#2 – 5 Easy Steps to Let Go of Anger and Forgive

Shanti Pax launched a peace process. This is blog #2 of a 10-blog series called, “The Peace Process: Your 10 Most Powerful Actions for Lasting Peace.” These are the top 10 actions you can take to be AT PEACE during your day and ADD PEACE to the world.

Your 2nd most powerful action is to: Forgive

I live in Belgium, which is a world capital of beer and chocolate and also the sight of many famous 19th and 20th century military battles. But how did Belgium go from generations of embittered battles with its neighbors to the peaceful country of beer and chocolate that it is today? I offer one answer to that question along with 5 easy steps to let go of anger and forgive in the travel vlog below:

For more information about forgiveness, check out my previous blog post about my epiphany with Flat Henry.

What do you think? Has being unable to forgive a person or group of people ever robbed you of peace? What have you done to find forgiveness?

Take action!  I challenge you to forgive a person in your life who has been challenging you, or at least to start the process.

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Remember, it’s the little changes you make in your daily life that brings greater peace to the whole.