it. Okay, but before I reveal the thing, these three steps are really meant to be in the middle of your day.

[00:08:58] Okay. When you are exhausted and you don’t have loads and loads of time to take a huge break and go get a massage or whatever it is you do to find restful, this is the technique to fit into the busy schedule to give you an instant refill of your tank. Okay? So the first thing you do is just notice like, wow, I am really tired right now and I need to rest and I need to give myself.

[00:09:28] Permission to walk away from my work. Okay, so these three steps I’m going to offer you. Let’s see if you really wanted to do if you really didn’t have much time. I think you have to give yourself at least 10 minutes. Let’s say this, these three steps to rest and rejuvenation. You need at least 10 minutes.

[00:09:50] Okay, let’s say anywhere between 20 and 30 minutes. Okay, so 10 minutes is not enough. So let’s say you have 10 minutes between two clients and you’re exhausted and you need a quick fill of the energy tank. Step one is recognize that you need to fill your tank and giving yourself permission to do it.

[00:10:19] Because so often we don’t give ourselves permission and even when we think we give ourselves permission, it’s when we go to the couch and lay down and we’re worrying the whole time we’re lying down. That is not restful. So you have to literally say it to yourself. Say it out loud. I give myself permission to rest for 10 minutes.

[00:10:46] It puts you in a mindset of receiving the rest of slowing your thoughts of not feeling guilty of not filing through your to do list in your head. I give myself permission for rest and rejuvenation for the next 10 minutes. 20, 30 minutes, fill in your amount of time. So that’s, this is step one’s got a few steps, but it’s all pretty easy when taken together.

[00:11:16] So step one, give yourself permission. Say it out loud if you can, even better, but at the very least say it to yourself. I give myself permission to 10 minutes. Then I want you to go. to your yoga mat, if you have it, or go to a carpet or a rug. And I want you to lay down on the floor flat on your back. Okay.

[00:11:42] And get, once you’re laying down, Which is very restorative, but if you lie down on your bed, which is a total way to go, it’s very easy to go into a nap. And naps are wonderful, and I’m a big supporter of naps. So if napping is part of your rest process, continue to do that. But this particular process doesn’t include sleeping.

[00:12:07] Okay, you’re going to lay down on the floor and then you’re going to set the intention to connect to source. Source is your source and it is an infinite well of ever loving, ever wise energy here to support you on your path. And you’re going to take three deep belly breaths,

[00:12:38] filling up the lower part of the belly.

[00:12:47] And on the exhale, just exhaling out any of the stress, any of the worry, any of the anxiety. So we’re inhaling in source life force and exhaling out stress and worry. So that’s all step one, but it’s really easy when you put it together. I give myself permission to rest for the next 10 minutes. I go lay on the rug.

[00:13:15] I set the intention to connect a source and I take three deep belly breaths. That’s it. Okay. That takes about 30 seconds in total. And then step two is movement. I invite you to move laying down. any way your body wishes you to move. So if you want to do twists, stretches, lift your hands in the air, lift your feet in the air, it’s not necessarily yoga, but if you have a favorite yoga pose from lying down, Do your favorite yoga pose, but this is just about letting the body move where it wishes to move.

[00:13:57] Stretching while lying down. It’s restful. It’s restorative. And in the stretching, you’re releasing pockets of tension. You’re releasing, especially if you’ve been sitting for a long time, you’re releasing the pressure that gets stored, stored up in your hips and in your neck. And just let your body, your neck, your legs, your torso, twist and stretch in any way that feels good.

[00:14:27] And if this is a 10 minute break, then you’re going to want to do that for, let’s say, about five minutes. Okay, so we’re about halfway through. This is step two, movement. Now, step three. Is then you’re going to get up so you’ve only because we only have 10 minutes and this is just an instant zap of filling your well, okay?

[00:14:51] So we’re going to get up. If it’s cold outside, you’re going to grab a coat, grab your keys, and you’re just going to walk outside. And let the fresh air hit your face. And you’re going to go for a little quick five minute walk around your block, up and down the street, up and down your driveway. And as you walk, you breathe in the fresh air that’s available to you when you go outside.

[00:15:24] Feel the breeze on your face. And you’re going to get some movement outside. Okay, so that’s really it. Those are the three steps. Step one, give yourself permission. Go lie down on a yoga mat or a carpet. Take three belly breaths. Step two, Move, stretch from a lying position. Step three, go take a walk outside.

[00:15:58] And this can all be done in at least 10 minutes. But if you have like 30 minutes, even better, and you will be astounded by how much energy. You feel how energized you feel from those three simple steps propelling you forward to help you Get to the next client and serve her at your very best and get through Into the evening and dinner with the kids and all the things that cost us, you know, take energy.

[00:16:31] This is a little Quick process to fill your well in the middle of a busy day. The last thing I’m going to share is a little secret sauce that you can add to step three in your walk outside. Connecting to nature, any sort of nature or natural elements fills your well with life force. So when you’re on your five minute walk, if the sun is out, I invite you to stop, close your eyes.

[00:17:05] and look at the sun. Feel the sun on your face. and say, I set the intention to connect with you, son. You will feel your body filling with life force. You will feel it. It is so energizing. And I then invite you to connect to a tree. Okay? Hey, if this sounds a little strange, please try it with an open heart first before deciding it’s not for you.

[00:17:42] And especially. Connect to a tree if it’s a very cloudy day and there’s not really sun out there to shine on your face. Then go to a tree nearby or a tree that you love in your neighborhood. Take a second, stand by the tree with your eyes closed. Who cares what the neighbors think? and set the intention to connect to the energy of the tree.

[00:18:07] There’s so much high vibrational consciousness in the sun and in trees and in birds and other animals and in the wind and the breeze, in the sand and the water. If you live by a source of water, set the intention to connect to the body of water. This will instantly Rejuvenate your energy from a real place of rejuvenation and not that false lying on your bed for a quick rest, but your mind is racing from worry because we’re deep breathing.

[00:18:44] That’s going to slow your mind. We’re connecting to source. We’re moving, we’re stretching, we’re releasing, we’re connecting to natural elements all in about 10 minutes. My invitation for you this week, of course, is to try these three steps. Do it whether you feel tired or not. Even if you’re feeling like, Hey, I feel like I got some pep in my step and I’m feeling like I’m in a good energy level.

[00:19:13] Try these three steps in the middle of the day, and you’re just going to add more to your tank so you can create from your overflow. And certainly if you’re feeling kind of low and low, and I’m just feeling sluggish today, give these three steps a try and you will find that you’re energy tank will be overflowing so you can serve your clients at your very best and call in an ever growing number of dream clients.

[00:19:45] And if you enjoyed this episode and received something helpful from it, I’d be so grateful for a rating and a review. Head over to wherever it is you listen, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, you will find a link in the platform on your iPhone that says leave rating and review, click on that, I would be so grateful for five stars, and specifically what you received from this episode, I will give you a shout out on the air and read your beautiful words.

[00:20:15] And as always, until next time, may your soul guide the way. Hi, dear ones. Listen here. The soul blueprint certification program is a roadmap to becoming a more powerful coach, healer, writer, artist, or entrepreneur, and then earning more money. It’s the only certification program that reveals how to activate your five unique spiritual gifts.

[00:20:43] So you can create massive soul aligned success in life and business. Learn more and enroll at allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint. Or if enrollment is closed, you can join the soul list. So you’ll be the first to know when the next cohort is opening up and you’ll also be eligible to receive special high value bonuses.

[00:21:03] Again, that’s allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint

00:01  Intro

04:16  Why we need rest

05:53  Filling your energy well

08:17  3 step-process

10:14  Give yourself permission

13:31  Movement

14:44  Walk outside

16:44  Connect to nature

19:03  Invitation & conclusion

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