FREE Live Workshop and Heart-Led Challenge to:

Turn Your Pain Into Profit

IGNITE YOUR SALES by healing the 3 hidden wounds that block your business growth (without you realizing it)

We all know about the blocks that tell us: “I’m not good enough,” or “I don’t deserve success.”

But did you know there are also HIDDEN blocks that prevent your ideal clients from finding you?

And the worst part??

Two of the three wounds aren’t even coming from you! They are coming from outside forces sabotaging your efforts.

Without recognizing and healing these blocks, we remain UNSEEN by our ideal clients and stalled out on a business plateau.

Do you struggle with:

▶️ wondering whether you’re “good enough” to deserve a thriving, profitable business?

▶️ feeling as though you need to “grind 24/7” to see success – and neglecting your physical, emotional, and spiritual health?

▶️ truly believing in the impact and transformation you create for your clients?

▶️ feeling guilty or ashamed for investing so much time and money into your business and not seeing a real financial return?

▶️ wanting your spiritual gifts to be understood by your soul clients – while being afraid to talk about them openly and proudly online?

Soul-guided entrepreneurs often struggle with deep-seated emotional blocks that limit their growth, lead them to burnout, and hold them back from expressing their unique spiritual gifts – the same gifts that allow them to serve their clients the way that NO ONE else can!

If you relate, then join me for…


This is a FREE master-level live workshop and 3-day heart-led challenge series that will reveal:

3 powerful hidden wounds that keep heart-led entrepreneurs just like you hidden and unseen (without you even realizing it),

✅ how to identify and heal these hidden blocks…for good, and

✅ how transform these wounds into IGNITED sales and increased revenue

By healing these wounds, you’ll unlock the potential for AMAZING growth and balance in your business - and feel more confident as you step authentically into your soul mission!

How it works:

The 3-DAY CHALLENGE will take place September 16, 17, and 18 at 10am EDT in my private Facebook group. The challenges will also be covered during the LIVE WORKSHOP on September 19 at 10am EDT, if you miss them in the group.

Unlock the amazing business growth that you deserve.

Join me September 16-19 to heal the 3 biggest wounds thwarting your business growth, so you can find soul-aligned success with more ease, balance, and confidence.

You’ll be eligible to win a Coaching Soul Seat and a workshop REPLAY will also be available to those who register.

Hope to see you there!

Hi, I’m Allyson Scammell.

I’m a master certified intuitive business coach, expert energy healer, and spiritual mentor to soul-guided high performers, leaders, and entrepreneurs.

My mission is to help bring truth to the planet. As part of that, I am here to mirror your truth back to you so you start to own without a shadow of a doubt that your soul mission really is that BIG, your gifts really are that POWERFUL, and that you really have everything you need to reach the highest vision you have for your life.

Throughout this powerful live workshop and 3-day challenge, I’ll reveal how to identify and heal the three most common and limiting wounds keeping you from the incredible, soul-aligned success you were born to experience. As a special added bonus, you’ll be eligible to win a free energy healing from me!

What People Say…

“I started the year having no idea who I’m here to serve, and I now know my ideal client like the back of my hand. Allyson has helped me to tune in to my own wisdom – the wisdom that doesn’t come from books – and I can’t thank her enough for that.”
Sarah Whiteside
Life, Mindset, and Wellness Coach
“With Allyson’s approach, everything had a spiritual and inner aspect, and that appealed to me. When we started, I had a ton of resistance when it came to goal setting. But after working together and using the spiritual tools Allyson had to offer, she really helped me get through those blocks. That inner and spiritual work contributed so much to my business success. I am calling in clients now and people who really want to work with me. It’s exciting and feels great!”
Nina Berry
Coaching Parent and Mentor
“I'm attracting soul clients of huge value. My energy and happiness level have gone up because I’m not forever chasing and looking for more clients. I don’t have to do that anymore. I’m happier than I've ever been before. This work has brought me back to who I am - who I truly am."
Linda Rountree
Intuitive Transformational Life Coach
“Working with Allyson, I learned to quiet the negativity and listen to my inner knowing. And that put me on the right path energetically to bring in more clients. Right after I connected with my soul client avatar, my ideal clients started showing up with ease and flow. It was as if someone handed me my ideal client on a silver platter. I know now that when the customer is ready for me, then I appear for them. And it will be a more easeful and more beneficial relationship.”
Jayne Forrestt
Founder, The Coral Crab
“Since working with Allyson, business is booming! Incredible clients are showing up out of nowhere and with incredible ease. The barriers Allyson has helped me take down to my natural abundance is incredible and transformative. Even during the early stages of the pandemic, I doubled my business! Before working with Allyson, I was letting setbacks completely derail me. I wanted to be able to trust that the money would come and trust the process. But I felt that if I didn’t over effort, it wouldn’t happen. Now I’m experiencing life’s flow in a completely different way.”
Heather Douglas Mayer
Associate Broker

© Allyson Scammell 2024

Discover simple Everyday Healing Techniques so you can get SEEN by your ideal clients and consistently sell out your offers