#10 – How Buying Local Adds Peace to the World

Shanti Pax has launched a peace process. This is blog #10 of a 10-blog series called, “The Peace Process: Your 10 most powerful actions to be AT PEACE and ADD PEACE to the world.”

Number 10 of the peace process is to BUY LOCAL.

Buying local has a powerful impact. Buying from local businesses supports your neighbors, community, and aspiring entrepreneurs – people who put their heart and soul into what they offer and care about more than the bottom line.

Corporations tend to see only dollar signs. They spend less time considering the environment, the treatment of their employees and animals, and the effects of their products on your health. Focusing solely on the bottom line has started wars, destroyed the environment, and mislead us into consuming things that harm our bodies.

Small business owners often treat their customers like family. And as the world’s population grows, thriving local and small businesses will ensure the wealth is equally distributed and provide jobs and livelihoods for all.

There is no one better suited to tell the story of buying local than my father, who is a family farmer. He spent his entire life advocating for family farmers everywhere to enable them to sustain a livelihood and stay on the land. Click the video below to hear this heartfelt story.

Post a comment: Do you own a business? Tell us your story. How do you add tender loving care to your products or services? Do you know someone who owns a business and what do they do to treat you well? How do you make an effort to buy locally or from small businesses?

Take action: I challenge you to do what you can to support as many small and local businesses as possible. Skip the chain restaurant and try the new family-owned sandwich shop. Discover local clothing or jewelry designers or artists in your area, and visit their shop or website. Take a break from the grocery store, and buy your produce at a local farmer’s market.

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Remember, it’s the little changes you make in your daily life that brings greater peace to the whole.