Ever Had That ‘Once In a Lifetime Feeling?’ Want to Have It Again?

Have you ever said to yourself, “That felt like a once in a lifetime experience,” and really meant it?

A once in a lifetime experience feels like no other. You’re left in awe knowing that you may never repeat the greatness of what you were just part of.

It’s happened to me a few times, and I’d like to tell you about one of them.

I used to travel to Oberammergau, Germany where NATO has a training facility and teach classes on civil-military interaction during humanitarian crises.

I loved teaching these classes because Oberammergau is located in the Bavarian Alps and looks like the backdrop of a Hans Christian Andersen fairytale. It’s most famous for its once-a-decade Passion Play, which has been performed since 1634.

The last showing of the Passion Play was in 2010, and I happened to be in Oberammergau at that time to teach a class. The normally quiet little village was bustling with people and activities, so I decided to try to get a ticket to the Passion Play to see what the hubbub was all about.

I soon learned that tickets weren’t so easy to come by. Guests staying in my hotel had been on a waiting list for over 12 years, and they still weren’t sure if they had tickets or not. They traveled all the way to Oberammergau from Sweden just in case. When I told them that I was going to try to get a ticket, they literally laughed in my face.

Feeling undeterred, I heard that it was possible to get same-day tickets. The same-day tickets were the odd seats remaining from large group bookings and last minute cancellations. Some days there were several same-day tickets available, and some days there were zero. It was a crapshoot.

The next morning I arrived to the ticket office at 4:00 am, and the line was already 30 people deep. I thought about turning around and going back to bed, but I was determined to get a seat. I ended up waiting in line for eight hours in the freezing cold until the ticket sales started at noon.

I knew at any second we might hear someone yell the German equivalent of, “Sorry folks, it’s sold out,” but the line kept moving, and I kept inching closer to the ticket window. When it was my turn, I purchased the last available ticket that day.

This is also when I learned the Passion Play was performed in an outdoor auditorium and was five hours long. With my hands already raw from the cold, I started to wonder if I had made the right decision.

I went back to my hotel room, put on five extra layers of clothes, and then ventured to the Passion Play auditorium to find that I had an unbelievable seat near the front.

Then, the performance began, and it was otherworldly: the music, the acting, the singing, the set. I was transported back in time 2,000 years. You need not be religious to appreciate this event. To me, it wasn’t a religious experience. It was art in its truest beauty and in its rarest form of magnificence.

In short, I left the five-hour event with that bewildering and enchanting once in a lifetime feeling. I knew as I walked back to my hotel, completely oblivious to the cold temperature, that what I had just experienced was unlikely to occur again in my lifetime.

The reason why I’m telling you this story is because I want to create a once in a lifetime experience for you. 

I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll be hosting the Whispering Wind Buffalo Retreat on Sleepy Hollow family farm in the beautiful and serene prairies of South Dakota.

For years I’ve been called by my higher self to offer this retreat to fellow truth seekers. Sleepy Hollow is the family farm where I grew up. It’s a quiet, serene, and sacred place where you can take a break from the intensity of the modern world

Join me in June 2018 on a 7-day retreat and return to the old ways of living – simple, digitally detoxed, and connected to the land and the animals. In this calm and quiet – free of distractions – you’ll go on a journey of truth to discover your CORE GIFTS and how you want to use them to create magic in your life right now.


» Check your smart phone at the door (at least during the day).

» Tune into nature while learning to wind whisper, or receiving sacred messages from Earth elements.

» Attend an authentic Native American pow wow and other tribal events.

» Experience a buffalo meditation surrounded by a herd whereby you connect to the herd energy.

» Go on a vision quest walk through prairies where there are no people, roads, buildings, or cars – just wind, grass, and prairie animals.

» Participate in powerful group coaching sessions with like-minded travelers.

» Immerse yourself in dancing, drumming, and storytelling by the fire.

I am absolutely committed to creating a once in a lifetime experience for you where you can rediscover why you are here and life’s most profound meanings.

My intention is to offer you an unforgettable, unrepeatable experience that leaves you with a clear vision of where you want to be in 10 years and how you can take action starting today to get there.

All the details can be found here: www.shantipax.com/retreats. If you have any questions at all, please just hit reply. I’d love to hear from you.

To living once in a lifetime, XOXO